For clarificaiton stop counting superDelegates until the Democratic Convention:
The National Media Has Been Instructed By the DNC Not to Count Superdelegates, So Why Have They Refused?
First, for clarification, the superDelegates are not counted until the Democratic convention. Networks, newspapers and pundits have included superdelegates in their tallies, but the DNC said that was wrong over a month ago. Still today, on June 6, 2016, everyone on the news media, networks, newspapers, pundits and in Washington are continuing with normalcy in these surreal and serious circumstances in this election race.”©Natalie Keshing
Clinton and media outlets are still counting superdelegates in voter tallies, despite pleas from DNC. The following is an excerpt from Shaun King, New York Daily News.
On April 28, Luis Miranda, communications director for the Democratic National Committee, did an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper to formally clarify the official position of the Democratic Party on when superdelegates are, and are not, supposed to actually count in public vote tallies.
What he said shocked the hell out of me and should shock the hell out of you — in part because not a single media outlet or the Hillary Clinton campaign has paid one bit of attention to it before or since. Since election season began, networks, newspapers and pundits have included superdelegates in their tallies, but the DNC emphatically said that was wrong over a month ago.
Not on a hot mic or during a commercial break, but live on the air, Luis Miranda, in no uncertain terms, told Jake Tapper that the media should not be including them. Miranda said, “One of the problems is the way the media reports them. Any night that you have a primary or caucus, and the media lumps the superdelegates in, that they basically polled by calling them up and saying who are you supporting, they don’t vote until the convention, and so they shouldn’t be included in any count.”
Tapper, seemingly shocked by the candid honesty of Miranda, then asked, “But when we do our totals, do you think it’s OK to include them?”
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