iframe src=”https://youtu.be/VqG621-drmk?si=m5nQp2Co2mhT4Uzr” width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”!>
All right everybody let’s try and wrap up this scene. Liam, you’re doing just fine. Just a few more takes. OKAY?
Take 50,
Liam let’s try to go back to the first take. I think you’re almost there. Just think about the good kids and not the bad ones.
We know that the memories of grandma and the reindeer were bad but let’s not make it about her. Let’s concentrate on the goodness in life and how Santa Claus is a good guy, he’s not an avenger or a bounty hunter or a Really BAD Dude! He’s jolly and always looks forward to this time of the year. The kids, the smiles, their presents. Do you know what I mean Liam?
Lights, ready, action!!!