Recently Dr. Pierre Kory shared on his Twitter feed that a sizeable health system with about twenty (20) hospitals issued a directive to thousands of physicians instructing them how to practice medicine. Put another way, the “practice of medicine” is now prohibited for doctors working in health systems, such as the one referred to herein. The hospital administration instructs the doctors what they can and what they cannot use for COVID-19 patients.
Doctors Have No Say Anymore—Hospital Administration Decide What to Prescribe & Rest Assured They Align with Feds
From TrialSite Staff October 8, 2021
What are Doctors Allowed to use?
Not surprisingly, the health system instructs doctors to use Remdesivir (Veklury) even though the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the drug brings no clinical value. They, of course, include some limitations with Remdesivir as they associate with Tocilizumab (Actemra), the Roche drug with real questionable benefits based on several clinical trials. They base the allowance for this drug on two studies, including RECOVERY and REMAP-CAP. Also on the list are corticosteroids such as Dexamethasone, and for non-critically ill patients, the use of therapeutic anticoagulation will be tolerated.
What is banned from doctors?
Not surprisingly, ivermectin is off the list. And so fluvoxamine even though the Together study shows some benefit. Doctors don’t think about using bicalutamide, etoposide, dutasteride, and finasteride despite the numerous studies showing large reductions in hospitalization and death when patients are treated with anti-androgen therapies” (large DB MC RCT’s show this!!) Before the federal takeover of medicine, physicians could prescribe these drugs off-label depending on the situation using their good judgment with patient consent.
Now, they are banned from using these drugs in this new world order unless they are part of a clinical trial. Welcome to the new world order, physicians. TrialSite suggests that while a small minority of doctors have spoken up against this travesty, a majority of them pick job security over freedom, comfort over patient life, and convenience over what is now a compelling need for a conviction to fight what are incredibly dark forces bellowing through medicine.
TrialSite obtained the memorandum in question, and sure enough, the doctors have absolutely no say anymore. The health system has been identified and recorded for future reference. As Kory announced in this tweet, “Hey patients: next time you get sick, stat page a hospital administrator, I’m sure it’ll be fine. WTF.”
If you can, please kindly release the name and location of this hospital group so patients can avoid them or even better—file complaints and challenge them in a court of law!
This is going on in the UK, France, Germany, Austria, etc as well. And also the career coercion to not report severe adverse event or even deaths in otherwise healthy persons suspected to be from the injection. In fact there is much worse news from some ethical physicians who formed an Independent health institute in Germany and did (otherwise not permitted) autopsies of vaccinated, coordinated with other doctors to examine vials of product and blood samples of vaccinated. Unfortunately, this otherwise excellent site did not present their extraordinary findings in the article that was done on it (Oct 5: German Press Conference on Post Vaccine Deaths Censored), thus censoring it further.
As the TSN article makes clear, the Sept 20th German pathology press conference (and histology slides ) was censored by the media.
How very disconcerting then to read TSN’s article, which effectively disappeared their extraordinary findings altogether, with a “nothing to see here” approach that failed to present any of the key points they presented. Namely:
1) Their independent pathology study is in follow up to Dr. Schirmacher’s (Dir Pathology Institute,U. Heidelberg) August report of autopsies of 40 vaccinated individuals who died within 14 days of innoculation, where he estimated 30-40% died of vaccine impacts
2) Dr. Burkhardt and Dr. Lang’s results of 10 autopsies of deceased vaccinated individuals: Very probable vaccine connection in 5 (50%) , probable in 2 (20%) , unclear in 1, coincidental in 1, not established in 1.
3) Their completed electron microscope histology findings for 8 of the 10:
a) Diffuse alveolitis, proliferation of lymphocytes, endocarditis, perivasculitis, vasculitis, changes in endothelium, detachment of endo.cells in nearly all cases, erythrocyte clumping and vein inflammation/ thrombosis, vasculitis and perivasculitis (of) all organs , leukocytic vasculitis of the skin w bleeding (usually very rare).
b)Autoimmune phenomena: clumping erythrocytes, overshooting immune reaction, loss of immune capacity, lymphocyte tissue destruction, stalk depletion, Sjogrens & Hashimotos autoimmune disease seen in 2 of 10, when incidence is normally 1 in 100,000.
c)The predominant finding: “Lymphocyte- Amok”: “Lymphocyte-predominant tissue destruction with imminent prolonged auto-immune disease”; Hyperplasia and activation of the lymphatic organs (lymph nodes, spleen),pseudolymphomas; Infiltration and lymph follicle formation in non-lymphatic organs, possibly with destruction (liver, lungs, thyroid, salivary gland); depletion of lymphatic organs, with reduction of external immune capacity.
