A Mainstream Academic Research Superstar Starts to Question Things
TrialSite Staff July 2021
Recently, Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey Business School, and also Editor-in-Chief at MEDPAGETODAY®, wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) calling out the society-wide push by the nation’s government agencies, academic medical centers, industry, and great majority of mass media to vaccinate all children as a concerted effort to save lives. It turns out, writes Makary, that based on data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the total number of children under 18 that have died with a COVID-19 diagnostic code associated with their record comes out to 335. Makary shares that despite the fact that the CDC employs 21,000 people, no one there has systematically investigated the cause of each child’s death, in an effort to determine if COVID was actually involved or if the death was the result of a preexisting condition. But, the Johns Hopkins professor asks, how could the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices conclude back in May that “the benefits of two-dose vaccination outweigh the risks for all kids 12 to 15”? Unless they have come to a prerequisite solution that’s overwhelmingly detached from reality, what data drove their conclusion?
Professor Makary has already published one public piece about the CDC. Just last month, he suggested that the CDC could be sitting on troves of data in a bid to support their mass vaccination narrative. But why would this be the case? Who went ahead and decided this would be the approach without probing the actual underlying data on deaths of children?
The FAIR Health Study
In his recent opinion piece, Professor Makary reports on a study he and his team conducted at Johns Hopkins in collaboration with FAIR Health, a nonprofit organization. They analyzed about 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with COVID-19 in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
No Children have Died in U.S. without Pre-existing Conditions
The results were telling: “a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.” Imagine what the implications are for healthy kids here?
Correct Data
Makary reminds us that researchers to regulators to public health officials must be working with the right data. Such data is certainly required before organizations, such as the National Education Association, make decisions about COVID-19 vaccination requirements before kids return to school. The true risk associated with this group must be understood, as recently covered by TrialSite.
What is going on?
Makary represents a crack in the proverbial dike associated with the mass vaccination program now underway in the United States. Makary suggests the CDC:
“may also be under capturing data on vaccine complications. The CDC risk-benefit analysis for vaccinating all children used rates of complications extrapolated from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database known as VAERS, which contains raw, self-reported data that is unverified and likely underreports adverse events.”
TrialSite has reported that some analysts who searched the VAERS database find, overall, about 6,000 deaths associated with the vaccine. However, just because a death is reported, doesn’t mean it’s associated with the COVID-19 jab. But in this case, the government vows none of the deaths are associated with the vaccines, even though a sizable percentage of reported deaths occurred within the first 36 hours of receiving the vaccine.
Recommendations et al.
Makary goes on to make some good recommendations, such as to study the UK where, at least according to one study, one dose of an mRNA-based vaccine was sufficient. TrialSite has made this case as well. Other more controversial suggestions indicate the need for early COVID-19 treatment, especially since not all people will opt for vaccines, which is not a crime.
Groupthink and political tribalism permeate today’s society, and unfortunately, the political party now in power appears to be using the pandemic as a political weapon, attacking those that aren’t vaccinated with accusations of “killing people.” Of course, the other side has wielded the pandemic as a political weapon for other reasons unrelated to vaccination. This is a pandemic of politics as much as it is a fight against a dangerous virus. The groupthink, tribalism, and dialogue around vaccination can lead to dangerous times, ones where societal pressures to shame the unvaccinated will only backfire to the detriment of everyone. Sound, rational, brave, and balanced leadership needs to emerge. In the world of academic medical centers, Professor Makary is one of those leaders.
Call to Action: Check out Professor Makary’s article in the WSJ.