Sometimes we escape something that hasn’t altered our lives, like it has affected others. Therefore, we can only relate but never really understand until it’s happened to us. Life is not supposed to end this way, when this kind of evil refuses to die alone. ~ Natalie
The most revealing truth is when Zacarias Moussaoui, a member of al-Qaeda commonly referred to as the “20th Hijacker”, accused members of the Saudi royal family of directly funding the terrorist attack that was planned and executed on 9/11.
Moussaoui made the striking claim that he was tasked to create a digital record of al-Qaeda’s donors by Osama bin Laden and he entered three names; Prince Turki al-Faisal, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan (known as Bandar-Bush) and Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, claiming all were involved in executing 9/11.
Prince Turki al-Faisal was then Saudi Arabia’s Chief of Intelligence. Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, ambassador to the United States and Prince al-Waleed bin Talal is a billionaire investor known to own large stake in News Corp (Fox News) and social media platform Twitter.
Probably the most troubling, and I’m sure noted in the Saudi royal family, is Prince al-Waleed bin Talal was arrested with others for corruption and al-Waleed owns five floors at the Mandalay Bay Hotel where Stephen Paddock was found shot in the face. So many Americans lost their lives that night and all were traumatically affected for the rest of their lives. Of course the Saudi royal family immediately rejected Moussaoui’s accusations claiming he is a convicted terrorist who is mentally unfit to stand trial.
New information has recently been exposed by Judicial Watch regarding the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
On 01/23/2018, newly revealed court documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that as FBI Director, Robert Mueller was involved in releasing deceptive agency statements to cover up a connection between the Saudi Arabs Abdulaziz and Anoud al-Hijji and the 9/11 hijacker terrorists.
Mueller as FBI Director and the Bush administration knew what was going down and no one stepped up to prevent 9/11. Instead, Mueller chose to deceptively hide information to protect George W Bush and his administration. The statements were tailored to discredit a 2011 story exposing an FBI investigation into the the Saudi Arabs living in Sarasota, Fla. The investigation was also withheld from Congress according to Judicial Watch.
The FBI investigation into the Saudis came when news stories found that they had abruptly left the country two weeks before 9/11, reportedly leaving behind their cars, furniture, clothes, and other personal items.
Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller also worked with radical Islamist groups to purge anti-terrorism training material offensive to Muslims:
Judicial Watch exclusively obtained droves of records back in 2013 documenting how, under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI purged all anti-terrorism training material deemed “offensive” to Muslims after secret meetings between Islamic organizations and the FBI Director. Judicial Watch had to sue to get the records and published an in-depth report on the scandal in 2013 and a lengthier, updated follow-up in 2015.
Then FBI Director Robert Mueller bent over backwards to please radical Islamist groups and caved into their demands. The agency eliminated the valuable anti-terrorism training material and curricula after Mueller met with various Islamist organizations, including those with documented ties to terrorism.
Among them were two organizations; Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) named by the U.S. government as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case. CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. Obstruction of Justice committed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
This is so incriminating. At the bare minimum, this is obstruction of justice. Mueller was protecting George W Bush and his administration, who knew 9/11 was going to happen in months and weeks before 9/11. George W Bush and his administration should be in prison. All 9/11 victim’s families should sue George W Bush, the federal government and Saudi Arabia for a terrible injustice because of George W Bush’s homosexual ties and involvement with Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia. Below are pictures of George W Bush and the Saudi King.
One of the iconic photos from the Presidency of George W Bush shows “Dubya” (Many stemmed woody plant from Bush, Thicket) at his Texas ranch, holding hands and kissing the Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. The image encapsulates the West’s longstanding relationship with the Saudi Arabian regime.
Watch George W Bush’s face when White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispers into his ear visiting an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida on 9/11. Remember Robert Mueller, former FBI Director under Bush helped the two Saudi’s escape Sarasota, Florida two weeks prior to 9/11. Makes you wonder the coincidence of Bush visiting an “Elementary School” in Sarasota, FL at that critical hour.
Though the recently filed court documents reveal Mueller received a briefing about the Sarasota Saudi investigation, the FBI continued to publicly deny it existed and it appears that the lies were approved by Mueller.
Judicial Watch wrote. “Not surprisingly, he didn’t respond to questions about this new discovery emailed to his office by the news organization that uncovered it.”