4) – Dr Burkhardt concludes that:”there are) many things seen for first time and (that) I can’t explain or put a name on”,but “diffuse damage, multiple organ failure. In every organ, foreign bodies.” (unidentified, non-biologic), and he underscores an urgent need for autopsies that include electron microscope histology, in all cases of unexpected deaths after vaccination (stating that lymphocytic myocarditis, epicarditis, pericarditis w “lymphocytic predominance”, pump failure, rhythm death diagnoses are mostly overlooked and only recognizable histologically with careful electron microscope analysis ).
5) Physician discussion noted that:
a) Severe adverse events SAEs) and deaths are undercounted by German pharmacovigilience, conflicting with EUDRA and other data, because: physicians are being coerced (Germany and Austria) to prevent them from collecting key information from hospitalized patients to ascertain whether vaccination could be a factor, (e.g., not allowed to collect vaccination information); most of the suspected SAEs and deaths related to vaccines are not being reported by hospitals; relatives and treating physicians of the deceased are coerced to not request an autopsy.
b) Appropriate clinical follow up for the vaccinated who develop COVID or suspected vaccine adverse events should include blood samples, d dimer tests, lab tests re status of lymphocytes and mitochondria, etc.
6) Physicians who examined vaccine fluid and samples of blood of vaccinated patients with a simple lighted microscope presented their findings: unidentified non- biologic structures of approximately 0.5mm size, which self-assemble and move, self- propelled, upon exposure to light and warmth, that dry out to crystalline lattice structures; shown in very disturbing photographs and videos (at 1:26-1:56 of the press conference). Manmade self-assembling, self-propelled objects were found in all vaccine samples checked, albeit in different forms:
a) Pfizer: chip-like rectangular structures
b) JJ: airplane-like forms, oblong structures
c) Astra Zeneca: parasite-like structures
As well as non- biologic long chain-like structures in AZ and sharp-edged lumps that have a grid array on one side in the JJ vaccine. In the blood of someone vaccinated almost 6 mos earlier with JJ vaccine: long graphene string-type fibrous structures that move. 35 groups of (international) doctors are studying this further. Their findings are fully reproducible and they invite camera crews to observe them opening a vial and examining fluid under the microscope.
They stated that the manufacturers claimed these were ‘only’ medical grade stainless steel impurities and of no concern, despite the unprecedented pathology and simple microscope findings, and despite the fact that if any
foreign material were found in a sausage or a drink it would be recalled immediately and investigated.
7) Physicians and attorneys concluded that these nano engineered objects of unknown functionality were never declared in the vaccine applications, so they have no purported health benefit, but given the severe adverse health impacts found in the electron microscope histology analysis, the following must occur:
-manufacturers must reveal what these objects are, how long they remain active after vaccination, whether they can be removed
– the emergency authorizations must be revoked, the vaccination program must stop, and the vaccines must be recalled and analysed
– legal charges must be made in the International Criminal Court.
If the German press conference had not been censored, it should have triggered an international scientific and popular uproar, calling for replication of post mortem electron microscope histology in cases of unexplained or suspect post vaccination deaths and replication of simple light microscope analysis of vaccine fluid and of samples of blood of vaccinated persons in every country. If similar findings resulted, similar consequences as proposed by the press conference should then ensue.
TSN must continue its otherwise excellent coverage of independent science and its call for evidence-based health care and clinical trials policy and re write the article regarding this momentously important press conference that should have been heard around the world.
Go to link to watch the Press Conference, share it widely, and contact TSN to request a new, more veridical article about it.
I left a comment on that article asking why they’d not mentioned the slides. Your summary – wow. Thank you for taking the time to write it up!
Right and wrong are these days more easily defined from my retirement chair, but I think I would have been hard pressed to commit patients to late/hail Mary hospital treatments when I had an early cure in my pocket.
