1 – Motive Established
One of the first things police detectives look for in any homicide investigation is motive. Would anyone stands to benefit from Scalia’s death? In this case, we have strong evidence for a motive. As the most conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, left-wing adversaries would have far greater success advancing their agenda by removing him from the court at a time when a left-wing President was still in office to appoint a left-wing replacement.
Scalia was the main dissenter standing in the way of the Obama agenda, the guy they could not blackmail and could not control. In 2012, Justice Roberts openly voiced his opposition to Obamacare, but at the last hour he suddenly and mysteriously switched positions and provided the swing vote for its’ approval. His bizarre behavior when he announced the ruling fueled speculation he was the victim of blackmail.
With Scalia out of the way, the left-wing fascists now have a far better chance for success in the upcoming Supreme Court rulings on many important cases in the next few months, including gun control, abortion, power plant regulation, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty, and immigration.
2 – Scalia Repeatedly Warned About Tyranny and Treason
In his public speeches and interviews in the national news media, Justice Scalia frequently warned of tyranny coming to America. According to Infowars.com host Alex Jones, Scalia told Matt Drudge last year nefarious government officials are “coming after everybody and they’re going to come after us and it’s really dangerous.” (Source: Teaparty.org)
In an interview with Alex Jones on October 6 2015, Matt Drudge shared how Scalia warned him the end of free speech in America has come. He said, “Matt, it’s over for you. They’ve got the votes now to enforce copyright law. You’re out of there. They are going to make it so you cannot even use headlines (referring to links to news stories on other websites).”
Matt Drudge’s shares that comment starting at the 16:55 mark on the following video:
Immediately after Scalia’s death, Alex Jones posted three videos on his Facebook page describing the current climate of tyranny and treason in Washington DC. Here are some excerpts from his message:
“We talked to Matt Drudge and others about the fact that in 2016 they plan to kill the bill of rights and the Constitution.”
Has it been reported that members of the Supreme Court have been blackmailed? Yes, it has.
This is the season of treason. This is the time of betrayal, and we would be fools not to ask the question, “Was this stalwart defender of the Constitution murdered?”
If this is an assassination, it signifies that they are dropping the hammer. That’s the canary in the coal mine.
There is a major war in DC and the word was, ‘Folks, it’s scary.’
This is the takedown of America. This is the globalist takeover. It’s time to stop being so naïve folks. The enemy is moving on all fronts. They know people are waking up to them. They are aware of it and they want to shut it down.”
Click to see Alex Jones’ video #1.
Click to see Alex Jones’ video #2.
Click to see Alex Jones’ video #3.
3 – He Died in One of the Most Isolated Locations in America
Not only was Scalia far away from home when he died, but in one of the most remote, isolated locations in America.
Dark characters seek dark places to carry out dark plans. The fewer witnesses the better. So if someone wanted to murder Scalia, the ranch resort, Cibolo Creek Ranch, in Presidio County Texas, would be an ideal location, darker than any dark alley because of how difficult it is for anyone with any homicide expertise to see the crime scene.
For example, many parts of the county are easily over one hundred miles to the closest hospital. After Scalia died, it took a three-and-a-half-hour drive to transport his body to the funeral home in El Paso. Just the ranch alone covers 30,000 acres.
The remote location also made it very difficult to arrange a judicial inquiry, especially on a Saturday, because the Justice of the Peace would have to make such a long trip to see the victim.
When Justice of the Peace Juanita Bishop was contacted, she was unable to come because she was attending a work-related event more than 120 miles away in Fort Stockton. So they contacted the second choice, but he was also too far away, attending a political forum. The third choice, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, was also unavailable to make the drive to Cibolo Creek Ranch. The best she could do was handle the inquest over the phone, relying on information provided by the Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez, who assured her there were no signs of foul play, even though he has no homicide training. Based only on that, Judge Guevara pronounced Scalia died of “natural causes”. (Source: NPR)
Judge Guevara also contacted Scalia’s physician in Washington, who informed her 79-year old Scalia suffered from some chronic conditions. (Source: Washington Post)
In a previous suspicious death case, Judge Guevara refused to order an autopsy for a young girl whose body was laid out on a railroad tracks and run over by a train. Her parents suspected foul play and wanted an autopsy, but Judge Guevara said no autopsy. (Source: Dailykos.com)
Texas officials have said certifying a death by phone is not typical, but occasionally occurs in rural areas when an official is unable to travel a long distance and must rely on investigators at the scene (Source: Newsmax).