Some Republicans and supporters of President Donald Trump have been clamoring for him to fire Mueller in recent months as they perceive Mueller’s credibility to be waning and corrupted.
Tom Fitton said, “If I were the Attorney General I would ask The US Marshalls to secure the DOJ, State Dept and especially FBI records, documents, text messages and classified information.” But still no action except for obstruction of justice from Department of Justice. No justice here folks.
The 9/11 terrorists attacks were pivotal and were horrific experiences that would change everyone’s lives forever but no less than those who lost a loved one in this gruesome terrorist attacks. After 9/11, radical Islamic Jihadist terrorists would consume the world and spread like wildfire with only the demons inside them to commit the most horrific catastrophic precipice.
It took too long for the “28 pages” of a the Congressional report to finally be released to the public. And especially to the families who lost a loved one in these unprecedented terrorist attacks that brought down the twin towers in New York City, hit the Pentagon and another plane with passengers who fought for their lives before they crashed onto a green field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The ’28 Pages” supposedly included a comprehensive investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
What is disclosed and important in the “28 Pages” is that there is a definite link between 9/11 and Saudi Arabia. Is it the last missing piece in the puzzle of the worst terrorist attacks in American history?
In 2002, six months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the United States captured Al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah in Pakistan. Zubaydah was suspected of being a senior member of the group and a plotter in the 9/11 attacks. Abu Zubaydah, a Saudi Arabian citizen, was the first suspect who was officially subjected to the “enhanced interrogation techniques” approved by George W. Bush. They also found disturbing clues and phone numbers linked to the United States and a member of Osama bin Laden’s inner circle.
Most importantly 15 years later, the “28 pages” revealed a link previously hidden from the American public between the alleged al Queada operative Zubaydah and a company associated with a key member from the Saudi royal family, former Saudi Ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar Bin Sultan.
Out of the 19 men involved in 9/11 terrorist attacks; 15 were Saudi nationals. Speculation was brewing in the background of the minds of families for their loved ones who were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It has been quite a cross to bear remaining in the dark all these years. The alleged association between Bandar-Bush (Prince Bandar Bin Sultan) has now been revealed in the declassified pages. Everything that was disclosed in the “28 pages” declassified report still points to a troubling connection between top Saudi officials and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, despite the rogue law enforcement agencies like the FBI and CIA who now answer to no one.
“The FBI investigated the phone numbers indirectly linked to Bandar-Bush in the summer and fall of 2002. A CIA-FBI investigation concluded in 2005 that there was ‘no evidence’ that either the Saudi government or a member of the Saudi royal family knowingly provided support’ for the September 11 attacks or ‘had foreknowledge of terrorist operations in the kingdom or elsewhere,’ according to an executive summary of the findings released in the ’28 pages'”.
“The FBI would not comment for this story concerning those investigations.”
However, the 9/11 Commission report and the joint agency memo only offer BLANKET ABSOLUTION of official Saudi involvement and DO NOT reference the questions detailed in the 28 pages surrounding the phone numbers that indirectly link Bandar-Bush to al Qaeda.
The 28 pages also raised questions about another possible link between Bandar-Bush and the attacks. The prince’s relationship with a Saudi national named Osama Bassnan, who was living in the United States on 9/11 and was investigated to determine if he helped two of the 9/11 hijackers. The declassified pages reveal previously undisclosed amounts of money that Bandar-Bush and his wife sent to the man’s family. Another obvious link!
Osama Bassnan, a Saudi Arabian citizen and a former employee of the Saudi government’s Educational Mission in Washington, DC was living in the US on 9/11. According to the 9/11 Commission document, information was obtained by the FBI that Osama Bassnan lived across the street from two of the 9/11 hijackers in San Diego. Nawaf al Hazmi and Khalid al Mihdhar. Hazmi and Mihdhar were on the plane that crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
Omar al-Bayoumi is a Saudi national who allegedly befriended two of the 9/11 hijackers in the United States. Saudi Arabia firmly denies and maintains that al-Bayoumi is not an agent of theirs. Al-Bayoumi was listed before 9/11 in the FBI files as being a Saudi agent. Al-Bayoumi had been an accountant at the Saudi Civil Aviation Administration from 1976 to 1993, when he relocated to the United States. According to FBI, al-Bayoumi was in frequent contact with the Emir at the Saudi Ministry of Defense, responsible for air traffic control. The FBI has also located records indicating that al-Bayoumi received $20,000 from the Saudi Ministry of Finance at one point. When al-Bayoumi applied to schools in the United States in 1998, he had a letter from the Saudi Embassy, which stated that he was getting a full scholarship from the Government of Saudi Arabia. While in San Diego, al-Bayoumi was receiving money from the Saudi Ministry of Defense through a Saudi company called “Ercan”. The FBI claimed the company name was redacted after September 11, 2001 on that classified document. Al-Bayoumi did receive a monthly salary and allowances from this company.
