It was said the Prince traveled quite the distance to purchase her.
To bring her back to the Palace.
She was a magnificent horse.
That night after their personal dinner prepared for them he stood wiping his face with his napkin, tall and handsome he took her hand and said, “I have a present for you.” said the Prince. The night couldn’t have been more perfect.
As they both looked up to the midnight blue sky.
All the stars were aligned on this perfect night.
They walked to the stables and there she was.
A magnificent animal.
The handler brought her out of the stable.
And she was speechless looking deep into his eyes.
She was completely over joyed and she looked at him with love in her beautiful eyes.
Looking down deep into his soul.
She walked up to the horse and brushed her cheek up against her horses head.
The next morning she woke up early.
She asked for the handler to take her out of her stable and put her into the horse trailer.
The Prince asked her “Where are you going my love?”
“You’ll see” she said
Getting into the truck as they drove off.
The Prince quickly got into his vehicle and drove behind them.
They went to area with opaque white soft sand where he had proposed to her.
She went to the trailer and opened the door.
And she said to her horse.
“Come out and play beautiful one.”
The horse moved her head up and down and then she trotted down the ramp her hooves making that familiar sound.
On the soft white sand the horse danced.
The Prince asked his bride to be. “What was your intention?”
She replied, “I wanted her to know that I would respect her freedom and beauty, perhaps as you respect mine.” Looking deeply into his eyes.
Now with his arms around her waist and her arms around his shoulders with a soft perfect kiss he asked, “What will you name her my love?”
She replied, “Alrruh alhurr” “Free Spirit”
Later in the day his bride to be
Rode her horse
And all was meant to be…
©Natalie Keshing
I 100% respect you and your freedom, in fact I advocate it. It’s the long tail I have an issue with.
Lol Lol HaHa you are so wise and a great writer and great commentator and friend. Thank you Robert…