Op-ed on Coronavirus by Natalie Keshing This Op-ed was posted on March 7, 2020
No one knows the extent and impact the Coronavirus will have on the world and the United States.
If we want to combat the Coronavirus effectively, we have to act quickly.
Any logical person knows that the Coronavirus is not President Trump’s fault; to the contrary and in all likelihood, the virus was genetically engineered or altered in a Wuhan P4 lab facility in China.
Chinese netizens and experts suspect a Wuhan P4 Research Lab facility is the source of the Coronavirus. If true, for what purpose was such a dangerous virus genetically engineered or altered and who made the decision to let the virus proliferate among the innocent population of China; eventually spreading worldwide.
Virologists and medical experts around the globe discussed the suspicious nature of the Coronavirus. During these discussions, they pointed to Wuhan’s P4 lab facility as a likely source.
A Chinese scholar recently challenged Wuhan’s P4 lab to explain how the proteins of the novel Coronavirus seem to have been precisely engineered to enable the virus to bind onto human cells. He also disclosed unethical and unprofessional practices he previously observed in China’s bioresearch labs.
“A P4 lab handles level 4 biosafety pathogens, the highest level and most dangerous, which have high fatality rates and no known treatments, such as, the Ebola and SARS viruses. Such a lab must follow the highest microbiological safety standards to ensure the safety of researchers and the public.”
“The P4 lab in Wuhan is not only the first of its kind in China, but also the first in Asia. When it opened in 2017, U.S. scientists expressed concerns that, considering China’s opaque administrative structure, if one of those killer viruses “escaped” from the lab, it could cause a doomsday disaster.”
How the virus was transferred to the Chinese population is still a mystery and possibly a well kept secret.
China’s refusal to allow specialized US CDC professionals to obtain pertinent information and accurate statistics about this very contagious virus is preventing quicker solutions to save millions of lives.
Unfortunately and to the detriment of this country and the world, China’s Communist Party is being selfish and acting extremely irresponsibly putting more people in danger and at risk, leading to more people being sick and dying around the world.
Countries With Major Coronavirus Outbreak Clusters Delayed Response Due to Strategic Ties with China.
The data alone in countries like Italy, South Korea, and Iran who were hit the hardest with COVID-19 and their dependence on China illustrates and proves where this virus originated from in Wuhan, China.
Before Wuhan responded to lock down the entire city as COVID-19 grew out of control, 5 Million Chinese people escaped. The final destination of these 5 million people remained an unknown answer as does how COVID-19 didn’t genetically engineer itself. All answers China is holding close to its vest of secrecy; now begging the question WHY? It was reported after the outbreak, the 5 million Chinese flew to other parts of the world and some entered South Korea before the blockage was placed on Wuhan. ~ Natalie
“Two Carnegie experts, Paul Haenle and Lucas Tcheyan, wrote in an analysis last month that ‘Beijing’s continued opacity has only fueled further speculation over the true origins of the crisis and the extent of its spread.’”
“Manjari Singh, a Middle East expert from the Middle East Institute in New Delhi said ‘There has been a massive coverup and lack of transparency about the Wuhan virus outbreak in Iran since the beginning. Singh added, “Probably Iran didn’t want its trade with China to be disrupted and that’s why it took the spread of the virus very callously and did not reveal it. Cautionary measures were not taken and traveling to and fro to China was not checked.”
“U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said in a message on Twitter on March 13, ‘As @khamenei_ir knows, the best biological defense would’ve been to tell the Iranian people the truth about the Wuhan virus when it spread to #Iran from China. Instead, he kept Mahan Air flights coming and going to the epicenter in China, and jailed those who spoke out.’”
“While Iranian state media, The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), said 724 people had died due to coronavirus as of March 15, Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an anti-regime group said in a release on March 14 the number has exceeded 4,500.” China has also not been forthcoming with its COVID-19 statistics to the public.
Unfortunately, for all heads of state including the United State’s President Trump are now in a very delicate and precarious position balancing on a high wire for their country’s well being and national security because of dependence upon China. Most countries are completely dependent upon China for the antibiotic supply and other medical equipment keeping the rest of the world alive including other supply chains coming from China.
