Politico Shares Sean Spicer RNC’s Top Strategist Plan Against Trump:
Through POLITICO Eli Stokols and Kenneth P. Vogel share with us the plan Sean Spicer, RNC’s top strategist made to 14 political reporters at Capitol Hill: ©Natalie Keshing
While the GOP are pointing their fingers and blame Donald Trump they have no one else to blame but themselves. Their unceasing irreverence doesn’t make a strong case for the Republican Tea Party to continue to threaten to discontinue their less than undying support for Donald Trump.
The fact is they can scream and holler till their throats grow parched and dry while I’m sure the President is gratified with moments seeing those who failed to heed the warnings that the American people now want to see new change and leadership. Is the GOP Tea Party getting it’s comeuppance.
Those Republicans that don’t understand that they are now a minority. Just a small group of men that didn’t understand the concept of compromise to do their jobs on behalf of all Americans. Influenced by far too long by those lobbyists that represent the .01 percent of the wealthiest in our nation. The question is, “If the old Republican establishment goes away who will the lobbyists lobby to?” my sentiments exactly.
Donald Trump is their threat primarily because they can’t control him. But it’s not supposed to be about control. The shameful GOP modus of operandi went on for far too long.
Yes, Mr. Trump has a mind of his own and he’s braver and smarter than all of them put together.
And for those of them (the GOP) secretly thinking of voting for the Democratic nominee behind the voting curtain, my word of advice “Do you really want to vote for a Democratic Nominee with a criminal past, present and future. ‘I know I don’t'”. It’s inconceivable to support and vote for an unabashed knave.
“Sean Spicer, the RNC’s top strategist, on Wednesday made that case to 14 political reporters he convened at the organization’s Capitol Hill headquarters for an off-the-record conversation about the election.
“Reporters from POLITICO and BuzzFeed were not invited.”
“According to several people who attended, Spicer spent much of the session detailing all the RNC resources that have been deployed to swing states and how the party’s infrastructure is stronger.”
This sounds familiar like the “UnboundDelegates Class 201”. Influencing people with bribery. Did they not learn from what the DNC operatives did which was to do a disservice to Bernie Sanders, the Hispanic Americans, and the Black American people.
Sounds to me that RNC chairman Reince Priebus and House Speaker Paul Ryan are doing their jobs and see the great potential in Donald Trump. They represent the younger GOP who clearly have a fresh open mind.
“According to sources close to Priebus, the chairman has warned that if Trump does not better heed this persistent advice to avoid dustups driven by his rhetoric, the RNC might not be able to help him as much — suggesting that money and ground resources might be diverted.”
Well just exactly who needs who’s help more? That is the puzzling question. Mr. Trump continues to campaign and raise money for the RNC. He is doing his job on behalf of the RNC. Mr. Trump’s rhetoric is amplified and completely distorted by the mainstream media. And quite honestly after he and the American public witnessed what happened to Bernie Sanders. Let me remind you when the President invited Bernie Sanders to take that long hot summer walk through the gardens of the White House and offer his advice to Bernie Sanders. Well, just who exactly is Mr. Donald Trump supposed to TRUST in Congress and the White House and the DOJ, FBI, State Deparment, and mainstream media etc. We have some major corruption that has infiltrated its way to the top. Yes building trust has to take it’s necessary time and also demonstrate that two parties are willing to meet each other half way.
“Operatives close to the RNC leadership who have heard this argument from party leadership, say the committee might have to make a decision about pulling the plug on Trump before that.”
“There’s lingering doubt,” said one operative who has worked with the campaign. “It’s never really improved much, and never for long.” The operative dismissed efforts to withhold RNC support from Trump as “only coming from the usual suspects — the same crap from the same Republicans who can’t win elections.”
Just exactly what does the GOP operatives and 14 political reporters propose to do here? Magic? Donald Trump won the Republican Nominee fair and square and they cannot forget Mr. Trump’s supporters and voters. Adding anyone else to the mix will surely kill their chances of winning. Because there is the independent candidate who will take some of the voters as well and if Hillary Clinton’s emails continue to be exposed through Wikileaks, Judicial Watch and Citizens United her polls will drop. We can’t forget that 70% of Americans don’t trust her and I am here to say to them they are right. Please inform yourselves at www.charlesortel.com It was just announced today that another batch of Hillary’s emails are to be exposed to the public:
“Washington (CNN) The State Department has agreed to provide the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch with all official emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton that were recovered from her private email server by the FBI investigation.”
“The agreement was announced in a court filing and State Department Director of Press Relations Elizabeth Trudeau confirmed the decision in a statement to CNN. The State Department’s attorneys will provide a proposed production schedule next week.”
“The State Department has not said whether it will release these emails to the public, as it did with the nearly 55,000 pages of work-related emails Clinton provided last year.” Updated 4:16 PM ET, Mon August 15, 201
“Judicial Watch has about a dozen ongoing FOIA lawsuits against the State Department on the email issue. They are also seeking the emails of a top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, who had an account on the clintonemail.com server.”
Yes indeed, the gift that keeps on giving from Judicial Watch and Citizens United and we mustn’t forget that Julian Assange from Wikileaks has promised more to come. ©Natalie Keshing
“Spicer has suggested a mid-October deadline for turning around the presidential campaign, suggesting last week to reporters and in separate discussions with GOP operatives that it would cause serious concern inside the RNC if Trump were to remain in a weakened position by then.”
Operatives close to the RNC leadership who have heard this argument from party leadership, say the committee might have to make a decision about pulling the plug on Trump before that.
“Early voting in Ohio starts in a few weeks, there’s a 45-day window for absentee voters, so mid-September would probably be the latest the RNC could redeploy assets and have any real impact,” said an RNC member privately. “The only thing you could change in mid-October would be to shift some TV ads, maybe try to prop up Senate candidates in tough races like [Rob] Portman, [Marco] Rubio and [Pat] Toomey.”
Then Mr. Trump’s campaign should try to push harder through Ohio and TV ad’s explaining the seriousness of the crimes committed by Hillary Clinton as former Secretary of State continuing to work with foreign donors and rich companies on the Clinton Foundation against the United States Constitution, violation of the Espionage Act 793F, and fraud against the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law.
Hillary Clinton broke her word of honor and the “Agreement” with President Obama to refrain from working on the Clinton Foundation. After more research on the Wikileaks emails Sidney Blumenthal who worked for the Clinton Foundation and was adviser and assistant to Bill Clinton was constantly in contact with Hillary Clinton from the very beginning through her tenure as Secretary of State. What this means is that billions and billions of dollars were taken from the poor in countries like Nigeria, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, etc… Someone said to me “It was taking from the poor.” Yes, it was all that and even more.
©Natalie Keshing