It took Uranium One to shed the most light on all this corruption and I called it a Criminal Enterprise after Peter Schweizer wrote “Clinton Cash”. Now it’s exposed, the Trump Dossier funded by Hillary, the DNC and the Russians. For every person on the List of Corruption, Hillary was involved with each one of them, in every single crime because she conspired and ordered to become rich and powerful.
That’s Hillary Clinton’s infamous legacy. Many were hurt and even died from her stealing rich mineral deposits from African countries through deal making with oligarchs and leaving children to continue to suffer and die, to the arm sales she provided to radical Jihadist Islamic terrorists to fight in a war that was started by former President Bush in Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria to all the Middle Eastern countries and to our allies in Europe, possibly facing the next hideous terrorist attack.
Up until now, Uranium One and the Trump Dossier were percolating and finally burst out into real news while Hillary was still prancing around and jet setting off to one book signing or another.
On June 8, 2010, Uranium One announced it had signed an agreement that would give “not less than 51%” of the company to JSC ARMZ, the mining arm of Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency.”
At the time, Uranium One had two licensed mining operations in Wyoming amounting to 20 percent of the currently licensed uranium in-situ recovery production capacity in the U.S. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, In-situ recovery is the extraction method currently used by 10 of the 11 licensed U.S. uranium producers.
Uranium One also has exploration projects in Arizona, Colorado and Utah. I think the Department of Justice should be looking into these exploration projects. We certainly don’t want to inadvertently sell more Uranium or any other elements to Russia or any other adversaries. The Obama administration with Secretary Clinton at the forefront was knowingly compromising American national-security interests. The President was the only one who could have stopped the sale of $145 million dollars that was donated into the Clinton Foundation. The CFIUS committee can’t stop a sale from going through, it can only approve a sale. The president is the only one who can stop a sale or deal.
In trying to legitimize the Trump Dossier, the Clintons and co-conspirators are calling it; Opposition Research, while colluding with Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele (former British spy and a former MI6 agent with an extensive background in Moscow) and a foreign nation, Russia, a US adversary against Hillary’s running opponent President Donald J. Trump.
Glenn Simpson is the co-founder of Fusion GPS and a former Wall Street Journal reporter and didn’t say much during a 10-hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee last Tuesday. Simpson declined to identify any of his clients, citing confidentiality agreements.
“At the same time, Hillary’s campaign, Obama’s campaign organization, and the DNC were simultaneously paying Perkins Coie, the spouse of one of Fusion GPS’s key employees was working directly for Obama in the West Wing. Shailagh Murray, a former Washington Post reporter-turned-political operative, was serving as a top communications adviser to Obama while the Obama administration was reportedly using information from the dossier to justify secret surveillance of Trump campaign staff.”
Perkins Coie, an international law firm, was directed by both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to retain Fusion GPS in April of 2016 to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump. Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election.
Former president Barack Obama’s official campaign organization has directed nearly a million dollars to the same law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous Steele dossier. Since April of 2016, Obama For America (OFA) has paid over $972,000 to Perkins Coie, records filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show. This weekend’s news confirmed all our thoughts as this saga of corruption continued to unfold.
Justice by Judge Jeanine proved to be the most informative and accurate in this past weekends news.
⏳⚖Judge Jeanine said, “It’s time to shut it down and turn the tables & lock her up!”
“Special Counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller must be fired immediately. His role as head of the FBI during the Uranium One deal and the Russian extortion case and his friendship with James Comey demand his firing.”
“Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein must be fired immediately. His appointment of his pal Robert Mueller, who he knew was head of the FBI during the Uranium One deal as well as the underlying case itself, must go. While he, Rod Rosenstein, oversaw the prosecution of the underlying extortion case. And Rosenstein’s sanctimonious recommendation that Jeff Sessions must recuse himself are grounds enough for him to go.”
“The Special Counsel’s Office must be shutdown immediately. This is nothing more than a cabal of individuals relying on false evidence to impeach President Trump. If there are any charges voted by a grand jury, which we hear there are and will be disclosed on Monday, the Department of Justice can take over. “
“Jeff Sessions must appoint someone to investigate the Uranium One deal. The sale of Uranium to Russia, who was assisting at that time Iran, in Iran’s nuclear development has put our national security in jeopardy. In the 2010 case, this is long before President Trump got into the Presidential race and if he doesn’t do it, then it’s time for Sessions to go. I’ve heard enough of this, “I’m not going after the emails.” “I’m not going after Loretta Lynch.” “I’m not going after Lois Lerner.” And I don’t care how many of his swamp pals walk out. ” ~ Judge Jeanine Pirro
Ari Fleischer said, “Hillary and her people have now got caught in the web that they created.”
