Hannity: A Message for the Elected Swamp Creatures and Biden Sycophants
From Hannity.com Posted by Sean Hannity’s Staff January 5, 2022
Natalie’s Message and Commentary: Biden said, “No” to provide testing for every American because if Americans could test themselves and the result was negative they would be less likely to take the experimental genetic therapeutic shots; they are not vaccines. They never prevented anyone from getting COVID of any variant.
The scientists have already stated a person who is vaccinated is more likely to spread the virus because they have the live virus, the spike proteins, becoming contagious. The more people that get vaccinated the more the spread.
Omicron is a considerably weaker virus than COVID Delta. Therefore we might attain herd immunity quicker if China doesn’t attack the world’s national security again with a bio weapon warfare. ~ Natalie
Hannity has an important message for the elected swamp creatures, media mob, and Biden sycophants: “You’re all enablers of failure.”
“You say nothing, you do nothing as Joe Biden completely mismanages COVID-19. You’re supposed to be public servants, right? You’re elected to be a public servant…serve your constituents who now two years into the pandemic over the Christmas holiday most Americans can’t find a COVID test or get one or they have to wait for hours. That is inexcusable. You’re putting petty, partisan politics over the right of any American at this late date to have testing on demand.”
“You know what that makes you? You’re all enablers of failure. Would you give Donald Trump a pass like that? Never.”
“How about for once, you stand up for the American people and what is right and that would be testing on demand, therapeutics on demand, antivirals on demand —it’s not that complicated.”
Watch the full clip to see Sean really unload on the people protecting Biden.