The Succession of Criminal Events Tell A Deeply Troubling Story For A Country
From Nats.News By Natalie Keshing, Editor-in-Chief April 8, 2022
Maybe we should assume before Hunter Biden could pinpoint and actually see in writing why Burisma Holdings, a holding company for energy exploration and production based in Kyiv, Ukraine, would be so interested in him without energy exploration and production experience. He obviously knew this had everything to do with his father then Vice-President of the United States, Joe Biden.
After all, nothing had worked out quite like Hunter thought it would after graduating from law school in 1996 except for getting married in 1993, starting a family and working to support his family. Then for some odd reason or a long lost dream of being a pilot in combat, Hunter proceeded to join the Navy Reserve in 2013, at the age of 43, when his father was already Vice-President of the United States. By then Joe Biden might have been hoping against hope that Hunter would soon find his calling. By 2014, Hunter was thrown out of the Navy with a huge cocaine addiction among other extraneous addictions that would come and go each time his need to hide his addictions could no longer hold him back.
Then Hunter’s voracious appetite for sex, as described by the great Miranda Devine, who works for the New York Post, lucky them, joined fellow colleagues in doing a documentary on Hunter Biden’s laptop on Fox News. Why Fox News? They’re the only live news broadcast quasi interested in the truth behind stories of crime and corruption in the political arena. Of course, they held back exposing the nasty stuff that is free floating on social media, and “the fact checkers” calling it a conspiracy of some sort.
After Hunter had drowned the laptop, probably by accident, I presume. He dropped off the laptop at a computer hardware store that could fix Hunter’s laptop and restore all the valuable information content on the hard drive. The poor owner and also being the computer hardware guy restored all that valuable information and what he saw by only doing his job too well was definitely too much to hang on to this laptop. Taking it to the proper authorities wouldn’t win him any medals, quite the contrary, but at least he knew it was then in more capable hands and minds trained in such matters of privacy laws and breaking the law.
This isn’t uncommon or a surprise for the majority of post law graduates who go into a specific law practice possibly defending or prosecuting the criminals that are born and raising themselves in and off the streets. Like the ones illegally coming over the border into this country because Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have been encouraging them with everything under the sun including healthcare and not Obamacare. Compare these individual criminals to criminals who had both mother and father and were encouraged through a parent’s love and confidence to go to law school.
Then again, this kind of background is a segue to become a politician, run for Congress or the Senate and maybe even the Presidency someday. Having a law degree can definitely open doors to numerous careers because the legal mind has been taught to know and understand the law. And even more importantly, to enforce the law through legal proceedings trying and sending the worst of criminals to prison. Or so we were taught to believe.
Back in the 1960’s, it was still a noble profession and not many with a law background would have thought about using and abusing their law degrees to open doors and then break the law.
A perfect example of this kind of mentality is Hillary Clinton for her husband Bill Clinton and vise versa, Bill Clinton for his wife Hillary Clinton; donating all their proceeds into the Clinton Foundation. Now, it’s Hunter Biden for his father, the so called President of the United States. They call it an influence peddling operation and the Biden family have now become the Biden Family Syndicate.
But now, there are too many examples not quite as protected as Hillary and Bill Clinton who decided to use their federal and state political positions to break laws and behind the scenes involve themselves in plenty of pay2play, quid pro quo, scamming, stealing, money laundering, major fraud, all illegal schemes depositing much larger amounts of money into the Clinton Foundation while remaining a good citizen in the public eye. Well, not for long.
I suppose everyone of these people who talked themselves into breaking the law thought they had a good enough reason to commit the unthinkable. Somehow imagining themselves locked in handcuffs behind their backs, I would assume extremely uncomfortable, while being put in the backseat of a police car wasn’t frightening enough. Not to mention, the time growing old behind bars must have not crossed their minds!
But Hillary, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are one of a kind criminals, so brazen, so focused on the return of millions upon millions of dollars for the federal and international crimes they have committed, were never concerned with getting caught. Too many Presidents before them and in particular the Bushes, set an extremely bad example, and remained scandal free because of their administration’s protecting them. Knowing if they did a good enough job of not being caught, they could make a career out of it, in the succession of corrupted Presidents towing the line for the rich and powerful.
Then mainstream and social media became complicit and culpable never exposing the corrupted federal and treasonous crimes to the public while colluding with all corrupted Presidents and politicians. The media assumed it was the bigger part of the plan to building this New World Order cult explicitly meant to change the entire world into globalism from a population in the United States who has done quite well in believing in free markets, capitalism, and working hard for an honest living and promotion.
As time passed, most were pretty sure their lawlessness wouldn’t someday land up on the front page of the New York Post or even the New York Times. I suppose you’re thinking that depends on the number of federal crimes you’ve committed. And even then being an international criminal, after a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law like Judicial Watch using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which has the goods on an international criminal like Hillary Clinton, still manages to keep the heads of rogue law enforcement agencies like the CIA, FBI, State Department, DHS, DoD, DIA, and the Pentagon protecting her for life instead of indicting, prosecuting, and sentencing her to life.
We’re still waiting in 2022 for John Durham to finish all these investigations on all these corrupted politicians, law firms, consulting firms, and the echelon of corrupted Presidents.
The former FBI Director, James Comey, and his FBI agents had to schedule an appointment with Hillary Clinton to interrogate her in her comfortable home setting without reading her Miranda Rights or asking her to take a polygraph. If they had planned ahead coming in with a search warrant that might have come in quite handy searching in the attic and basement and everything in between in Hillary’s multi-million dollar mansion in upstate New York might have proved to be more than worthwhile.
Comey had the gall to maximize his position and performances on national TV, trying to convince a country of intelligent people, there wasn’t anything wrong but a mistake Hillary made working on her own personal email server as the Secretary of State and then deleting 30,000 emails she obviously didn’t want exposed to the public as she reminded Huma Abedin, Hillary’s Deputy Chief of Staff attached to her at the hip.
But let’s just end there with Hillary, and I do hate to end this on such a sour note, but I just wanted to bring you up to speed going back 45 years; it’s been.
My how time doesn’t fly, when you’re waiting for the full story on at least one of these corrupted political knaves who have never given a damn about the United States, the American people as diligent taxpayers, the Constitution, law and order, freedom of speech, a strong border to protect this country, cultivating our agricultural land for Americans to sustain and not selling it to China.
Outside of the United States, China is our number one adversarial enemy. Inside the United States, is all the insidious and incestuous corruption taken our personal lives by storm and that’s not including China’s COVID-19 with the help of Dr. Antony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, who through gain of function and EcoHealth Alliance were working side by side in the P4 Wuhan Institute of Virology genetically engineering COVID-19 and the experimental genetic altering shots governments deceptively called vaccines made in less than six months with absolutely no gold standard trials.
Ladies and Gentlemen, independent free thinkers, the intelligent American people I present to you the following video. Truth is certainly a rare commodity but a formidable virtue when finally exposed. ~ Natalie
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