7 Police Officers from Baton Rouge Police Department have been shot.
NewsJustIn: Breaking News in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7 police officers have been shot and it is reported 3 are dead. CBSNLive Stream free live news 24/7 on CBSN:
7 Police officers have been shot, it is reported 3 are dead. It’s not hard to assume that this is stemming from the shooting that took place earlier this month of a Black American man Alton Sterling who was standing in front of a convenience store selling CDs. Police officers approached the man and violently threw him down to the ground. Both police officers drew their guns and he has shot multiple times. Tensions are very high in this country due to all of these recent volatile situations and deaths that left two Black American men, Alton Sterling from Baton Rouge and Philando Castile shot in St. Paul Minnesota to the 5 Police Officers in Dallas, Texas killed during an ambush in downtown Dallas by lone wolf sniper Micah Xavier Johnson. The five police officers that were shot and killed were Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Kroll, Michael Smith, Lorne Ahrens, and Brent Thompson.
A call was received by the Police Department in Baton Rouge complaining of a man with a black mask wearing all black walking down the Airline Highway carrying an assault rifle. It is now believed that this attack was done by multiple gunmen. One suspect is dead and two are at large. As soon as the police arrived, the shooters started shooting at the policemen. Four remaining officers are hospitalized in critical condition.
This is still on on-going situation. More will be reported as the situation unfolds.
©Natalie Keshing Editor-in-Chief of NatsWritings.com or NatalieKeshing.com
So poignant, so real, and so very sad. Is there a solution and what can we do or be done, to reverse this reality ? Especially now in a supposed higher level of social awareness, with something that mostly seemed behind us. A greater, societal consensus towards greater equality and more rewarding opportunity for all of us, bar none. This makes it so clear that not only does societal terrorism exist in our own ranks, yet any downfalls within this country, could come about through our own society, without remedial action, now. Greed needs to be abated.
So poignant, so real, and so very sad. Is there a solution and what can we do or be done, to reverse this reality ? Especially now in a supposed higher level of social awareness, with something that mostly seemed behind us. A greater, societal consensus towards greater equality and more rewarding opportunity for all of us, bar none. This makes it so clear that not only does societal terrorism exist in our own ranks, yet any downfalls within this country, could come about through our own society, without remedial action, now. Greed needs to be abated.
What would be a better, more formulaic suggestion, Lori baby ?