©Natalie Keshing
Update April 13, 2018, Mission Accomplished US, UK and France First Stike Hit Syrian Chemical Weapons Facilitates.
The attack on Syria was a combined effort between the US, UK & France.
These precision strikes took place at 4:00 am and it was a direct strike on Syria’s chemical weapons facilities to avoid any civilian casualties. As I predicted, Russia did not get involved.
President Donald Trump on Friday ordered the United States military in conjunction with France and the United Kingdom to launch strikes on Syria in retaliation for the confirmed chemical weapons attack by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad on a Damascus suburb last week.
The president said the U.S. would aim to hit sites “Associated with the chemical weapons capabilities” of Assad’s regime.
President Trump said, “We are prepared to sustain this response until the Syrian regime stops its use of prohibited chemical agents,” President Trump added in remarks from the White House, that the U.S. and its allies had marshaled their righteous power.
President Trump urged Iran and Russia to withdraw their support for what he called Syria’s “barbarism and brutality.”
President Trump said, “So proud of our great Military which will soon be, after the spending of billions of fully approved dollars, the finest that our Country has ever had. There won’t be anything, or anyone, even close!”
In a direct address to the two countries, he asked, “What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men and women and children?”
The Pentagon reported the US and allies launched 105 missiles in Syria and ‘successfully’ hit all three targets.
The Pentagon said Saturday that the U.S. led allied missile strikes in Syria successfully hit all three targets and have “significantly crippled” Syrian President Bashar Assad’s ability to make more chemical weapons.
“I think we dealt them a severe blow,” Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at the Pentagon after the overnight bombing. “We’ve attacked the heart of the Syrians’ chemical weapons program.”
McKenize identified the targets as Barzah Research and Development, the Him Shinshar Chemical Weapons Storage Site and the Him Shinshar Bunker Facility. He also said 105 missiles were launched by air and sea.
The strikes, in Douma, near Demascus, were launched in response to evidence that the Assad regime killed civilians in an April 7 chemical attack, the latest in country’s years-long civil war.
McKenzie, a Marine Corps general, said he has no reports of civilian casualties following the U.S.-led strikes and that the attacks overnight Friday were launched from U.S., France and United Kingdom aircraft and ships, including those in the Red Sea and eastern Mediterranean Sea.
“It’s intolerable for a civilized nation to use chemical weapons,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said Saturday. “This is a regime that murders its people daily.”
The proof of extensive evidence with pictures of the chemical attacks on innocent civilians in the Douma Gas Massacre on April 7, 2018. Open Source Survey of Alleged Chemical Attacks in Douma.
On April 7th 2018 reports began emerging of alleged chemical attacks on the city of Douma, in the rebel held pocket of Eastern Ghouta, Syria. Reports indicated that a significant number of people, including children, had been killed by these attacks. This report will assess and verify the open source information regarding these attacks, and draw conclusions from the available evidence.
A large compressed gas cylinder of a type used in previous aerial chlorine attacks was filmed on top of the building where a large number of fatalities were documented.The number of dead bodies that can be established through open source data is 34+.
Aircraft spotters reported two Mi-8 Hip helicopters heading southwest from Dumayr Airbase, in the direction of Douma, 30 minutes before the chemical attack in Douma, and two Hip helicopters were observed above Douma shortly before the attack.
The Syrian Government has previously been identified as using Mi-8 Hip helicopters to drop chlorine cylinders on opposition held areas.
The OPCW has also investigated some of the attacks where yellow gas cylinders were used in aerial chlorine attacks, confirming they were dropped from helicopters. Aircraft observers that are part of the Sentry Syrianetwork observed two Hip helicopters heading southwest from Dumayr Airbase, northeast of Damascus, in the direction of Douma, 30 minutes before the chemical attack in Douma, and two Hip helicopters were observed above Douma shortly before the attack. Hip transport helicopters have also been linked to previous aerial chlorine attacks.
With allegations of Sarin use, it is important to note that these yellow gas cylinders are not associated with the use of Sarin, and as Sarin is a liquid a compressed gas cylinder seems an unlikely method of delivery for Sarin. Possible explanations for the allegations of Sarin use may be a result of the severity of the symptoms presented, of an undocumented munition being used, or another chemical agent being used that presents symptoms that could be confused with Sarin use.
Before the Syrian Strike on 04/13/18, North Korea did send chemical weapons to Syria. The important question to ask is, will North Korea continue to send banned chemicals to Syria?
The revelations come amid diplomats and officials suspecting Syria secretly maintained or developed chemical weapons capability despite promising not to. The Syrian government agreed to destroy its chemical weapons in 2013 under a deal brokered by the US and Russia. Yet during the country’s civil war, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has claimed the banned nerve agent Sarin has been used at least twice in addition to last years chemical attack and on April 7, 2018.
The use of chlorine as a weapon during the more than six-year long conflict has been widespread. The Syrian government has repeatedly denied using chemical weapons.
North Korea did deliver shipments to the Syrian government agency in charge of the country’s chemical weapons program, according to the confidential UN report. The report was prepared by a panel of independent UN experts and was submitted to the UN Security Council earlier in the month; August 22, 2017.
©Natalie Keshing
The United States Will Now Act on the Syrian Crisis; An Armada of 12 Warships Headed Towards The Middle East Because Of The Chemical Attacks Once Again On Innocent Men, Women and Children.
