We must never surrender to those who have no compassion or empathy for humanity. ~ Natalie
The Secret Society of Child Trafficking and Pedophile Rings in Washington DC, Hollywood, a worldwide epidemic.
Perhaps this will be the most important article I will ever investigate and write and we are summoned to save and protect these innocent children from further harm and damage to their innocent souls. I ask for Americans to come together, collectively, to put pressure on Congress, Department of Justice, State Department, CIA and FBI to investigate, indict and prosecute those involved in such horrendous/horrific crimes in torturing and raping children.
The systematic kidnapping, torturing and raping of innocent children of all nationalities by highly organized trafficking rings has barely, if at all, even scratched the surface of mainstream media coverage. Which has chosen
to act as a complicit accomplice and partner-in-crime in the unholiest of alliances that include not only the Obama Presidency but past Presidents, heads of government agencies, some in Congress and members of the so called world’s elite ruling class.
Democrats don’t want a wall because it would significantly reduce the child trafficking from Mexico and 23 other countries that have been blacklisted for failing to meet the minimum standards in fighting human trafficking. It will also reduce the unethical and illegal practice of illegal criminal immigrants crossing the border smuggling young innocent children and young adolescents into this country to be horribly abused, tortured, raped and even killed. Too many in Congress on the alt left Deep State are involved in child raping and trafficking children to get rich and maintain their criminal fetishes. Just recently an illegal criminal immigrant arrested by the border control was video recorded. The video went viral but mainstream media didn’t tell the whole story. The woman in this video isn’t some random illegal criminal immigrant who was being taken into custody; Perla Morales Luna was arrested for organizing a child human trafficking organization and if anybody knows where these innocent children are held against their will it would be Perla Morales Luna.
The only way to get to the top echelon where Hillary, Bill, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Obama and James Alefantis are perched is to expose from the bottom up. This is all significant information, painting a dark and ominous crime by all the pedophile criminals involved in Hillary and Obama’s Criminal Enterprise. I encourage you after reading this article that you read the List of Corruption It is a complete comprehensive investigation on how this country started on a deep dark path 35 years ago and will bring you up-to-date with all that is happening in this very difficult period in our nation.
Criminal corruption makes an uncivilized society and we are in the thick of it when it comes to this secret society of child trafficking for pedophiles to molest, assault, rape and even murder. This is an ongoing investigation where I will be periodically updating this article.
Pedophilia must be addressed and the perpetrators put in prison. This is a criminal epidemic eroding society throughout the world. It must be stopped! If it is not, it will continue to destroy mankind as we know it. It’s a feeding frenzy of the worst kinds of criminals. It will devalue the lives of innocent children and many will grow up to become perpetrators themselves. It becomes an inhumane never-ending cycle.
Here are the cold disheartening facts. In 2016, there were 37,000,000 victims in human trafficking worldwide. 18,000,000 were children kidnapped or even given to child trafficking for pedophile rings in the US and worldwide. The real number is significantly higher because of unreported cases. Some are trafficked into the commercial sex industry but most are kept in dark corners like slaves; like prisoners. What did they do to deserve this? NOTHING! Pimps like James Alefantis can resell girls at a higher price as the girls are “trained” and have lost all HOPE! Over 70% of trafficked children showed suicidal tendencies. Only 70,000 victims have been identified and helped in the past. The average age of victims that are forced into the sex industry is 12 years old but there are those who prefer as young as 2 years old and even younger like James Alefantis. HORRIFYING! There are actually “Professional Rapists” that break the victim’s spirit by beating and torturing them. PODESTA! Tattoos are used by pimps to show ownership. 20-60% of people who work in the sex trade including people who were forced into prostitution said they had been raped and assaulted by police (those in the CIA and FBI).
Thailand is generally considered to have the worst child sex trafficking record. The Obama administration has been accused of overlooking human trafficking in Malaysia and Cuba. Now we know why, Obama was inspired to improve foreign policy relations with Cuba and the fact that he himself is a pedophile who invited James Alefantis frequently to the White House is extremely disturbing.
Pedophiles and sex trading buyers can now BUY SEX SLAVES ONLINE (CHILDREN)! Backpage.com and Craigslist.com used to be one of the most famous websites to buy victims who were forced into the sex industry. Some children are bought by terrorists to act as suicide bombers and others are bought to be trained as militants. Human traffickers work with corrupt government officials to obtain travel documents and seize passports. Now we know why Hillary Clinton in the State Department was accepting millions upon millions of dollars from foreign adversaries into the Clinton Foundation while Bill Clinton was traveling the world with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire convicted pedophile.
The worldwide sex trade industry is NOT DYING but a BOOMING BUSINESS! Human trafficking is a $32 Billion dollar business. It is also the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Chances are we are indirectly supporting child trafficking like government agencies, the FBI and the CIA who are infiltrated with this kind of corruption. We pay taxes to support the government and those corrupted involved in child trafficking were even pimping for past Presidents. Human sex trafficking using children and adolescents plays a major role in the spread of HIV. Human organ harvesting of trafficked victims is growing at an alarming rate. 30,000 and considerably more victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture and neglect.
Child trafficking and raping and torturing of children is a worldwide epidemic. Some have gone as far as labeling this criminal behavior by adult males raping a young child, male or female; a disorder. I can assure you this is not a disorder but an evil crime of the worst kind. Not even prisoners like molesters, rapists and killers of children. In the time I have researched and discovered a mountain of evidence regarding these very real horrific crimes currently taking place. I have looked at the smug faces of these evil perpetrators, pedophiles, Presidents, Congressmen, Lawyers, Journalists, Professors, Media heads, Priests etc. and I am angry that law enforcement agencies in our nation are protecting these criminals instead of arresting them and sending them to prison. There they will meet God who will feed them to the devils.
Most of these pedophiles are married with children living a double life at the expense of other innocent children. Some of them are closeted homosexuals that have disgusting criminal fetishes toward young boys and the wives of these perpetrators have no inclination or choose to ignore it and live with it.
Thousands upon thousands, growing into millions, are grown women who were molested and even raped as children. I was lucky. My only experience was when I was eight. We had arrived at the ranch. My parents went inside to greet my grandmother and I was dying to get to the horses. I went to the cool, semi-dark, animal feed storage room with its smell of fresh grain and this perpetrator tried to touch my chest. I pushed hard and ran outside. Never would I put myself in a position to be alone with this person again. But I was changed from that day going forward and like I say, I was lucky but others aren’t.
In our nation’s capital, orphanages in the 1980’s were invited to bring children to tour the White House and other monumental sites in DC. Later in the evening, it was decided that the children would stay overnight and would be driven the next day to their caretakers. It sounded like a worthwhile idea to share the history of this nation and maybe even meet the President himself. Months later, these orphaned children were sitting watching television and one little girl stood up and pointed to the man on television and said, “That man put his peepee inside my peepee.” At that point, the cat was out of the bag and the caretakers knew this was true because of the awkward overnight stay and the ways the children were acting/feeling SCARED! Then other little children spoke openly about their experiences. They were also drugged by these sexually deviant perpetrators. These Presidents, legislators, current and former agency heads are criminals and they want to continue to live a life where they will continue to violate more children. I SAY NO MORE!