Later, Justice of the Peace Juanita Bishop said, “If it had been me… I would want to know.” (Source: Washington Post)
But it wasn’t her, and now we will never know.
4- Cause of Death Announcement Came Way Too Fast
Infowars.com host Alex Jones posted a video expressing how unusual it is for a cause of death to be announced so soon, especially without any examination by a coroner or medical examiner.
“It takes at least a week for a coroner or medical examiner, depending on the state, sometimes a month, to say the cause of death or make any comments because they have laws against saying, “Uh, somebody died, but it was natural causes, we think.” We have a Supreme Court Justice dead in a hotel room and within ten minutes, we looked at the time stamp of this being announced this afternoon, the first announcement was, “It appears to be natural.” (Source: Alex Jones Video Posted on Facebook)
5 – Scalia’s Security Guards Were Absent
Scalia almost always had security guards with him when traveling, but for some strange reason he had none with him the night he died.
In a statement Sunday, the U.S. Marshals Service, which provides security for Supreme Court justices, said that Scalia had declined a security detail while at the ranch, so marshals were not present when he died. “Deputy U.S. Marshals from the Western District of Texas responded immediately upon notification of Justice Scalia’s passing,” the statement said (Source: Washington Post).
Why would Scalia risk being in such a remote place without his security guards? Why would he ask them to leave? It makes me wonder if he really did.
6 – The Hotel Owner is One of Obama’s Major Donors
The Cibolo Creek Ranch is owned by Mr. John Poindexter, a Texas millionaire businessman, who by coincidence is a major donor to the Democratic party. President Obama previously awarded him the Presidential Unit Citation for his service in the Vietnam War. The Obama administration has often granted presidential awards to the President’s most prized donors (Source: WND).
Poindexter is the one who first discovered Scalia’s body on Saturday morning, February 13. He then reported the death to the Presidio County Sherriff, Danny Dominguez, but refused to reveal the identity of the victim to him. The Sherriff later complained that he was delayed in responding because Poindexter would not reveal who had died.
“I then advised Poindexter that a death reported in Presidio County was under my jurisdiction and that it should be reported to my office,” Dominguez wrote. “He then stated to me that this death was way beyond my authority and that it should go to the Feds.” (Source: Newsmax)
Poindexter was also the primary point man between the ranch location and federal authorities who were slow to arrive on the scene. (Source: Washington Times)
Why was Poindexter so reluctant to cooperate with the County Sherriff, even telling him this death was beyond his authority? Why was he pushing to turn the case over to federal agents and so willing to cooperate with them?
7 – Scalia’s Body Was Found with a Pillow Over His Head
Scalia’s body showed no obvious signs of foul play. The only thing suspicious was the fact that his pillow was on top of the top half of his face. This is just one more oddity to consider. However, if there was foul play involved, professional killers know how to make it look good.
Infowars.com host Alex Jones explained:
“They got drugs they can slip in your drink that will make you have a heart attack so quick it will make your head spin. You would have to have your head examined if you didn’t question whether Scalia was killed because it came right on time and the talking points are right in line with the standard BS the establishment puts out.” (Source: Alex Jones Video Posted on Facebook)
8 – No Autopsy Was Performed
After a 3 ½ hour drive, Scalia’s body arrived at the Sunset Funeral Home in El Paso funeral home at 2:30 am Sunday morning. The funeral home manager, Chris Lujan, said a decision was made an hour later, at 3:30 am, by Scalia’s family members that they did not want any autopsy done (Source: Washington Post).
It seems odd his family did not want an autopsy, especially considering:
- No coroner, medical expert, or homicide police detectives examined the body.
- The Justice of the Peace pronounced, “He died of natural causes” without ever seeing the body.