And according to the same 9/11 Commission document, Osama Bassnan admitted to an FBI agent that he met Hazmi and Mihdhar while the hijackers were in San Diego, then denied this in a subsequent conversation. Basically lying. There was some evidence that Osama Bassnan may have had closer ties to the hijackers, though the FBI very conveniently was not able to corroborate this information because they were too busy trying to help the other two Saudi Arabian nationals escape Sarasota, Florida two weeks before 9/11.
Osama Bassnan’s wife, meanwhile, received tens of thousands of dollars in monthly stipends from a Saudi charity run by Bandar-Bush’s wife, Princess Haifa al-Faisal. Osama Bassnan’s wife was allegedly receiving the money as an allowance for “nursing services,” according to the 28 pages. The inquiry indicated it doubted that was what the payments were really for (I’m sure). Though Osama Bassnan repeatedly spoke of his wife’s “health problems” during interviews with FBI investigators.
During a search, the “28 Pages” stated that at the Bassnan residence, the FBI found copies of 31 cashiers checks totaling $74,000, during the period of February 22, 1999 through May 30, 2002.
AND according to an FBI document, it cited in the “28 Pages”, on at least one occasion, Bassnan received a check for $15,000 directly from Bandar-Bush’s account. Bassnan’s wife also received at least one check directly from Bandar-Bush himself.
Senator Bob Graham, Co-Chairman of the Congressional Commission compiled the 28 pages said, “the indirect connection to the respected former Saudi ambassador was “one of the most stunning parts of the investigation” and worthy of pursuing further.” Really?
Bandar-Bush was the Saudi ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005, during the Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. He later served as secretary general of Saudi Arabia’s National Security Council and head of Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency, the equivalent of the CIA.
Former CIA analyst Bruce Riedel said, “Bandar-Bush” is probably the most effective ambassador in Washington, DC and he was highly regarded by every President.” I’m sure! Bandar-Bush knew all of George W Bush’s deep secrets.
The key Saudi royal figure Bandar-Bush was known to have the closest relationship with George H. W. Bush, because of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in the 1990 Gulf War. Remember this, “Saudi Arabia viewed the Iraqi aggression as a threat and supported the subsequent US military action.” Then and when George W Bush decided to invade Iraq for the second time using this invasion as an excuse that there were “Weapons of Mass Destruction”.
It was open knowledge at the White House that Bandar was in the Bush White House every other day and in some periods every day. It was a very, very close relationship,” said Riedel. “And I think the President and Bandar-Bush genuinely liked each other.” Of course, they were connected to the Saudi Arabian royal family and the oil that made the Bush family extremely wealthy.
The so-called 28 pages were the only part of the initial Congressional investigation into the September 11 attacks. Officially, named the Joint Inquiry since both chambers participated. That fact had not been made public before their declassification in July.
Numbering 28 pages, they detail a web of Saudi nationals living in the United States who may have aided the 9/11 hijackers. The George W. Bush administration deemed their publication a threat to national security (well a threat to him and his administration and Bandar-Bush) and kept them confidential. The Obama administration continued to do this as well because Obama and George W Bush were always on the same team despite a minor difference of political affiliations. But after continuous pressure, the Obama administration finally agreed to make the pages public last month.
Sarasota area Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan says that the U.S. should “never buckle to the threats of a foreign government,” and that’s why he supports legislation that aims to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for any involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks and there certainly was more than involvement.
Now we know why the missing 28 pages on 9/11 were kept under lock and key for 15 years: They show the hijackers got help across America from Saudi diplomats and spies in the run-up to the attacks. Because of the coverup, a Saudi terror support network may still be in place inside the United States.
