The October 2016 Wikileaks email documents exposed a quid pro quo, an FBI agent was pressured to change the classification on an email. Apparently, Patrick Kennedy UnderSecretary at the State Department didn’t receive the memo or the advice from First Lady, Michele Obama. Advising “When they go low” we go “Higher”. Well in this case, it is apparently “Lower”. I suspect that this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding Mrs. Clinton’s co-conspirators at the State Department. We can rest assured this criminal enterprise case will continue to be exposed and go “lower”.
Patrick Kennedy served directly under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was referred to as the Chief Operating Officer and employees who knew of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured servers did not talk about this subject or bring this subject up to anyone’s attention for fear of retaliation and many feared Patrick Kennedy.
It’s a disgrace that federal employees and reputable FBI agents feel very threatened, compromised, and pressured by superiors who are going to extremes to protect Hillary Clinton former Secretary of State and her email scandal. The emails go hand in hand with the Clinton Foundation; neither could survive without the other.
There were 1,100 foreign donations made to the Cinton Foundation. These negotiations and correspondences probably still exist; somewhere. Mrs. Clinton and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and her Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin probably know where these records, emails and correspondences are being kept. They have to retain and maintain this information detailing all foreign donors and what could potentially transpire if Hillary Clinton becomes President of the United States. I assume she promised a lot of favors, not just to Goldman Sachs but her foreign donors.
Morale is extremely low in the FBI Department. Many are calling for FBI Director James Comey to step down. He shamefully and arrogantly hurt the integrity and reputation of the FBI. The FBI is very concerned about the public’s view of the department and wonder if the FBI could rebuild their trust and faith with the public. Which was once, held in high esteem from the other law enforcement departments and the public. Time will tell how soon America can recover. The sooner Mrs. Clinton and her criminal enterprise is brought to justice, the sooner the American people can recover.
The FBI today posted one hundred documents released to the House Oversight and Intelligence Committee. Sources say these documents contain allegations of a quid pro quo between a senior State Department official Patrick Kennedy and a FBI agent who’s name was redacted.
“In an interview July 2015, there was a discussion between an FBI agent who makes clear that there was a discussion of a quid pro quo between Patrick Kennedy and the FBI agent who name is redacted. The FBI agent was contacted by Patrick Kennedy who had asked the FBI agent’s assistance in altering the email classification in exchange for a quid pro quo, that in exchange for marking the email unclassified the State Department would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.”
“There’s also an additional 302 document. On September, 2015, in an FBI interview, it makes clear that Patrick Kennedy wanted to change the classification to a code known as B9. B9 is rarely a used code, it’s highly specialized for geographic intelligence. Patrick Kennedy further stated that the B9 classification would allow him to archive the document in the basement of Department of State, never to be see again. The objective was to shield the classification so that it would never be public and this would do damage control for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”
“What is not clear, was Patrick Kennedy was acting on his own or was he acting on behalf of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was then out of office or did Kennedy just understand that this was required. There was clear coordination in handling of the emails between the Department of State, which is funded by the taxpayer and the Clinton campaign.”
“Statements from the State Department and the FBI are saying that this quid pro quo is misleading and it did not align with the facts. Statements from the FBI and the State Department were the issues that were misleading not the documents. “
Also disclosed, there is an attorney currently working for the State Department who worked with David Kendall at Williams and Connolly, LLP attorneys who represent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
David Kendall, Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer, Williams & Connolly, LLP
It’s too close for comfort, an incestuous pattern between Hillary Clinton and the State Department. Hillary Clinton’s inside co-conspirators in the State Department continue to keep Hillary Clinton and her attorney David Kendall up-to-date from the State Department. It was noted that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State (2009-2013), her Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin worked for the State Department and also worked for the Clinton Foundation.
If this is true, this person is directly involved in a conflict of interest. This person can do a lot of damage and try to cover-up Mrs. Clinton’s emails. Especially, if this person has access to this information. The House Oversight and Investigation Committee and Judicial Watch are those entities investigating this criminal case that frequently make requests from the State Department for copies of Mrs. Clinton’s emails. These type of requests should be handled only by someone who is unbiased, preferably, someone who didn’t work with Mrs. Clinton or Mrs. Clinton’s attorneys.
The attorney’s name was not disclosed. With in-depth research and investigation, I found the name of the attorney who works at the State Department and who also worked for the IRS before transferring to the State Department and some other startling information as indicated as follows:
Catherine Duval, Williams & Connolly at State Department, Currently responsible for Clinton Emails; HUGE Conflict of Interest, Destroyed 422 IRS backup tapes.
Catherine Duval, formerly of Williams & Connolly, departed the Internal Revenue Service last year for the State Department, where she assumed responsibility for the release of Clinton’s emails and for the agency’s production of documents to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.
“Representative Jim Jordan, a member of both the select committee and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said he sees similarities between the IRS investigation and the Benghazi investigation.”
“It’s interesting that Kate Duval was at Williams & Connolly, and then went to the IRS, and when she was at the IRS, she was the chief counsel when the 422 backup tapes were destroyed,” Jordan told the Washington Examiner, referring to Duval’s involvement in an investigation into IRS targeting of conservatives.”
In my investigation into this criminal case, many very reputable professionals like Mr. Charles Ortel, who is a very well respected Wall Street Financial Analyst, have questioned why hasn’t the IRS investigated the Clinton Foundation and issued a legal financial audit. Mr. Ortel can answer more of your questions where he has performed a painstaking and thorough financial investigation looking at the financial statements for the Clinton Foundation. Please inform yourselves at