To say the Kavanaugh family have been put through a nightmare is an understatement. No one could have predicted the storm that brewed for at least a month between a man who revered the Constitution and the rule of law and Deep State Democrats who were working behind the scenes to have this innocent man disqualified based on uncorroborated allegations of sexual assault. The scrutiny involved reviewing and analyzing calendars from Mr. Kavanaugh’s days in high school to nitpicking every possible social event at Yale.
After the nomination hearings, Senator Dianne Feinstein publicly announced that she was contacted by a woman named Christine Blasey Ford who at the time wished to remain anonymous. This happened months before the hearings and Senator Dianne Feinstein never said a word until then. In Ms. Ford’s letter to Feinstein she stated Mr. Kavanaugh had tried to sexually assault her when she was in high school and Mr. Kavanaugh was in high school.
Ms. Ford testified before a Congressional hearing and couldn’t remember the day, time, the place, how she got there or got home. Four witnesses denied Ms. Ford’s claim including her best friend Leland Keyser who didn’t have any recollection of this incident but did publicly state that during the investigation she was pressured by out of control Democrats and friends to change her story and lie. She didn’t change her story because she told the truth the first time.
While the storm continually brewed regarding the Supreme Court nomination not even a peep in news coverage was reported regarding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was in hot water for recommending to former fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that they secretly start recording their conversations with President Trump.
It is believed former FBI attorney Lisa Page, mistress to former FBI agent Peter Strzok, was present at this meeting. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had already been exposed for threatening the House Intelligence Committee that he would subpoena the Committee’s text messages and phone conversations.
Senator Feinstein tried to remain impartial when speaking to the public but certainly did her job to create a behemoth diversion for the Deep State Corruption hurting themselves for the upcoming midterms.
Of course the problem is the malice destructive corruption by liberal Democrats and the Deep State protecting themselves at all cost. This has been a grueling process for all American taxpayers who certainly deserved better than all this corruption and complete lack of respect from previous President’s malice intentions in the List of Corruption. The bottom line is, corruption doesn’t pay and American taxpayers are ready to defend our liberty and justice for all.
From Fox News, Dana Perino summarized the ordeal Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family endured during this unbelievable process. May God bless them and the American taxpayers. It is well over due to start following the rule of law and the Constitution. The Constitution warned about corruption. Our founding fathers had a deep instinct and inclination how people’s moral compass could easily be affected and tempted especially in powerful government positions.