Sometimes old news is new news and can be the most telling. ~ Natalie
They say history is always in the making and that is no more true than when former President Barack Obama transitioned out of the White House to let the new President in; President Donald Trump.
The New York Times on March 2, 2015 was the first to expose Clinton’s unsecured email server. I made it my mission to learn more about Hillary Clinton’s email server scandal. I was a federal government employee with a top security clearance and that clearance and job meant a great deal to me. I was working with many scientists in an extremely highly technical environment.
From that experience you learn from the get go, you do not remove classified material from its proper place or much less use a private email server where classified and top secret material is without a doubt exposed.
President Obama was asked while holding a news conference with the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi about the quid pro quo email document. The President said, there was no truth to it. President Obama was also asked in a 60 Minutes interview by journalist Steve Kroft “if he knew about Mrs. Clinton’s unsecured email server?” The President replied, he did not. Video footage covering a portion of this interview with Steve Kroft from 60 Minutes.
“Hot off the press, it was recently reported that President Obama had a pseudonym email name to contact former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton through her unsecured personal servers from 2009 – 2013. Which begs the question, Is President Obama still in contact with Hillary Clinton through unsecured personal servers? Surely, President Obama must have known that email communication through unsecured personal servers exposes all his top secret national security documents as well.”
In that moment, I had already drawn my own conclusions after some intense reading like many concerned American citizens informing ourselves through the internet and social media. It was clear that mainstream media and its biases were intentionally not going to expose the criminal and treasonous behavior of the former President and the former Secretary of State.
On September 14, 2018, I came across this old article and I clicked on the first link to watch an interview on 60 Minutes between Steve Kroft and former President Obama but the video is no longer available.
Most on social media have read and/or experienced big tech companies like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter breaching social media user’s personal data, shadow banning and now even working harder by censoring all information relating to conservatives, President Trump supporters and hiding the Deep State corruption that has taken this country by storm. And we are now held hostage by rogue law enforcement agencies like DOJ, FBI and CIA who run themselves and answer to no one. This is deeply troubling and not an over exaggeration but probably an understatement. Where people have suffered tremendous losses, their jobs, their personal lives, their homes, their careers and even sometimes their lives by those rogue law enforcement agencies.
Courtesy of FoxNews, there was a link to this video footage covering a portion of this interview with Steve Kroft from 60 Minutes that is no longer available. Real Clear Politics on a different interview with President Obama did ask that important question, “Did you know about Hillary Clinton email server and when did you find out?” The second video footage where the President is asked about Hillary Clinton’s emails. is still there.
We were in the final stretch of this election 2016 to pick a Presidential nominee whether Republican or Democrat with the one large problem. The Democratic nominee was under a Federal Bureau Investigation for using a private email server while doing her federal job as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was involved in pay-for-play deals with many foreign adversarial country’s rich donors and some were oligarchs.
A most disturbing pattern of corrupted news continues to be exposed. Whether Judicial Watch or Wikileaks exposes these disturbing facts, it is Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s supporters who are still not bothered by their pattern of criminal behavior and actions that bothers most American taxpayers. Trillions of dollars of taxpayers money was used by the former President and former Secretary of State for fraudulent misdeeds and have not been indicted for hundreds of federal crimes.
Most of their support are the elites in Manhattan, NY, Washington DC to the celebrities in Hollywood and mainstream media defending their public record continuously or ignoring it altogether like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC.
Mainstream media won’t bat an eye at the scandalous information Project Veritas Action exposed regarding Hillary Clinton’s campaign opposition antics. Her campaign, the DNC, non-profit Americans United for Change and Democracy Partners were involved inciting violence and displaying a Disney character Donald Duck at the Republican candidate Mr. Trump’s rallies. Hillary Clinton gave Donald Duck a bad reputation.
But now comes the major news, the colluding between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama. I discovered in late May there was plenty of information regarding these disturbing facts written by reputable journalists who weren’t going to stoop down to the lowliest level and not expose the truth regarding these very serious federal crimes. Even if that meant exposing Hillary’s corrupted criminal past linking the former President’s pattern of criminal behavior with the help of his accomplices in his administration and there were plenty.
The Deep State is now full in control of the Department of Justice where Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has threatened the House Intelligence Committee; that he will subpoena their phone texts and phone conversations because the committee members have repeatedly asked for classified documents during the Committee’s investigation of the made up Trump Dossier and the illegally obtained FISA warrants issued to wiretap and unmask the incoming President Trump and his campaign administration.
