Incompetent and dangerous Biden administration allowed Taliban to beat Americans in Afghanistan
From Natalie Keshing at August 20, 2021
The recognition of past wars has never become so important to me as these days that go by and we face a pandemic that was meant to be a direct national security hit from the Chinese Communist Party through COVID-19, not only the US but worldwide.
It seems we are now facing insurmountable problems due to China’s diabolical insistence in taking over the world.
COVID-19 was genetically engineered in the P4 Wuhan Virology Labs to prolifically spread worldwide. A pandemic meant to attack every and any human life on this earth.
In 2015, under the Obama and Biden’s Presidential administration the National Institute of Health gave the P4 Wuhan Virology approximately $4 million under Fauci’s nefarious leadership and guidance. Since then, it has come to the attention of Congress’s Committee members who are questioning and have questioned Fauci’s intentions working so closely with the CCP’s P4 Wuhan Virology labs.
Some people are under the impression that experimental toxic vaccines will keep you from getting COVID-19, this is not the case since most hospitals are now reporting up to 65% -75% or more of COVID cases are people who were fully vaccinated. Now only half or less of the US population have been vaccinated the other half have kept true to their initial instincts.
The CDC continues to bounce back and forth the idea that people will need booster shots to prevent the Delta variant of COVID-19. This would only continue to deeply hurt people physically and emotionally, if not kill them. The CDC and the VAERS System has not been honest with the American people in terms of how how many have died or become completely disabled. Believe me the number is very high. To high to keep this from the public.
My fellow Americans war is at our backdoor and if mainstream media, social media and big tech have their way as allies to the CCP this will be the end of the United States and other countries.
Biden is not the President and most people know this to be the absolute truth even against mainstream media and the press who are still trying to convince the majority of the American people who did not vote for Biden and our votes stolen through the massive election fraud.
Most people are not listening to the news because most of it is not the truth and it’s disheartening and depressive to face how much our country has deteriorated under this administration, the COVID-19 pandemic attack and the Democrats once again trying to pass a massive bill costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars where only $200 to $300 billion will go to infrastructure.
I ask what about the budget to expand our military capability to have a chance to deter or save the United States and those adversaries against the CCP who will continue to threaten our way of life and our cherished freedom.
Today, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told members of Congress on a conference call Friday that Americans attempting to evacuate Afghanistan have been beaten by the Taliban, directly contradicting Biden’s assertion that U.S. citizens were not being blocked from the airport, two lawmakers told The Post.
“Striking a decidedly more concerned tone than the Commander-in Chief, Austin called the abuse of Americans at the hands of the Taliban “unacceptable” as lawmakers sought answers on how the Biden Administration is attempting to get U.S. citizens and allies out of the country.”
Following the call with Austin, as well as Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, multiple GOP lawmakers said the briefing did little to quell their concerns about the safety of Americans and Afghan allies, with critics arguing they received conflicting information and few details on a viable plan to evacuate citizens from the country as the situation continues to deteriorate and worsen.
This atrocity in itself defines the incapability of Biden running the United States. His first responsibility is to keep Americans safe and has failed and will continue to fail.
Republicans in Congress have to act fast and start the impeachment process of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who are clandestine coverts for the shadow government run by Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Soros and many others who have committed treason in past crimes against the United States, the Constitution and have repeatedly put all Americans in danger. ~ Natalie