Title: To Arthur My Father. A picture of me at fourteen, Sweetheart Queen. ~ Natalie
André Gagnon – Cantilène by Safena on #SoundCloud
Quiet in her corner she remained for the longest time. Only after her assistant left would she come out to wander in this huge estate that belonged to her family.
She studied the collectibles, the painting she touched with her hands, reminding her of her mothers. She opened the letter her father had written to her.
Dear Natalie, Here is all the paper work and a catalog with each piece, their names, the year and the general value.
I won’t assume that you should keep all of it. It’s up to you my dear girl. Of course, an appraisal wouldn’t hurt.
Don’t worry. Your mother and I will be just fine. Enjoy your life my dear girl. Go to see those places we talked about and write about them.
“Oh father how I miss you so.”
At least that’s how I imagined it would be when I was finally told the truth. But you walked that night in the freezing cold, in the snow knee high. They found you half frozen and maybe in the same day when you breathed your last breath I was told about you father, at thirteen. To Arthur, my father.
~ Natalie
That’s very sad and touching Natalie
Thank you Donald. But I’m happy for today and especially that I gave my real father a tribute to his life. ~ Natalie