John Kasich, governor of Ohio and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, pauses during a U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce interview at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015. Kasich in Sept. hired Cory Crowley, a former aide to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, to be his state director, and state Representative Mary Ann Hanusa, who worked for former President George W. Bush, as his state chairwoman. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
NewsJustIn Kasich Quits: The last competitive candidate for the Republic party was John Kasich. He did give us his very best and along his journey of campaigning to the United States people he made his mark. He was passionate and very professional and sensible in the arena of a fired campaign process. But he may prove to be more than helpful in this story that will continue to be a drag out fight should Mrs. Hillary Clinton win for the Democratic party.
There is still hope that Bernie Sanders will remain in the campaign as he predicts a contested convention for the Democratic party. We all assumed and were preparing ourselves for a contested convention for the Republican party, but Fate’s Irony may have it’s last word and we may just go to a contested convention for the Democratic party. It was CHARGE to the last delegate in the Republican campaign race and the people voted for Mr. Donald Trump, as it should be, the people decided, not the unbound delegates.
Word of Advice: Prepare yourselves Super Delegates you may decide on our history only in America.
John Kasich To Drop Out Of 2016 Republican Presidential Race: Reports
KeepingUInformed, BridgingTheGap, NewsJustIn @Natalie Keshing