Ben Shapiro said, “I find it highly implausible that Hillary Clinton didn’t know that the campaign was spending millions of dollars on the Trump Dossier.” 12 Million dollars to be exact. These are all reputable people’s opinion on these very serious crimes that have been committted against the US Constitution and the following federal laws. Hillary, Democrats and Chairman of the DNC Tom Perez denied knowing anything about the Trump Dossier.
Attorney General Eric Holder 2009-2013 signed off on the Uranium One deal and Robert Mueller was Director of FBI then. How could Mueller possibly oversee any investigation on a false predicate of the Trump Russia Collusion. They blamed President Trump for their own crimes.
The FBI and the Department of Justice knew in 2009 about all the bribery, extortion, blackmail, money laundering racketeering and breaking the following federal laws. The evidence in emails, classified documents, recordings & maybe even videos are protected by bad actors left behind by the Obama administration.
You can’t pay 12 Million for the Dossier against these federal laws:
52 USE 30101 ER Seq.: Federal Election Campaign Act Filing a false or misleading campaign report > Trump Dossier
52 USC 30121.: Federal Election Campaign Act Prohibits Foreign Nationals & Government in US Campaigns > Russia > Steele > Trump Dossier > Clinton > Obama > DNC > OFA > Perkins Coie
The corrupted pay2play statutes > Uranium One
18 USC 201-B Federal Bribery Statute
18 USC 201-C Federal GratuityStatute
18 USC 1341 Mail Fraud Statute
18 USC 1348 Wire Fraud Statute
18 USC 666: Program Bribery Statute
18 USC 1952 Travel Act
18 USC 1961 – 1968: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt organizations act
18 USC 2071 Federal Records Act Removal and Destruction of Government records.
Who knew what and when. > Hillary email scandal
18 USC 798f: Espionage Act
Knowingly and Willfully mishandling classified information. > Hillary email scandal > Hillary > Bill > Obama > Rice > Lynch > Comey > Rosenstein > Mueller > Holder > Cheryl Mills, Uma Abedin, Podesta, Lois Lerner, Samantha Powers, etc…
18 USC 793f Espionage Act Mishandling Classified Information Through Gross Negligence
18 USC 1942 Public Officers Law Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Material.
By now, you start to get a real picture of the seriousness of these crimes and we have federal laws that define these crimes. This isn’t a petty criminal defense or prosecution trial. This involves search warrants, the FBI, State Department and the Department of Justice emails and classified documents that will ultimately prove the scandals and the pay4play schemes. These are federal crimes with serious consequences. That is exactly why, if the current Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions can’t or won’t appoint two Special Counsels; one for Hillary and the other for Obama then he needs to resign and step aside for an Attorney General who will abide by the laws and follow them for Justice!
And then you come to the investigative committees and we question what are these investigative committees accomplishing other than keeping themselves busy, but no indictments, no perjury charges or consequences.
Our hope that these investigative committees could get to the bottom of all the corruption is futile. The House Oversight Committee, The Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Intelligence Committees haven’t indicted anyone for years; if ever! Maybe 16 lawyers who are all Democrats on Mueller’s Investigative team are probably feeling very uncomfortable about now and that Mueller’s reputation is more than questionable. Robert Mueller knew and was head of the FBI during the Uranium One deal as well as the underlying extortion case itself. A few of these lawyers are tied to Hillary directly and one worked for the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund. Is it really worth their careers and reputations to continue to support a deeply disturbed person with no moral compass committing serious federal crimes.
Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said, “It is just as legitimate to investigate Russia Uranium One and the Clintons.” and has asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a Special Counsel for Hillary. I say, take it a step further and appoint a special counsel for Obama and his administration as well…and we wait…and one other thing we would hope these committee hearings for Uranium One and the Trump Dossier shouldn’t take place behind closed doors, and if they do, that just implies that the corruption is still in control. ~ Natalie