Perhaps this time, enough is enough. Asaad has done enough damage to the Syrian people, not only driving them away from their country but killing and maiming the old, young, mothers, fathers and the sick. It’s pretty clear that after last year’s chemical attack and now last week’s chemical attack, Assad will continue to torture the people that he treats with irreverence and destruction and snuffs the cherished lives of all the Syrian people who have perished in this ongoing civil war.
They now know we’re coming. Twelve warships are headed towards the Middle East. Maybe Russia will involve themselves minimally because financially and military-wise they would drain their resources and they have already shown that they want to deescalate this potential war. We have to remember that Iran recently went through deadly protests because it’s young people want a democracy. Of course watching our backs with North Korea already demonstrating their nuclear missile capability we must be on alert at all times.
Michael Singh, former Senior Director at the National Security Council, is now at the Washington Institute to improve the quality of US and Middle East policy shared his expertise on what our military is facing.
There is a lot of debating going on at the Pentagon and the State Department. They are furiously debating the options and weighing the costs and benefits. The benefit is to deter Assad from using chemicals weapons again. To punish him for what he has already done. The problem is to deter Assad will take a pretty significant strike and thats where those risks start to rise. The risk of tangling with the Russians or a risk involved where President Trump just this last week said he wanted to get out of Syria. To prevent our military from being exposed to proliferating chemicals weapons, we have to take out Assad’s chemical weapons and to do that, would involve military on the ground. The idea is to deter Assad because the cost to use chemical weapons outweighs Assad’s gain. Again, Assad see’s a pretty strong benefit to use chemical weapons so the cost has to be pretty high.
You have more Iranian forces and proxies all over Syria. In fact, they outnumber the Syrian forces. So there is a risk that our military will fight with Iranians. It doesn’t seem that this administration has a whole lot of appetite for countering on the region for using Syria as a theater to take on Iran.
The President said it is going to happen. To do nothing would undermine his credibility, our credibility in the region just as it did in 2013 and would really look like a replay of President Obama’s 2013 red line decision.
Bouthaina Shaaban, political advisor to Asaad said, “Syria and allies preparing for possible war. The rules of engagement now favor Damascus.” In the Middle East by Ben Lynfield
©Natalie Keshing
In the face of the US’s intention to attack Syria over its suspected use of chemical weapons, Syrian President Bashar Assad is “calm and serene and has strong nerves.” According to his political adviser Bouthaina Shaaban, who gave an interview that aired late Wednesday on the Lebanese pro-Hezbollah al-Mayadeen television station after President Trump tweeted that “nice and new and ‘smart'” missiles will be used against Syria. Trump also called Assad a “Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it.”
“We are not fearing the war and we are prepared for it, if it happens,” Shaaban said. After what was reportedly an Israeli attack Monday on Syria’s T4 airfield, Syria and Russia have carried out “preparations,” she said.
Shaaban accused the West of waging “psychological warfare” against Syria, but said this will not work and that things will not go as the Americans wish. “The game of engagement has been changed to serve the interests of Syria. We are stronger than before,” Shaaban said.
She charged that Israel is spearheading “aggression” against Syria, but predicted it would be the big loser from war.
Shaaban railed against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, who has said that the Saudi kingdom could take part in the response to the suspected chemical weapons attack.”Mohammed Bin Salman is a partner of aggression. Since 2011, Saudi Arabia has been a partner by funding and arming terrorists. Some Arab countries have chosen to stand in line with Israel. This increases the greediness of others toward Syria.” She said.
Meanwhile, the editor of the London-based pan-Arab website Rai al-Youm, Abdel-Bari Atwan, predicted that Israel would play a central role in American attacks on Syria. Atwan referred to a report in the Israeli newspaper which quoted senior Israeli security officials as saying that Assad would be “disappeared” in the event of an Iranian retaliatory attack for the T4 bombing, whose fatalities included Iranians.
“We were believing the aggression planned by Trump against Syria will take place at any moment and will be a tripartite French-British-American effort,” Atwan wrote. “But after the Israeli threats to erase Assad and his regime we are now convinced that the state of occupation will be in the heart of the new American coalition and the main instrument of its tools to attack. We don’t rule out that Iran and Hezbollah will be at the top of the targets.”
Atwan wrote that Trump is now interested in an all out war. “Trump has used the chemical attack as a pretext because he wants a bigger war on the Syrian land, not just missile strikes. He wants to divert the attention from America’s defeat on Syrian land.
Atwan termed Trump’s tweet about the missiles “a declaration of comprehensive war.”
Atwan added that Assad will not be cowed. “Perhaps he will leave his palace, which will be a main target along with military and civilian airports and headquarters for security forces but he will never leave Syria as the Americans and Israelis claim. He and his family didn’t leave when the shells were only meters away from them. He continued carrying out his duties for seven years. At one stage, he lost sixty percent of Syria’s land [to the rebels]. Will he leave now after he restored most of the land?”
If anyone should be afraid, it is Israel, Atwan wrote. “Israel is threatening to erase Assad and his regime. It had twenty years to implement its threats and never did it. What Israel should fear is that its own existence is threatened now. It is [under] the threat of removing its existence. The missiles of the resistance can’t reach America but they will hit [Israeli] cities, settlements and airports from more than one front.”
“Syria has been on the map for 8000 years but Israel is only 70,” Atwan added. “Israel has lost all the wars during the last 35 years. Those [Israelis] who are threatening should take these facts into consideration.”