An Overwhelming Feeling 09/14/16
The Composer called it “My Passion”
Through his music
I saw his dream
I felt his heart
It felt like ME
I was immediately drawn
To respond
The overwhelming feeling
When the tide came in
In the ocean of
Shared dreams
It was like a movie
And I replayed it
Just to experience it;
Through his music
I saw his dream
I felt his heart
It felt like ME
I was immediately drawn
To respond
The overwhelming feeling
When the tide came in
In the ocean of
Shared dreams
It was like a movie
And I replayed it
Just to experience it;
Again and Again
Sailing within that space
Of thoughts and passion
Sailing within that space
Of thoughts and passion
I know no other dream….
@Natalie Keshing
This is very remarkable, Nat, so peaceful and also alluring and encouraging. Where do you find/know this beautiful stuff ?
Hello Robert yes it is. It’s just a piece of music that fell on my path. Thank you so much Ribert you are a great friend, indeed.😌
Thank you, Nat. You are a great friend, indeed.
The name is Robert, not Ribert