Filmmaker Oliver Stone. (photo: Jean Paul Guillote/Express-REA
Trump Has Taken the Handcuffs off Our War Machine ~ Oliver Stone
©Natalie Keshing
About Natalie Keshing
In Contrast: Two Theories Regarding the Precarious US Situation
This was going to take time and careful thought to give my comment to Mr. Oliver Stone’s article. ~ Natalie
Remember, ISIS priority is to continue to terrorize the world. Jumping to the opinion/conclusion that the terrorists gassed the Syrian people doesn’t fit with how evil ISIS has already demonstrated it is. If ISIS had access or had the Sarin gas, they would have found a way to use it on those European countries still under attack. The location of the Sarin attack doesn’t support Mr. Stone’s theory because ISIS is consumed in Mosul.
Let’s try to remember who negotiated $150 Billion dollars sent directly to Iran! Practically loading the nuclear war heads for the adversaries in Iran and North Korea.
A President negotiated this. A President appointed a knave to be Secretary of State. A President was part of this knave’s scandalous reign. The knave was the Queen the puppeteer, the President was the puppet.
Assad is afraid and like a bully he threw his next punch! My alternative theory in response to Oliver Stone is, Assad wanted to instigate and make sure Putin stood by his side while continuing to intimidate the United States based on a past President’s lack of experience and real leadership. Assad was testing President Trump. And to continue to intimidate other countries like Israel and all the other middle eastern countries. Lastly, to convince Assad’s own military that he is still winning this war by hurting, killing and maiming his own people in his own country. I imagine there are those internally in Assad’s administration who have already thought of or even discussed a Coup D’Etat. As far as Assad winning the civil war, he has already lost and continues to do so by destroying the safety and infrastructure of the very country he lives in. It’s completely war torn.
Mr. Stone respectfully, your assessment doesn’t include Assad’s evil maniacal atrocious behavior.
I don’t understand why Americans wanted a person to be President who was so methodical and arrogant defying the constitution and all rules, laws and regulations to accept donations from United States adversaries that went straight into a Slush fund. A Slush Fund is a sum of money used for illicit or corrupt political purposes, as for buying influence, position and power.
Someone who put Americans in harms way. Who risked our national security. Who worked on unsecured multiple servers for four years, stating “I don’t want to the personal to be accessible.” to her Deputy Chief of Staff. What about the top secret national security documents, all exposed. You think that our adversaries didn’t figure this out. They did.
“Abetted by the Clintonites, they’ve done a wonderful job throwing America into chaos with probes into Russia’s alleged hacking of our election and Trump being their proxy candidate (now clearly disproved by his bombing attack)” ~ Oliver Stone
I had a Q clearance one time in my career and I respected that Q clearance. That was an honor. A Q clearance is a federal background check to do your job in a highly secured and classified area.
Hillary Clinton continues to get away with perjury, violation of the Espionage Act 793f and the Charity Fund Solicitation Laws.
Clintons: The American Public Misled In a Very Deliberate Fashion…/
List of Corruption Continues To Grow – 67,229 Hits
Be informed at and
When I heard about Hillary’s emails. I assumed it was something that was exposed by mistake; maybe one document.
I voted for President Obama twice and I was proud that he became Commander-in-Chief; then.
Then I started to investigate and read tons of articles from reputable journalists, from organizations like and and many other resources.
I wrote 165 articles about the whole scandal and I was terribly disappointed with President Obama and all that was exposed and the real danger we were in.
The one thing that I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Stone is that people do have to start informing themselves and especially holding the Democrat and Republican politicians accountable for their lack of actions and irreverence for the American people.
Going through another government shutdown is going to cost us more money adding more to the national debt. Addressing the specifics that need to be included to repeal and replace healthcare; including Medicaid and giving insurances and insurers the ability to cross state lines will work for the members/customers because insurances will have to compete with other insurances for the members/customers for the first time.
