What Remains To Be Said Part II
As the crimson velvet curtains started to rise the audience lowered their conversations. Entering stage right was the maestro in black tuxedo with tails. His hair completely white almost to his shoulders, there was a shiny bald spot at the top. He walks to the center, his eyes open wide with intensity, completely stone faced, he stares at the audience for at least ten seconds. Starting from right to left, he makes eye contact with those who catch his attention, then he breaks into a smile and bows down. The audience is clapping; overjoyed. He turns his back to the audience and opens his arms slowly extending his large hands like a black butterfly. It was a waltz between the violins and the piano, the maestro closes his eyes feeling the the tempo and melody in his entire body; it is simply perfect and mellifluous. The performance now recorded I am presently listening to as I write….please click here to continue All Eight Parts are under the Category “The Present”, please I encourage you to leave a comment…it brightens my day. Thank you for reading at