Since Hillary Clinton has a penchant for deleting things — those 33,000 emails come to mind — she may want to zap this missive pronto. In June she tweeted, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law.” Of course she was referring to President Trump, her arch […]
Since Hillary Clinton has a penchant for deleting things — those 33,000 emails come to mind — she may want to zap this missive pronto.
In June she tweeted, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law.” Of course she was referring to President Trump, her arch enemy.
Here’s the itty-bitty problem: her husband, Bill Clinton, a former president, is also not above the law and could find himself in hot water alongside Jeffrey Epstein, a registered sex offender and Class A creep who was charged Monday with child sex trafficking and conspiracy to traffic dozens of minor girls between 2002 and 2005 across state lines.
Although every American is entitled to the presumption of innocence — including Monica’s ex — Hillary’s hubby admits, in a statement issued Monday night, to flying numerous times on Epstein’s jet, known as the “Lolita Express,” and meeting with him at his Harlem office and Epstein’s apartment.
It’s worth noting that Bill Clinton is a multi-millionaire capable of financing his own private travel anywhere in the world. So why so many trips on Epstein’s jet — sans wife and security detail?
Epstein, a wealthy financier who hobnobbed with the rich and famous, used his private jet to fly his influential friends — and alleged underage victims — to his swanky residences in New Mexico, Palm Beach and his 72-acre private estate in the Caribbean known as “Orgy Island.”
Did former President Clinton fly on the creep’s jet for business or for pleasure?
Did Hillary’s husband have knowledge of the alleged exploitation of young girls and fail to report it to the feds? And what about Epstein’s other powerful friends who also associated with the pervert?
What did they know and when did they know it?
President Trump knew Epstein socially. So did N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and scores of Hollywood movie stars — who today “proclaim” to champion the #MeToo movement. No hypocrisy there, huh?
Queen Elizabeth’s son Prince Andrew and many other influential figures also fraternized with the child sex predator on both sides of the pond — and aisle.
Then there’s the issue of alleged special treatment of Epstein by the feds. In 2008, former Florida U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, now U.S. Labor Secretary, gave Epstein a soft sentence allowing the child predator to serve a brief 13 months in prison.
It will be interesting to see if Maurene Comey, one of the lead prosecutors now handling the Epstein case — who happens to be fired FBI Director James Comey’s daughter — will be giving Bill Clinton special treatment should he become implicated — just like her father gave to Hillary with her criminal mishandling of classified information.
Only time will tell.
Until then, all Americans should rally behind the victims and hope they finally get the justice they deserve.
Adriana Cohen is a nationally syndicated columnist, Herald Radio host and TV commentator. Visit
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