Biden’s perfidious corruption knows no national and international boundaries. Let us not pay the most precious price, the miracle of life, from his continual nebulous cognitive decline and his corruption’s ubiquitous web falling on American’s shoulders, destroying American’s national security and the American way of life.
Thank you for reading at informing critical thinking to save humanity. ~ Natalie
“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” ~ John Adams
The corruption of President Joe Biden and Eric Schmidt, a multi-billionaire and former CEO of Google, has played an extraordinary role over U.S. science policy shaping the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Even after the Office of General Counsel raised ethical flags for more than a dozen officials, who were associates of Schmidt’s including current and former employees, whose salaries were covered by Schmidt’s Futures in the 140-person White House office. The White House continued to lie and said there was nothing unusual about its ties to Schmidt and that ethical issues were promptly and properly handled.
According to the Science Office’s then-General Counsel, Rachel Wallace over the past year, internal emails obtained by POLITICO, showed that Wallace and other members of the science office’s legal team regularly flagged potential conflicts of interests related to Schmidt and Schmidt Futures and nothing was done.
Wallace said, “I and others on the legal team had been noticing a large number of staff with financial connections to Schmidt Futures and were increasingly concerned about the influence this organization was able to have through these individuals,” Wallace, who is now being represented by the Government Accountability Project as a whistleblower, told POLITICO. GAP and Wallace formally filed a whistleblower complaint.
Schmidt, who is estimated to be worth $23 billion, founded Schmidt Futures with his wife Wendy to support and promote emerging technologies such as a recently announced $125 million fund for artificial intelligence.
Here is the important part of this internal White House corruption. Biden, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and other executives from Big Tech have been tied very closely to advancing China’s Artificial Intelligence programs for military advancement. And why military AI advancement only in China, to take over the United States.
All the progress made for military AI advancement is to use robots to fight wars and kill masses of people wherever China chooses to. Remember China, Biden and Big Tech Executives like Tim Cook, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg don’t adhere to international or national laws. They live in the United States but do not respect the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights otherwise they wouldn’t be committing treason against the United States to fulfill the dreams of China’s Communist dictatorship in cybersecurity intelligence and military advancement AI.
“Schmidt told The New York Times in 2020 that ‘the way to understand the military is that the soldiers spend a great deal of time looking at screens. And human vision is not as good as computer vision,’ he said, explaining why AI should be used for functions currently handled by humans. ‘It’s insane that you have people going to service academies, and we spend an enormous amount of training, training these people, and we put them in essentially monotonous work.’”
It would be interesting to find out China’s Xi Jinping’s opinion of the United States internal advancement in AI considering Xi Jinping’s demands complete loyalty to their Communist requirements and their nefarious artificial intelligence clandestine programs. Is Biden playing both sides of the incoming stream of money through Eric Schmidt, the multi-billionaire and former CEO of Google, owned by Larry Page Sergei Brin?
During the Obama administration, while Schmidt served as Google CEO and later executive chair, company representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week, on average, from 2009 to 2015, according to an analysis by The Intercept and the Campaign for Accountability.
During Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, while he was still Google’s executive chairman, Schmidt helped recruit talent and advise on technology and was among senior staffers and volunteers in the campaign’s “boiler room” on election night.
Schmidt went all-in for Hillary Clinton in 2016. In April 2014, a year before Clinton announced her candidacy, he sent her senior aide Cheryl Mills a long memo entitled “Notes for a 2016 Democratic Campaign.” At her election night party in 2016, he was photographed wearing a “staff” badge.
“In 2018, Congress created the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) “to consider the methods and means necessary to advance the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States.” Schmidt became the chair, nominated by then-chair of the House Armed Services Committee, Republican Mac Thornberry of Texas.”
The question here is how many from Congress knew of the pending conflict of interest in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Schmidt and Schmidt Futures.
Deeper Ties of Corruption
“Schmidt Futures also set about establishing relationships with the next Democratic administration-in-waiting. When now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken co-founded the consulting firm West Exec Advisors in 2017 along with Michèle Flournoy, who was then seen as a frontrunner to be Secretary of Defense. Schmidt Futures became one of their clients. Flournoy participated in a 2020 Biden fundraiser with Schmidt that was billed: “Virtual Conversation on Technology and National Security.”
“West Exec was also the professional home to several additional people who are now high-ranking officials in the Biden administration, including Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, both of whom were West Exec employees.
In July of 2021, at the “Global Emerging Technology Summit” hosted by the NSCAI, which has since been disbanded by statute, Blinken thanked Schmidt and referred to him as a “friend.””
Ylli Bajraktari was the former executive director of the NSCAI and who is now the CEO of the Schmidt-backed, AI-focused Special Competitive Studies Project that launched after NSCAI wound down. Bajraktari explained that “Eric believes that AI sits at the center of the constellation of emerging technologies, enabling some and being enabled by others. For instance, 5G and quantum computing are poised to enable new growth in AI capabilities, while AI stands to transform the biological sciences, producing significant technological breakthroughs and turning the biotechnology sector into one of the primary drivers of overall economic competitiveness.”
Bajraktari also pointed to Schmidt’s recent book, “The Age of AI,” co-written with Henry Kissinger, and added that “the competitive backdrop with China is important. Do we really want China leading the world in AI-enhanced synthetic biology? Given the central role of the government in shaping scientific innovation, of course he wants to help. He has said many times that we need to base these technologies on our values and norms otherwise we shouldn’t develop them.”
But China is already leading through the strictest loyalty given to China’s Communist despotism solely by US big tech executives Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Google’s Larry Page and Sergei Brin serving China as their one and only creator and dictator.
As a whole country, outside of the federal government’s extreme crime, corruption and treason, we the people really don’t want China leading in AI and biological technology advancements. The problem now is the US federal government’s all inclusive corruption and treason against America and Americans. It is priority to get rid of the insidious political knaves in Congress, the House and Senate who have already crossed the threshold into the dark side led by the echelon of the criminal enterprise consisting of the Biden Family Syndicate, Barack Obama and his administration, George Soros, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates and others if we are to think ahead much faster and put ourselves in a position to grow with strict specifications and security involved understanding the ramifications of an advanced artificial intelligence world.
Has Schmidt and other others interested in pursuing and advancing AI given any thought and real concern to the fact that China has continually been stealing United States technological military AI advancements forever. Too many in the White House and Congress like Joe and Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Eric Swalwell etc. and big tech not excluding the 340,000 Chinese students that come from abroad to enroll in our best universities and colleges are demanded to spy for China. So while we’re advancing, China is stealing and probably advancing faster.
We now have a problem of not only doing comprehensive national security background checks but have any of the people been involved in past corruption through federal agencies. Defining strict laws to be implemented and absolutely followed to adhere to scientific standards of ethical accountability for testing and rolling out AI military programs. Unethical people only care about the money, power, and control and that is the biggest problem in the United States federal government corruption, big tech, mainstream and social media. Root out the evil by starting to expose the truth. You must weed out the weeds to plant the seeds that will grow the strong and the capable to contribute scientifically, technologically and agriculturally. ~ Natalie