Why are you not publishing the memo? Redact a little (names maybe) if necessary for legal purposes. The sunlight shined by TSN, BIRD Group and the FLCCC Alliance is the only antidote for crooks, liars and murderers. Tell the world who they are and what they’re doing. If for no other reason, it’s important to let people who need real care know so they go elsewhere. The only thing they’ll get from these incompetent crooks is a big bill.
This is what medicine looks like under communism
Why not release the name of this hospital group so patients can avoid these death facilities if one has covid!!!
I want to be able to share your information on GETTER Twitter is a dying platform. GET OFF TWITTER
I feel like a lot of doctors need to be forwarded this paper, it’s become painfully evident where all this could lead if left unacknowledged and unopposed.
“Young doctors, who were the
most innovative and enthusiastic, working with the new therapies, may have been easily convinced to accept and participate or excuse the killing of the non-curable ill and destruction as an inevitable professional part of healing the curable. In this process, the sacrifice of the individual became part of the social norm ideal of “constructing an ideal society” and of “healing the society”.
…The sad, historical fact is that the medical profession was one of the highest professions to join the Nazi Party and accept the propaganda of the regime or its laws and decrees, by which human beings were deemed unworthy of life and unworthy of protection. Destruction of the individual became professionally and socially accepted as an inevitable part of a perverse ideal of “healing the society”. During the post-war Trials of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany (Nov 1945 – Oct 1946) the “therapeutic idealism” was clearly recognized as an unethical aberration and constituted Crimes against Humanity.
…Relationships, built on respect and compassion between the physician and the patient is central to the Hippocratic tradition. Compassion is the feeling and understanding of the suffering of others. This value of compassion and relating to others is apparently compromised in any action which ignores the rights of the individual in order to “improve” the population, for racial, economic, political or “scientific” reasons.”
Lindert, J., Stein, Y., Guggenheim, H. et al. ‘How Ethics Failed — The Role of Psychiatrists and Physicians in Nazi Programs from Exclusion to Extermination, 1933–1945.’ Public Health Rev 34, 8 (2012).
In those years the mass joining was due to the theory of evolution. Which is still stands today but right now the society is in a cognitive dissonance. We say religion is nonsense and evolution is the way. But at the same time we are promoting equality. If there’s evolution there’s no equality or at least we have to accept that we are acting against it without reason (as religion is outruled)
The mass joining was for many reasons, but the biggest one was greed and ambition. There’s a really interesting talk by Dr. Richard F. Wetzell, a research fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington D.C. presenting his research at the National Library of Congress on the role scientists and doctors played in Nazi Germany. If you’re interested, here’s the link
As for your argument on evolution and equality, I will respectfully disagree with you and let’s just leave it at that.
We’re seeing the segregation of society, the creation of a second class of citizens, the humiliation of the “abominable other”, the silencing and discreditation of dissenting voices of critics, scientists and doctors, the denial of life saving treatments for the “abominable other”, the denial of life saving medicines, all under the pretense of “public health” and in the name of “reaching heard immunity and eradicating Covid by any means and at any cost.” That to me sounds very much like “therapeutic idealism” achieved by the process, in which “the sacrifice of the individual became part of the social norm ideal of ‘constructing an ideal society’ and of ‘healing the society’.”
This is no longer science, this is mass psychosis, just like this is no longer a democratic society but a fledgeling totalitarian dystopia.
Good Morning MariaKir, Are these authors available to review this in terms of what is going on today? We have hospitals refusing surgery to the unvaccinated. Hospitals refusing to deviate from failed CDC protocols, and proven therapeutics. We are on our third doctor trying to find one who can independently evaluate and just do what they would normally do…treat their patient. We have pharmacies that refuse to fill prescriptions from qualified licensed Doctors. Have these young Doctors have no ethics? Missed that class, or is it not taught anymore? Ethics in medicine poofed? It seems its just the “old” Doctors who are(not all) speaking out against this medical tyranny. What will it take to wake up the woke?
They published that paper in 2012, so I would hope they’re still around to discuss it. That could be a good idea to reach out to them and have them review current events through a historic lense. Difficult to say if they’ll have the courage to speak truthfully though.