Jeff Sessions refuses to do his duties as Attorney General and has altogether recused and removed himself from anything relating to the Deep State corruption investigation. The FBI is also stonewalling and protecting 650,000 emails that were discovered on Weiner’s laptop days before the Presidential election. A month ago a federal grand jury was impaneled to investigate and possibly indict the former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who was fired by the DOJ. In recent news McCabe knew about the discovery of 650,000 emails on Weiner’s laptop one month before Congress and the American public were told of their existence. Those emails contain a great deal of evidence and are the holy grail that could possibly indict many in the Deep State still trying to protect themselves at all costs.
It was also recently exposed that only 3,077 out of 650,000 emails were reviewed by FBI agents contrary to former fired FBI Director James Comey who told Congress and the American public that there were duplicates. All this information with a great more detail can be read in this article “List of Corruption” at
President Obama was asked in two important interviews if he knew about Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email servers. Of course he denied he did. But Wikileak’s emails are telling a different story, please read Breitbart news following this article. Anybody who knew about Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email server knew about the illegal corrupted ‘pay for play’ schemes as well. President Obama then Senator Obama, reported to mainstream media the following:
“Then Senator Obama who as President later went on to push policies to expand the displacement of American workers through large-scale foreign worker programs eventually apologized for the memo’s “caustic tone” however, his campaign’s message was clear: A Hillary Clinton Presidency would not represent the interests of American workers, but would instead represent the desires of wealthy donors and foreign corporations. Well we have now come to find out President Obama was only interested in very wealthy elites due to his pathological greed and stole $trillions of dollars from American taxpayers and distributed that money for his personal agenda.
Like The U.S. Agency for International Development under Obama gave $9 million to a group supported by liberal billionaire George Soros that was then used to financially assist left-wing political activities in Albania according to a watchdog report.
On March 15, 2018, it was reported special Inspector General for Afghanistan reconstruction, John Sopko discovered Obama administration paid $300 million/yr to “Ghosts” that don’t exist. Millions of US taxpayer dollars were wasted away under the Obama administration on the salaries of non-existent soldiers and policemen.
Sopko stated, “What we’re talking about are policemen, Afghan policemen, Afghan military, Afghan Civil servants who don’t exist or they have multiple identity cards and we’re paying their salaries. We found similar deficiencies during the course of April 2015 audit of Afghan National Army personnel and payroll data.” If you do the math this amounts to $300 Million/year of taxpayers money multiplied by 5 years comes to $1.5 Trillion dollars In October, 2016 based on a Sopko letter released to the Pentagon, the fraud could have amounted to more than $300 million annually. Sopko said “It’s major fraud. What’s been happening is the commanders or generals or other high officials are actually pocketing the salaries of the ghosts.
In 2008, President Obama already knew about Hillary’s disturbing pattern of criminal behavior and actions. The gossip on the Clinton Foundation was not a real charity and had evolved as a slush fund. It was practically common knowledge in Congress and Washington.
When President Obama took office his opinion and attitude changed 180 degrees concerning Hillary’s reputation? He decided and required that Hillary sign a memorandum of understanding before he appointed her as Secretary of State because of the potential conflict of interest raising money for the Clinton Foundation. This public memorandum was part of the undisclosed hand shake agreement behind the scenes. To hide the criminal syndicate and money laundering “Clinton Cash” machine as Peter Schweitzer put it best. When it came time that Hillary Clinton would officially announce her Presidential candidacy, President Obama would fully endorse Hillary and campaign for her because they were already in full swing committing many federal crimes against the United States of America.
Some would have never risked their Presidential legacy by appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Hillary in 2008 was pretty sure she would win the election for President then and be privy to the sovereign rights all over the world. Full direct access to foreign donors some adversaries of the United States to rich billionaire executives, oligarchs and those few foreign donors who wanted to buy the United States protection.
The Queen, Hillary Clinton’s criminal behavior with President Obama’s blessing has now come to haunt us. Their criminal scandals together are countless and have done major damage to this country. We are not on steady ground as a country. The Deep State has deeply infiltrated law enforcement agencies like FBI, DOJ and CIA running amok and rogue to do anything they want to destroy anyone’s career and life. All the Deep State criminals have been identified on the List of Corruption.
Their damage is done and mainstream media is devotedly protecting Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s reputation. But most of the US taxpayers on social media know the truth and we’re deeply concerned for this country’s future and our liberty.