A CIA memorandum dated July 2, 2002, stated unequivocally that the connections found between the hijackers, the Saudi embassy in Washington and Saudi consulate in Los Angeles are “incontrovertible evidence that there is support for these terrorists within the Saudi government.”
“Numerous” FBI files also fingered two Saudi government employees who assisted the 9/11 hijackers as “Saudi intelligence officers,” the newly declassified documents reveal.
Though much is still redacted, they also show the Saudi government’s ties to the hijackers and other al Qaeda suspects were so extensive that the FBI’s Washington field office created a special squad to investigate the Saudi angle.
But this special focus on Saudi Arabia occurred belatedly, only after the 9/11 attacks, “due to Saudi Arabia’s status as an American ‘ally.’ ” Astoundingly, investigative resources were not dedicated to Saudi involvement in financing and supporting terrorism prior to 9/11.
The explosive information was locked up in a top-secret, highly secured room in the basement of the US Capitol for the past 15 years, ostensibly to protect the Kingdom from embarrassment. (The Post helped get the declassification ball rolling with the December 2013 piece, “Inside the Saudi 9/11 coverup.”)
That means for 15 years, 9/11 victims and their families have been denied by their own government critical evidence they’ve sought to sue the Saudi government for responsibility in the death of their loved ones.
It also means Washington has misled the American people about foreign sponsorship of 9/11. For 15 years, we’ve been told that al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors. We were led to believe that 15 Saudi nationals who barely spoke English received no help while in America; that they operated in isolation, like visitors from outer space.
It was all a monstrous lie.
FBI files show Saudi agent Omar al-Bayoumi provided “substantial assistance” to Saudi hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi after they arrived in San Diego in February 2000. Hazmi was the leader of the cell that attacked the Pentagon, while Mihdhar was one of that cell’s muscle hijackers. The two even stayed at Bayoumi’s apartment, working out in his gym.
At the same time he was aiding the hijackers, Bayoumi was getting large salary increases from a Saudi defense front company tied to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, where he worked as a ghost employee. Another alleged Saudi intelligence officer who handled the hijackers, Osama Bassnan, worked closely with Bayoumi.
According to a CIA memo, cited by the now-uncensored 28-page section of the 9/11 report, “Bassnan reportedly received funding and possibly a fake passport from Saudi government officials.”
More alarming, “he and his wife have received financial support from the Saudi ambassador to the United States and his wife.” That would be Prince Bandar, who was promoted to Saudi intelligence minister after 9/11.
The same report says Bassnan, described as a “supporter of Osama bin Laden,” also got “a significant amount of cash” from another “member of the Saudi Royal Family.”
FBI documents and a CIA memo further indicate that the hijackers had contact with Shayk Fahad al-Thumairy, then a Saudi consular official in Los Angeles. Records show the accredited Saudi diplomat had dozens of phone conversations and at least one meeting with Bayoumi in advance of the hijackers’ arrival.
But wait, the Saudi-9/11 conspiracy gets even worse.
A Saudi interior ministry official stayed at the same hotel in Herndon, Va., with Hazmi and other Pentagon cell hijackers on the night before they hijacked the plane that departed that fateful Sept. 11, 2001, morning from nearby Dulles airport. FBI agents felt Saleh al-Hussayen lied about not meeting with or even knowing the hijackers, but when they tried to re-interview him, it was too late — he had been spirited out of the country along with dozens of other Saudi VIP suspects at Bandar’s request, and with the White House’s permission.
Speaking of Bandar, it turns out that an unlisted phone number connected to the good prince’s Aspen chalet was found in the phone book of senior al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaida when he was captured in Pakistan in 2002. Zubaida also just happened to have a contact number for Bandar’s bodyguard at the Saudi Embassy.
Mind you, these stomach-turning revelations are gleaned from merely summaries of FBI case files and CIA memos. There is much rawer intel that remains classified about the Saudi government’s role in 9/11.
The treachery may still be worse than we know. And it may be ongoing. As the 28 pages warn: “Saudi government officials in the United States may have other ties to al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.”
Sperry is author of “INFILTRATION: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington,” which exposes the Saudi terror support network in America.
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