From and the American People July 14, 2022
We must start from a place of truth to understand what was premeditatedly done to the American people.
The shots/jabs are experimental genetic DNA altering shots that are meant for you to get COVID through the dangerous spike protein making you contagious. The government deceptively called these shots “vaccines” COVID-19 & vaccines are a national security hit meant to hurt & kill millions and we were never going to be protected by the federal government who implemented this diabolical sinister plan.
Through the shot/jab, the spike protein goes after women’s ovaries. Pregnant women’s babies start disintegrating in the mother’s womb after the jab before that the pregnancies were healthy. It also does great damage to the heart in young teens with myocarditis & pericarditis.
The cytokine storm numbers are very high for those affected by one of the thousands of adverse events still not thoroughly discovered and named affecting millions of people. CDC and VAERS is utterly useless.
That’s why anything and I mean everything Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson put out is not safe to take! These criminals can never be trusted.
On 5/25/22, the CDC released new data showing a total of 1,103,893 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines administered between 12/14/20 & 02/04/22, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events. This fact dramatically changes the numbers associated with the COVID-19 virus significantly. The report on real adverse events would reflect in the millions, to be 110,389,300. Deaths reported 23,615; the actual number would be 2,361,500, the majority were mostly healthy PEOPLE now dead after the jab.
It was reported 188,135 serious injuries. The actual number would be in the millions closer to 18,813,500 PEOPLE LIVING WITH SERIOUS INJURIES, disabled, living a nightmare compared to when they were healthy individuals going about their normal days.
On June 18, 2021, it was reported that a 150,000 deaths had been erased from the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It’s now July 14, 2022, one year later, and suffice to say millions more records of Americans who either died or suffered a multitude of disabling adverse events, paralyzing their once normal healthy lives with debilitating adverse effects are now part of the hidden evidence to continue this demonic charade still trying to jab as many more people they can get their hands on.
Those who were involved in this sinister plot are guilty of malfeasance, hurting and murder millions. Dr Yeadon said, “People who pushed the Idea of Universal Vaccination are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.’”
🚨🚨🚨 First Look at Newly Released Pfizer Docs Part 1: Case Report Errors and Anomalies
Doctors Report Coronavirus Complication: Dangerous Blood Clots
🚨🚨🚨 Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA
🚨🚨🚨Update: Proof CDC is Lying to the Country re: COVID Vaccine Safety Video
🚨🚨🚨 mRNA COVID Vaccine Caused In Vitro Brain Cell Changes “Similar to Those in Cancer Cells”
The following is a presentation that shows the erasing of death records from the VAERS database.
🚨🚨🚨A 150,000 Vaccine Deaths Erased In VAERS by CDC – VIDEOS