Dare I take it a step further. I believe the President not only knew about the unsecured email servers and Blackberries as I reported back in May, but he knew about an estimated $trillion dollars raised from foreign donors, some US adversaries donating money into the Clinton Foundation against the Charity Fraud Solicitation law. Of course, some of this money is also kept in Swiss offshore bank accounts or in shell companies like in the Panama papers. Those who decided to help Hillary and Obama’s criminal syndicate stood to become very rich. The idea of becoming independently wealthy was non-negotiable no matter what the cost would entail. They wouldn’t have to worry about a single bill, retirement, health insurance and prescriptions, college tuition not like most decent American taxpayers who work very hard for their money to buy groceries, put gas in their cars and probably haven’t taken a well deserved vacation in years. And the worst off not making enough money to afford health insurance to see a doctor or go to a hospital.
The Deep State, Democrats, liberals, Congress, rich elites thought they could fool the American people, the news worthy journalists, people like Peter Schweizer, Charles Ortel, Tom Fitton President of Judicial Watch, Chris Farrell Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch, Natalie Keshing at, President Trump, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham from FoxNews and so many more American taxpayers across this great nation.
We just didn’t buy their constant lies that their criminal violations have all been debunked; one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite word “debunk”. Like she always says, “that’s just a conspiracy theory and has already been debunked.” I encourage you to read Lee Stranahan’s news article from Breitbart. This includes the emails where Cheryl Mills was implicating herself and even the President in this epic criminal enterprise scandal:
Reporter Lee Stranahan from Breitbart “Upon being told that President Obama had publicly claimed he did not know about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, longtime Clinton aide and counsel Cheryl Mills told Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta “we need to clean this up.”
The email chain dated March 7, 2015 was started by Josh Schwerin, currently a National Spokesman for the Hillary Clinton campaign after he saw a Tweet from a reporter.
That caused Schwerin to email a group of people including White House Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri and Hillary Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill. Schwerin included the tweet and wrote:
Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news.
Nick Merrill forwarded that email to top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills, who then forwarded it to Podesta with a clear admission that she was aware President Obama had exchanged emails with Clinton on her private server.
Date: 2015-03-07 21:41
we need to clean this up – he has emails from her – they do not say
Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group obtains its information through the FOIA act.
This new information further highlights why the Clinton email scandal has always been an Obama scandal that goes far beyond the Secretary of State’s office and reaches directly into the White House.
The American people should also be deeply concerned the Obama administration’s response to the President being caught in an apparent lie. Almost immediately after this email shows that Cheryl Mills realized that President Obama’s statements “needed cleaning up,” the White House response was to issue new regulations that walled off any ability to further investigate the President’s statements. This is obstruction of justice.
As U.S. News reported 10 days after the Cheryl Mills email in an article titled ’Most Transparent’ White House Dumps FOIA Regulations for Itself:
The Obama administration announced Tuesday it will ditch regulations that subjected large portions of White House correspondence to public records requests, a decision derided by transparency advocates who wryly noted it was issued during a week celebrating open access to government.
The notice exempting the White House’s Office of Administration from the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act was contained in Tuesday’s Federal Register, reversing a three-decade-old policy during Sunshine Week, the annual celebration of the FOIA law.
The newly-published email raises serious questions for Mills, Podesta and President Obama. On October 16, Fox News host Brett Baier asked Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential running mate Tim Kaine about Obama’s claim.
First, Baier played Kaine the video clip of Obama’s statement:
CBS NEWS: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an e-mail system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was Secretary of State?
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: At the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.
CBS NEWS: Did you know about Hillary Clinton’s use of private e-mail server—
CBS NEWS: —while she was Secretary of State?
Then Baier pressed Kaine about Obama’s statement:
BAIER: At the same time, Senator, he was using a pseudonym and an e-mail address to communicate with Secretary Clinton. And there’s communication and there are e-mails from staff that suggest they wanted to hold that back and were talking about what to do.
Did the president lie there?
KAINE: Well, I don’t know because—I actually do not know if he’s communicating by e-mail with Hillary, does he know that it’s a private server? I mean, I don’t exactly know if I send somebody an e-mail exactly what their setup is. I don’t really think about that much, and I can’t imagine that the president, with all that’s on his mind would either.
I do know is this, that there was an extensive, as you know, Bret, investigation by the FBI under the direction of a wonderful and tough career public servant, Jim Comey. Jim was in the U.S. attorney’s office in the eastern district of Virginia when I was the mayor of Richmond. And he’s somebody with the highest standards of integrity.
And he reached a conclusion after a very long investigation that no reasonable prosecutor would take this to the next step. I think that still has not been effectively challenged. I know there are people who would like to re-litigate that, but given the depth of that investigation and his own credibility, I think his conclusion, you know, probably gets it right.