Yet, China has unleashed the worst nightmare not only on the rest of the world but in their own backyards infecting 100s of 1000s of factory supply chain workers who are now dead, sick, or afraid to return back to work because of COVID-19. Another big reason why workers aren’t fully back on the job is that many are stuck in rural regions.
Because of the 10s of 1000s of supply chain factories in China this has added to the dense pollution in China and has negatively affected the majority of the Chinese people’s lungs therefore being more susceptible to COVID-19 growing into pneumonia at a faster rate.
AJ Mak, CEO of Chain of Demand, a predictive inventory and supply-chain platform, says that the Chinese government is focusing on getting first-and second-tier cities up and running. “But there are less factories in those cities,” Mak notes. “Lower-tier cities, which have many factories, are in complete lockdown, and it’s not really a priority to get those cities opened up and running.”
Rodney Manzo, founder and CEO of supply-chain platform Anvyl said, “What China is doing now is screening each factory and the people within, and signing off,” Manzo added “But what our suppliers tell us is that their number one concern is lack of staff to work in the production lines they have established, hurting their ability to produce in full capacity.”
“Meanwhile, things could get worse before they get better, as the full effect of these slowdowns has not yet reached U.S. companies. “I don’t think we are yet feeling the full impact, because most companies have buffer inventory in their supply chains,” says Razat Gaurav, CEO of supply-chain software company Llamasoft.”
“Gaurav points out that companies typically increase their inventories around the Chinese New Year. “There’s sufficient inventory in most supply chains for the next several weeks,” he says. “But if the current situation continues, and most production facilities remain well below their normal production volumes, this can create significant inventory shortages in many industries.”
“Some Chinese factories remain only one-third staffed, and those that have resumed are still scrambling to complete orders from last year, according to a late February report from Cncotton, a research house backed by China’s government.”
The Coronavirus is dangerous and can be contagious even if people are not outwardly showing symptoms. The virus is dangerous because it settles in the lungs turning into pneumonia quickly. Usually a cough and chest pain are the first visible symptoms followed by high fever; like having the flu.
The death statistics in China are a lot worse than has been shared with the public. Employees working at funeral cremation facilities said the normal working hours before the virus were 4-5 hours a day. Now the working hours are 24/7. Employees at cremation facilities cannot keep up with the number of dead people that have to be cremated.
On China’s largest online news site Tencent, it revealed through screen grab shots the ‘real’ coronavirus death toll figure at 24,589 on February 2, 2020. If true, China’s report of 80,703 coronavirus cases is vastly understated; this number has also not changed much within the recent weeks. The death toll was reported from China at 3,098 which is significantly less than 24,589 deaths. Assuming the same 3.8% mortality rate, these new death statistics would correspond to 650,000 coronavirus cases in China alone. Some say journalists leaked these statistics in defiance of Beijing’s order; others argued the images might have been edited as a smear campaign against China.
World renowned CDC specialists have been speculating and believed China’s non transparency did not reveal and share accurate death tolls in cities like Wuhan who were hit the hardest when the virus spun out of control.
According to a report by Washington-based think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI), there should be an estimated 2.9 million confirmed cases of the CCP virus in China, instead of less than 100,000 known cases currently reported by the Chinese regime.
Additionally, the lab origin theory has gained prominence partly due to the fact that Wuhan is the home of China’s only bio lab certified to work with the most dangerous pathogens such as Ebola or SARS.
“It will generally raise doubts on any future medical or scientific information emanating from China and in particular any medical or scientific information on the coronavirus.”
Reputable people including China’s doctors who have passed away due to the virus tried to inform the public; alleging the ‘leaked figures’ were proof of a government cover-up.
Dr Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, was one of eight whistleblowers who first publicized information about an “unknown pneumonia” outbreak. His Dec. 30 post on Chinese social media went viral. A day later, Wuhan authorities announced the outbreak publicly.
On March 3, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution commemorating Li. The resolution was proposed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK.) and Cory Gardner (R-CO) was co-sponsored by a bipartisan group.
