Poetry for the soul and mind ~ Natalie ~ 1806 Hits
Lifting my bare arms
Taking one breath
Between you & I
I see our shadow
Of eloquent passion
In that one night
Wish me so
As I have wished
A thousand times
~ Natalie
The nexus
Between the feeling
Of most alive
And what was promised
Is a day long past gone
And I yearn
Remaining in the past
Of our embrace
Just as you
Pictured her
Under Candle Dim Light
Her soft warm body
To Curl up to
With only one breath
Between you and her
Whispering her name
Magniloquent – expressed in a grandiose style
Whigmaleerie – a whimsical fanciful contrivance
Lief – Gladly willingly
My days of fawning
Are all behind me
I write of those
With a Magniloquent style
I would lief to play the part
My whigmaleerie is just that
And I remain
My explanation
For me being me
Has the tiniest hint
Of an extraordinary passion
I didn’t pretend
To be anything less
In your vision of me
And now your reality
How could I not love you my Bobo
Am I desired
He who knows
This side of me
After all I am
Extraordinarily Real
I have my good days
Where my imagination
Runs wild
Am I desired?
Zeitgeist – the spirit of the time
Rife – abundant, plentiful
Shh! listen
The heart never grows old
The mind holds
The memory of many
Poets and authors
Always among
The first
To feel the Zeitgeist
A time that transcends
Into remembrance
The rife of mind and heart