- Considering how important his position was to the future of our nation
- The unexpected timing of his death
- The remote location of his death far away from home and from his normal
- The absence of his personal security guards
Given these facts, why would they just assume he died of natural causes? On top of all that, they made their decision at 3:30 am. It seems very strange to me.
Justice Scalia’s son, Eugene Scalia, appeared as a guest on the Laura Ingrahm show where he stated, “Our family just has no doubt that he was taken from us by natural causes. We accept that. We’re praying for him. We ask others to accept that and pray for him.” (Source: Politico)
Any evidence of foul play was destroyed the body was immediately prepared for burial, which means it was embalmed.
9 – Homicide Expert Believes There Was Foul Play
The evidence of foul play was enough to convince at least one homicide expert that Scalia was murdered. The former head of criminal investigations for the Washington DC police, William O. Ritchie, believes there was foul play. He posted the following comments on Facebook.
“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia. How can the Marshal say, without a thorough post mortem, that he was not injected with an illegal substance that would simulate a heart attack? Did the US Marshal check for petechial hemorrhage in his eyes or under his lips that would have suggested suffocation? Did the US Marshal smell his breath for any unusual odor that might suggest poisoning? My gut tells me there is something fishy going on in Texas.” (Source: Washington Post)
10 – Suspect Identified
We have established circumstantial evidence and motive, so the final step would be to identify a suspect. Who would benefit from the death of Scalia? Who would have the resources to carry out an elaborate murder plot like this? The answer could be hiding in plain sight. The name of Scalia’s large suite at the Cibolo Creek Ranch was called “El Presidente,” which is Spanish for “The President.” (Source: Washington Post)
Does anyone in particular come to mind?
In conclusion, we have established a clear motive in a dangerous climate of tyranny and treason with a victim left all alone in one of the most isolated remote locations in the country without any of his usual security guards. We have a third-string Justice of the Peace declaring death by natural causes without even visiting the location, without any medical examination, without any coroner involvement, and pronouncing it way faster than this process normally takes even though the victim was one of the most powerful men in America. The hotel owner turns out to be a major donor to President Obama, refuses to reveal the name of the victim to the local Sherriff, tells the Sherriff he has no authority in his own county, instructs him to turn it over to federal agents, and then acts as the primary liaison for them. Then all the evidence was promptly destroyed as the body was embalmed without any autopsy. At least one credible homicide expert suspects foul play and it all happened in the name of “The President”.
Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving along.
According to Trunews.com host Rick Wiles, “This is the way a dictatorial, fascist, police state regime takes control of a nation.” (Source: Trunews.com, Feb 16 2016)
Meanwhile, anyone who even hints at the idea that Scalia was murdered is instantly ridiculed and branded as delusional. Life in America is all good, according to them. What could possibly go wrong?
So now America has four conservative judges and four liberal judges. If Obama is allowed to appoint the next judge, his agenda on gun control, immigration, global warming, abortion, and a host of other issues can proceed unhindered. This attack on the Constitution could easily provoke civil war in our country as the remaining patriots resist the enforcement of these tyrannical rulings, which might be exactly what these psychopaths want to happen.
What better way to destroy our country than letting us destroy ourselves? I believe we have now entered into the early stages of civil war in America, which is what I saw coming in a prophetic dream, which I shared in this post, Civil War is Coming to the United States. Denika Alston also saw civil war coming to the United States, which she shared in her post, Prophetic Dream: Civil War Coming to America. Casey Toda also shared a prophetic dream of civil war coming, Civil War Coming Between America’s Elite Soldiers.
Whether or not Justice Scalia was murdered is an important question, but it is not the most important question we must answer. The bigger question is whether or not his death was the result of the judgment of God against our nation. I believe it was.
I believe our sins, the sins of those who claim to know God, have opened a door for the evil one to come in bringing destruction upon our land. Now Scalia’s death has opened a door that leads us to a place none of us wants to go. Far worse things than this are coming soon if we do not humble ourselves before God by repenting from our sins.
If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Author: James Bailey
James Bailey is a blogger, business owner, husband and father of two grown children. In 1982, he surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. In 2012, he founded Z3news.com to broadcast the message of salvation by reporting end time news before it happens.