Senator Cotton said, “Dr. Li tried to warn his country and the world about the deadly coronavirus, but he was silenced by the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]” Cotton added, “We should honor his legacy by pushing the CCP to be fully transparent about this disease and their efforts to stop it.”
Li’s supervisor, Mei Zhongming, deputy director of the hospital’s ophthalmology department, died on March 3 at the age of 57. Mei also contracted the virus while treating patients.
Jiang Xueqing, a surgeon specializing in thyroid and breast procedures at the same hospital, passed away on March 1, after contracting the virus while treating patients. He died at the age of 55.
Dr. Zhu Heping, another ophthalmologist and Deputy Chief Physician was hospitalized in mid-February after contracting the virus. Dr Heping passed away on the morning on March 9 after emergency rescue efforts failed to revive him. Dr Heping’s death is the fourth in connection to the virus at the Wuhan Central Hospital.
There was speculation the virus was derived from bats sold at the Wuhan seafood market. In December, bats were not available at the market because they were in hibernation.
The first person identified to have contracted the Coronavirus did not get near or eat from the Wuhan seafood market.
Dr. Deborah Birx was asked if she believed the Chinese CCP COVID-19 reports that there are no new virus cases in Wuhan China. Dr. Birx indicated that China’s and South Korea’s curves looked similar and she was inclined to believe the data.
In Wuhan, residents are still witnessing long lines at hospitals while more facilities are still being built to accommodate the sick.
Netizens said, they don’t trust the Chinese regime’s narrative to the public and the world.
It is now estimated the CCP Coronavirus started in November and nothing was reported till the end of December in Wuhan alone. During this time flights from all over the world were landing and leaving China’s airports.
It is ominous and egregious that the Chinese Communist Party chose to cover up the truth, allowing it to spread throughout China and to the world, creating a global pandemic.
On March 18, a netizen passed the Wuhan Union Hospital, one of 46 designated facilities to treat COVID-19, and was shocked to see a queue in front of it. “Look, Look! People are lining up in front of the fever clinic at Wuhan Union Hospital,” the netizen said in a social media video.”
“On the early morning of March 19, a construction worker shareda video of a new makeshift hospital set up within a stadium in suburban Wuhan.”
A resident in Wuhan said authorities have recently set up so-called “relay stations” around the city inside universities, where diagnosed COVID-19 patients are being held there in quarantine.
A resident said, “After the 14 makeshift hospitals were closed on March 10, they set up 300 relay stations. I believe they are like a new type of makeshift facility.”
Before Xi Jinping’s first visit to Wuhan since the outbreak, authorities closed down the makeshift field hospitals, saying there was no longer a need for them part of a campaign to deceive the public.
And again another Wuhan resident believed the epidemic was much more severe than what authorities would admit to.
Roads are still locked, and businesses have not resumed production in Wuhan.
Many netizens are skeptical of the authorities’ claims that the epidemic has been contained.
Only when North Korea and Russia reopen their borders to China will we know the invisible CCP virus will no longer be a deadly threat to the world.
The virus spread extremely quickly and soon hospitals were inundated with people who had contracted the virus in China. The hospitals had unintentionally become Coronavirus incubators. There were not enough hospital beds and medical ventilator equipment to keep up with the hundreds and thousands who were going from hospital to hospital to get medical help. Some died so hopelessly waiting for help. Soon all medical staff including doctors and nurses had contracted the virus and were getting sick. This primarily occurred because hospitals were not prepared to handle the high volume of people getting sick.
All hospitals and clinics in the US should be prepared by setting up isolation units to treat Coronavirus patients and select a number of well trained medical staff who should wear protective medical equipment from head to toe.
Dr Michael Baden suggested nursing staff go to the homes of people experiencing cough, tightness and chest pain and a fever of 100.4 to not inundate the hospitals and spread the Coronavirus throughout the hospital. The nursing staff can make an assessment to admit the person into the hospital for treatment.
The drug Remdesivir is currently being used to treat Coronavirus patients in hospitals. There are particular antibiotics used to treat bronchitis with the approval of a physician. Treating patients with these antibiotics might prevent the increase of Coronavirus causing more congestion growing in the patient’s lungs. Again, this decision will be up to the doctors treating the patients in the hospital.
