Featured Author Polly White “What If I Go!”
Dear Polly,
You are a beautiful writer and entertaining. Exposing your beautiful talent, spirit and zest for life is my honor and privilege. I am going to add you to Natswritings.com on the top slider as a featured Author.
So proud of you my dear girl…continue to write my dear…Natalie, your friend forever.
Polly J White
I attach a couple of pages as requested…What If I go!..an excerpt below:
‘Believe me. If I knew then, what I know now I wouldn’t have left home. Mother said something about God’s protection. Rewinding was not an option, but leaving our village seemed a no-brainer then. I was clutching a lucky ewe’s tooth deep inside my wax coat pocket, and my future was sorted. ‘Welcome to Britain,’ the pilot announced. Still, I felt I’d been given a break; doors were opening at last.
Thanks for reading the extract. You have done me a great service. Treat a Fresher you know to a heads up about exploitative relationships. Buy them an eBook for the new semester like these reviewers did. Happy New Year!
I’m so happy Polly. You are a great writer and shine my lovely friend. I created authors.natswritings.com to include all authors from all over the world to show their talent and tell their wonderful stories and of course advertise their books. Check it out and I wish you the best and Happy New Year! Yeah! ~ Natalie