In a remarkable blow to Obama and Hillary’s criminal enterprise, President Trump revoked the security clearances of former CIA Director John Brennan and in addition to this major striking move, the President revoked the security clearances of Susan Rice, the former National Security Adviser and James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence.
Days later after the security clearances were revoked, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on the MSNBC Rachel Maddow show threatened President Trump on national television. Schumer said, “You take on the Intelligence (CIA) and they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you.” Schumer was referring to former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance being revoked. Acknowledging the Deep State, which thrives currently in the FBI, DOJ and especially the CIA is brainstorming against this country’s President and the better judgement of Americans.
Sharyl Attkisson, an American author said, “Silencing John Brennan would mean, well, making it where he couldn’t be a TV personality or removing him from Twitter and social media or hitting him with an injunction. I don’t think that’s happened nor should it. He isn’t silenced.” I thought Sharyl was on our side; the good guys!
I will only add that we are no longer a free country. No Democracy, when America and Congress is held hostage by the Deep State that thrives in the FBI, DOJ and especially the CIA. None of these are law enforcement agencies anymore. We have lost our liberty, our independence and our personal safety when people are afraid to speak up. When now the FBI or the CIA can hunt you down like an animal and take you down as they did to reputable journalists Jen Moore, Joseph Rago and Michael Hastings. You will read their stories, their plight to stand by the American side and not the Deep State, even if it meant they were in danger. Our founding fathers would be appalled, disgusted and driven to root this evil out. We must fight for this country; it’s inviolable.
Because the big tech social media companies are not only selling users private information as a commodity but are now censoring and sequestering information pertaining to the upcoming midterm elections, committee hearings and especially the Deep State criminal corruption I usually add two sources so video links point to two locations.
Nothing more need be said…………………#DeepState #TheSwamp #GetTrump
— Politick_Rick™ 🇺🇸 (@Politick_Rick) August 17, 2018