It was recently reported that two exchange students returned from Italy to the Dulles Airport in Washington, DC while the spread of the Coronavirus has grown exponentially in Italy. The young students were not checked for the virus. Checking for potential virus carriers and monitoring their progress is crucial and critical in every city, town and state.
The death toll today (03/07/20) in Italy has passed 230, with officials reporting more than 50 deaths in 24 hours. The number of confirmed cases jumped by more than 1,200 to 5,883 on Saturday. The mortality rate in Italy with the current statistics averages 3.9%. That is a high number.
The mortality rate in other countries is as follows but is subject to change based on more Coronavirus diagnoses versus the death rates.
China 3.8 % (this number is probably higher due China’s lack of transparency to tell the truth.) South Korea 0.7%, Italy 3.9%, Iran 3.14%, Japan 1.8%
The United States Coronavirus cases are 421 with 19 deaths as of 03/07/20 01:40 am EST. The US mortality rate is 4.3%.
As of Saturday morning, there are 2,255 people voluntarily quarantined in New York State.
In the State of Washington, the number of cases at the Life Care Center for the elderly has continued to increase with staff diagnosis and so have the deaths. It is clear this is a Coronavirus hazardous area and must be cleared in order to clean the facility top to bottom. The sooner this is done, the sooner lives are saved and stops the continual spread of the virus.
There will be a shortage of medical antibiotics, crucial medical equipment and other product supply chains in China’s factories and pharmaceutical facilities. The shortages will be a direct result of a decrease in employees due to death, sickness, quarantine, fear to return to work or company management closing factories temporarily.
People’s lives will change drastically if the virus is not contained. More people will have to work from home; avoid attending large gatherings of people for any social or sporting event. The fashion and movie industry will be affected greatly.
Those who travel frequently for their jobs, both within and outside the country, will have to travel less or not at all to contain the spread of the virus. It would be a very wise decision for companies to start considering employees to work from home as soon as possible. Apple today, made the decision to allow 12,000 employees in the Bay area to work from home. More companies should follow that lead.
Coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci warns to stay off cruise ships and airplanes amid coronavirus outbreak especially for the elderly.
Last week 3500 people boarded on the Grand Princess cruise ship off San Francisco and had to turn back because people were experiencing symptoms for the Coronavirus.
A helicopter flew in Coronavirus test kits for 46 people, 19 crew members tested positive and 2 passengers. The 3500 passengers are still on the cruise ship where they will be directed, tested and checked for Coronavirus at a port dock near Oakland city on Monday.
People will have to consciously commit to washing their hands frequently. Stop touching public surfaces with their hands like elevator buttons, doors, railings, surfaces on subways etc…
NOW, the inhumane situation for the homeless in San Francisco, skid row in Los Angeles, Washington State, Oregon and New York must be addressed ASAP. Because they are the most vulnerable and will spread the Coronavirus faster. These people have to be taken off the streets put in clean temporary housing and for those who are on drugs or suffering from a mental illness like schizophrenia or PTSD have to housed separately and taken care of humanely.
People should wear masks when out shopping for groceries. All groceries should be cleaned with hot dish washing clothes with soap and a little Clorox to disinfect. Clean your cell phones, TV remotes, refrigerator and microwave handles, house door knobs, and any other surfaces frequently used in your house daily. Clean the handles on grocery shopping carts thoroughly. I suggest you wear latex gloves to shop. Try to stock up on groceries to make less trips to the grocery store. Carry tissue to sneeze or cough into the tissue.
Hospitals will have to implement a no visitors policy for those patients admitted for the very contagious Coronavirus. For families visiting other patients in the hospital, they too will have to be vetted, checked for the virus. Visiting hours should be decreased to a minimum of once a day and one visitor at a set time signing in with contact information.
Prioritizing hospital medical surgeries and drugs for life saving emergencies should be first. Canceling and postponing elective surgeries should be postponed. Elective surgeries use hospital staff, medical equipment and an inventory of US drugs that might later be in short supply for emergency surgeries.
Yes, these are all lifestyle changes in our lives to save our lives and our loved ones.