Mr. Stone has shared his personal theory regarding the dangerous state of affairs affecting the United States, Syria with Russia, Iran with North Korea, Israel and China. The following is the link to his article.
Trump Has Taken the Handcuffs off Our War Machine
“So It Goes” I confess I really had hopes for some conscience from Trump about America’s wars, but I was wrong — fooled again! — as I had been by the early Reagan, and less so by Bush 43. Reagan found his mantra with the “evil empire” rhetoric against Russia, which almost kicked off a nuclear war in 1983 — and Bush found his ‘us against the world’ crusade at 9/11, in which of course we’re still mired.
It seems that Trump really has no ‘there’ there, far less a conscience, as he’s taken off the handcuffs on our war machine and turned it over to his glorified Generals — and he’s being praised for it by our ‘liberal’ media who continue to play at war so recklessly. What a tortured bind we’re in. There are intelligent people in Washington/New York, but they’ve lost their minds as they’ve been stampeded into a Syrian-Russian groupthink, a consensus without asking — ‘Who benefits from this latest gas attack?’ Certainly neither Assad nor Putin. The only benefits go to the terrorists who initiated the action to stave off their military defeat. It was a desperate gamble, but it worked because the Western media immediately got behind it with crude propagandizing about murdered babies, etc. No real investigation or time for a UN chemical unit to establish what happened, much less find a motive. Why would Assad do something so stupid when he’s clearly winning the civil war? No, I believe America has decided somewhere, in the crises of the Trump administration, that we will get into this war at any cost, under any circumstances — to, once again, change the secular regime in Syria, which has been, from the Bush era on, one of the top goals — next to Iran — of the neoconservatives. At the very least, we will cut out a chunk of northeastern Syria and call it a State.
Abetted by the Clintonites, they’ve done a wonderful job throwing America into chaos with probes into Russia’s alleged hacking of our election and Trump being their proxy candidate (now clearly disproved by his bombing attack) — and sadly, worst of all in some ways, admitting no memory of the same false flag incident in 2013, for which again Assad was blamed (see Seymour Hersh’s fascinating deconstruction of this US propaganda, ‘London Review of Books’ December 19, 2013, “Whose sarin?”). No memory, no history, no rules — or rather ‘American rules.’
No, this isn’t an accident or a one-off affair. This is the State deliberately misinforming the public through its corporate media and leads us to believe, as Mike Whitney points out in his brilliant analyses, “Will Washington Risk WW3” and “Syria: Where the Rubber Meets the Road,” that something far more sinister waits in the background. Mike Whitney, Robert Parry, and former intelligence officer Phil Giraldi all comment below. It’s well worth 30 minutes of your time to read.
Lastly, I enclose Bruce Cumings’s “Nation” analysis of North Korea, as he again reminds us of the purposes of studying history. Can we wake up before it’s too late? I for one feel like the John Wayne veteran (of war) character in “Fort Apache,” riding with the arrogant Custer-like General (Henry Fonda) to his doom. My country, my country, my heart aches for thee.
Mike Whitney, “Will Washington Risk WW3 to Block and Emerging EU-Russia Superstate,” Counterpunch,
Mike Whitney, “Where the Rubber Meets the Road,” Counterpunch,
Phil Giraldi, “A World in Turmoil, Thank You Mr. Trump!” Information Clearing House,
Robert Parry, “Did Al Qaeda Fool the White House Again?” Consortiumnews,
Robert Parry, “Neocons Have Trump on His Knees,” Consortiumnews,
Robert Parry, “Trump’s Wag the Dog Moment,” Consortiumnews,
Robert Parry, “Mainstream Media as Arbiters of Truth,” Consortiumnews,
Mike Whitney, “Blood in the Water: the Trump Revolution Ends in a Whimper,” Counterpunch,
Bruce Cumings, “This is What’s Really Behind North Korea’s Nuclear Provocations,” The Nation,