It’s not only about creating more jobs but it’s the understanding & achievement we need 2 trust gov’t 2 govern this country effectively.
— @natsnews (@natsallnews) October 29, 2018
Sometimes the very truth only comes from the shock of witnessing something diabolical. ~ Natalie
There he is the former President feeling cocky and sure of himself; asking his crowd of supporters, “So how is that they clean things up? Nobody in my administration got indicted!” Many American taxpayers are now witnessing his unscrupulous machiavellian performance while he inadvertently admits to his very corrupted Presidency.
If former President Obama were innocent of committing very serious crimes against the Constitution and federal laws he wouldn’t have to ask the question much less entertain it. As another concerned American taxpayer said, “A telling statement is his subconscious admittance about his administration committing crimes; otherwise, why would any President pursue a subject of indictments not remotely related to his administration or those in it.”
No, nobody has been indicted and unfortunately for most us as American taxpayers we’re still in danger because the former President and his administration have already demonstrated they will not stop at anything to win and maintain their criminal power through pathological greed and sexual/relational perversion in pursuit of their power.
I have written extensively regarding all the criminal scandals under the former President’s administration in my article titled List of Corruption but I encourage you to finish reading this article; it’s well worth the read.
Did I want to write this information? No, I didn’t. This started when the New York Times exposed Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email server on March 31, 2016. I assumed that maybe 1 or 2 classified emails was sent to the wrong person by mistake. As she called it, “It was a mistake”. No, this exposure of the Deep State criminal corruption in our country went much much deeper than our imaginations could have even entertained the crimes these people committed.
Obama is one of the most duplicitous Presidents in American history. He committed multiple crimes against federal laws, American taxpayers and even innocent children. He and Hillary were running a criminal enterprise syndicate for at least 8 years.
When the Wikileaks emails continued to leak, I witnessed some extremely disturbing emails and I was dumbfounded because I asked myself, “Why would Obama pay $65,000 for hot dogs?” It occurred to me that didn’t make any sense until I dug deeper like many on social media trying to make sense of these people’s criminal behavior. There was this email that I read:
Horribly disturbing. As a result I wrote the article Child Trafficking and Pedophilia in the US; now a worldwide epidemic.
Today, we’re approaching November 6, 2018, the midterm elections. There is a migrant caravan of people from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil and others from Central and South American countries numbering 7,000 or more. President Trump has called upon the military to secure our borders and prevent these people from coming into the United States illegally. General Terrence O’Shaughnessy said, “By the end of this week we will deploy over 5,200 soldiers to the southwest border.”
The Democrats are elected political officials of the Deep State that continue to push a dangerous radical agenda on this country to allow all illegal immigrants into this country for illegal voting purposes and child trafficking and who have not faced a jury to indict them. We’re waiting on Congress and the President to set the example that no one who committed these crimes should be free to continue to hurt American taxpayers and innocent children.
There are a number of issues regarding the migrant caravan headed our way. There are lots of pictures and the news media has interviewed some of the men in this caravan. What we see is probably 98% of the people are young men who obviously don’t have a job and may very well be more illegal criminal immigrants trying to force their way into this country adding to the rest that are here today; most in sanctuary cities.
The Democrats want to allow this unruly mob into our country.
We do not.
Will you join me in voting Red?
RT if yes! #JobsNotMobs— Patriot Gary (@Golfinggary5222) October 20, 2018
The other threat is the diseases that these people can bring into this country. Some of these children have not been immunized. There’s measles, smallpox, adenovirus that can cause respiratory diseases especially for children with already compromised immune systems. Some of the adults are contending with illnesses like Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, HIV, etc. Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday asked Secretary Nielson of DHS, “Can you prove babies in caravan threaten national security?” My research indicated that there are exotic diseases and increasing antibiotic resistance to 14,000 unknown in the invasion caravan that could pose a potential national health threat. This would add to the homeless problem of 58,000 in California alone; those in downtown LA on Skid row. We have a real problem that has morphed into the current circumstances and is a part of the US economy. There are many American citizens and veterans who are homeless. Who have nothing to turn to except to share a lonely dangerous dark street filled with diseases, drugs, rodents and no money among the millionaires and billionaires in this country.
Many have suspected that the migrant caravan that appeared out of nowhere getting closer to the midterm elections was funded by the phantom philanthropist billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. There was an article on social media that verified our suspicions in addition to Pueblo Sin Fronteras, People Without Borders of La Familia Latina Unida in Chicago Illinois based on 501(c)(4) Illegal Immigration Advocacy and CARA, a coalition by the MacArthur Foundation and Ford Foundation Carnegie Corporation in New York.
Then we still have to contend with mainstream media like the NY Times publishing short stories which envisioned the assassination of President Trump. Deeply disturbing. It has occurred to most of us, “Why hasn’t there been a full investigation regarding Obama and Hillary’s criminal scandals?” Why hasn’t mainstream media like ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN reported this corruption to the American people? Mainstream media has a responsibility to Americans to report to us when and why we are in danger.
Read a detailed account in the List of Corruption.