People must remember this is temporary, for however long it takes to produce a vaccine and treatable medicine to save people’s lives.
Not all people will get very ill due to stronger immune systems and following rules and regulations put in place to prevent the spread of the virus.
Remain hopeful within your faith that we will all get through this difficult time. Remain calm and purposeful to keep your loved ones hopeful and happy. Do not obsess about the illness but act responsibly for yourselves and family.
While spending more time at home, keep busy doing chores, read a book, painting, doing a hobby, play an instrument, watch a movie, play a game like chess, monopoly, work out, do yoga, go for a walk or run in wide open spaces outside etc..
Melinda and Bill Gates through the Bill Gates Foundation is working towards providing Coronavirus test kits for every household.
Coronavirus FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) check points should be setup to inform the public, hospitals and clinics of all Coronavirus diagnoses with their geographic area with contact information to alert the Coronavirus Task Force and the CDC of potentially affected community areas to avoid and possibly close off.
Closing schools and universities might have to be considered at some point and time. Elementary schools in particular are more vulnerable because kids touch surfaces, noses, eyes and mouths much more frequently and wash hands less.
Voting early through the mailing system might also be a consideration to avoid the spread of Coronavirus.
With the threat of the Coronavirus so imminently widespread in Iran spilling into Afghanistan, the decision to bring back all US military personnel in Afghanistan may be sooner rather than later.
There will be no military WARS to fight worldwide other than the war to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. Quite suddenly, the human race’s political and foreign policy decisions regarding WARS are no longer as imminent a threat as the Coronavirus.
I will continue to add more information to this op-ed. My prayer, hope and faith is for all people to remain safe and healthy. ~ Natalie
China Is Targeting US Labs to Spy on Virus Research.
China doesn’t stop; spying. Regardless that they let out an extremely dangerous virus that attaches itself to any normal human being spreading it to others and those others spreading it to the masses.
They know the genetic RNA sequence and the attached secret that makes this virus so dangerous. No, this didn’t come from the wet seafood market in Wuhan, this was their coverup excuse. And it didn’t come from the bats who were in hibernation during November and December, 2019.
So why was the virus allowed to spread. Why was the virus even genetically engineered to kill people worldwide. Some claim the P4 lab was working on solutions for deadly viruses, once again trying to legitimize the lab’s nefarious research.
Remember, what the leading Democrat candidates like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg and others kept saying, “No matter what! We cannot let Donald Trump win re-election in 2020!” No matter what. And there’s your answer.
The rich elitists, big tech companies, social media companies, Hollywood partnering with China movie making companies and those nefarious Congress members like Nancy Pelosi were willing to do anything; no matter what.
China’s communist leader Xi Jingping couldn’t stand the fact that President Trump not only stood up to China but imposed tariffs on its exports and the US economy started to flourish.
We not only have to address what China did to us and the world but investigate and indict national security criminals like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros, John Brennan and others who continue to put our national security at risk; no matter what.
Once again, the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and some in Congress are not doing their jobs and are holding this country hostage and in peril suffering the deadly sins of those who are only defined by their money and status and lack of compassion and empathy for humanity. What do they care. Why do they care how they leave this nation to suffer in famine, in a dystopian society full of crime and waste. ~ Natalie
April 24, 2020 | Frank Fang
U.S. hospitals and research labs are being targeted by Chinese cyber activity, as Beijing seeks to obtain knowledge about U.S. progress on developing a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus.
U.S. Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers gave an opening keynote speech at a virtual business conference hosted by Future in Review (FiRe) on April 23.
When Demers was asked after his speech whether the regime was targeting US labs for research into the virus, Demers replied: “It’s certainly the logical conclusion of everything I’ve said,” referring to his comments on the regime’s sweeping efforts to steal U.S. trade secrets and technology across an array of industries.
Demers said, “There is nothing more valuable today than biomedical research relating to vaccines or treatments for coronavirus.”
Demers added that it would be “beyond absurd” to think that China would “lay off” their hands on “biomedical research relating to vaccines or treatment for coronavirus,” since the medical information would be of “great importance, not just from a commercial value.”
Decipher COVID-19 Coronavirus
This article was initially posted on 03/07/2020