Warren Buffett says corporate America has a problem: Lots of employees ‘aren’t doing anything’ by Chip Cutter, Managing Editor at LinkedIn.com
Big business mergers by Natalie Keshing: A great conversational piece with Warren Buffet:
First may I compliment Chip Cutter, Managing Editor at LinkedIn in the presentation of this article and it’s invaluable content regarding how big business operates at its efficiency hiring consultants to cut corners, unfortunately streamline and downsize the overhead of staff. There is an enormous amount of wasted time in meetings for the sake of meeting, presenting long PowerPoint content and often professionals are asking themselves “And why are we meeting?” and “Why is this taking so long?” looking at their watches and have already exceeded the short term memory limitation. Our short term memories are designed to make the first 15 minutes to be the most useful.
Mergers make everything bigger and bigger and I agree it becomes an enormous task to operate at peak level efficiency not really understanding the restructuring analysis of how mergers affect everyone involved and are propelled into a more chaotic situation. I’m sure there are designed models and analysis to help out with this task and try to streamline the efficiency and productivity. Getting bigger for the sake and thought of becoming bigger and better doesn’t necessarily promise a business marriage made in heaven.
This business article and interview with Warren Buffet cuts to the chase. Mr.Buffet is willing to talk about the truth of big business getting bigger. I hope you will enjoy this article as much as I did. Kudos to Chip Cutter, Managing Editor at LinkedIn. A splendid article with Warren Buffet on the pitfalls of big business mergers and restructuring, streamlining, and running more efficiently; ultimately.
KeepingUInformed BridgingTheGap NewJustIn © Natalie Keshing