I have no idea what it will take to wake them up. It’s insanely difficult to wake people up from a shared delusion, especially one in which they finally feel like they have a purpose for the first time in their life and feel “righteous indignation” seeing Trump followers (who are the manifestations of everything they hate and believe to be wrong with the world) discriminated against. To many it feels like just rewards, despite it being anything but that.
It’s sad because doctors, scientists, journalists with integrity and critical thinkers of various political beliefs are the ones caught in the crossfire of this ideological war. Taking all that into consideration, many don’t want to “wake up”, and how can you wake someone up that doesn’t want to? They’ll cling at any last semantic, just to remain in denial.
Can the hospital administrators be sued for practicing or dictating how to treat the patients?
Let me know if there is a way to go to Legislative State Committees to pressure an investigation. Although the BIG PHARMA cash cow is crapping cash everywhere.
Can ignoring a very sick patient’s ‘Right to Try” be used to persuade anyone to investigate?
Dr. Peter McCullough’s leadership
McCullough classifies the general denial of early treatments practiced by much of the medical industry today as Therapeutic Nihilism.
“Therapeutic Nihilism is this intent to do nothing” when facing the threat of a potentially fatal disease,” he explained.
“With such an omission we promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death.”
The physician called this approach unethical, immoral, and illegal.
“It’s called malpractice, and there will be judgment for this,” he promised.
Therefore, McCullough believes that the “the best place in the world” to have COVID-19 is by a doctor willing to treat patients “early with a sequence multi-drug approach.
“Demand it, and tell your family members to demand it,” he advised. “Vaccinated or not, demand it.”
As one example of Therapeutic Nihilism, McCullough flagged a news story about a California woman who sued a hospital to force doctors to treat her ailing husband with ivermectin.
“Since when do we actually have to sue hospitals to use simple affordable generic medicines that may help patients of which we have some randomized trials to support?” McCullough asked.
He revealed that the last time he treated a patient with a big heart attack in the ICU, he and the patients’ family negotiated “drugs all day long.”
“Suddenly, with COVID, there’s no negotiation,” he said.
“None. ‘No, sorry, we’re not going to do it.’ Therapeutic Nihilism. It’s in the minds of doctors, hospital administrators, nurses and others to actually cause harm,” he continued,
“And that thought pattern is something you need to smell out, recognize, call out, and we’ve got to extinguish [it].”
McCullough discussed the importance of “natural immunity.” He believes that early treatment and the large numbers of people soldiering through the illness will get the world to that state.
“Natural immunity is the way out of this. Listen, if we don’t recognize natural immunity, when is this going to end?,” he asked.
Recognition of natural immunity must by demanded of the CDC and the government, he added.
“We have to … be relentless on this.”
“Medical freedom is related to social freedom is related economic freedom.”
McCullough urged his hearers to convince others that “freedom is at risk.”
“We’re at the beginning of, I think, a dark time,” he said.
“Now is the time to talk about it … to get activated … and [start] talking to as many people [as you can]. And you have to try to clear their eyes… conversation by conversation.”
McCullough recalled what rock musician Eric Clapton, who came to his home after suffering a COVID-19 vaccine injury, told him about the relationship of medical freedom to other freedoms.
“He said, ‘Listen, there’s a circle of medical freedom, and if this is broken, then it’s going to break social freedom, and then economic freedom. So, right now, we have got to shore up that medical circle no matter what’.”
This medical circle includes “medical freedom to get the treatment that people need, medical freedom to demand good care in the hospital and get it, and medical freedom to decide what goes in your body,” McCullough said.
“It’s very very important: No one, under any circumstances at all—approved, unapproved, I don’t care—no one can receive any pressure, coercion, or threat of reprisal for [accepting] something injected into your body that you can’t take out, period.”
“That is the line.”
McCullough warned that censorship is harming medical science, and pointed to the so-called “trusted news initiative,” including the BBC, CNN, MSNBC and all big social media.
The physician believes that these organizations have virtually said, “We are going to do everything to promote the vaccine, and we’re going to do everything to crush any vaccine hesitancy, including crushing early treatment and crushing anything on vaccine safety.”
Excerpts from source:
Thank you very much for sharing that link.