During the Obama administration political officials in Congress and top ranking government agency heads were working with foreign adversaries against the American Constitution and our nation. A perfect example in just recent months was former Secretary of State John Kerry insisting on saving the Iran deal in violation of the Logons Act. Then you have Senator McCain who received millions from George Soros and Teneo (a company owned Douglas Band who ran the Clinton Foundation), a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation and a Moroccan company donation tied to charges of worker abuse and exploitation for McCain’s foundation “The McCain Institute for International Leadership” comparable to the Clinton Foundation.
Senator John McCain passed on August 25, 2018 and the Deep State lost a soldier that went awry against the American taxpayers. In Megan McCain’s eulogy for her father she described a man that had fought for his country but through American’s taxpayer’s eyes McCain came to betray his country for greed with the help of once again the nefarious Billionaire, George Soros. As Americans we are paying the price when politicians in Congress like John McCain join political forces with George Soros who didn’t and doesn’t have an ounce of reverence and compassion for American taxpayers. In 2001, Senator John McCain founded the Reform Institute to receive funding from George Soros Open Society Institute. McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to campaign operatives until he was forced to sever ties after controversial contributions.
McCain was also good friends with Chuck Schumer. Schumer who goes out to lunch with George Soros’s son. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and liberal billionaire George Soros attended a November 18, 2017 anti-Trump elites rally titled “Beyond Resistance” to boost the Democrats dwindling popularity. The news media was not invited but other speakers included US Senators Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Ben Ray Lujan, and Democrats Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylviania and governor-elect Ralph Northam of Virginia. In the meantime, taxpayers are paying for Mueller and the 17 attorney’s salaries to protect Obama and his corrupted administration. $17 million has already been spent for Congressmen’s indiscretions.
The U.S. Agency for International Development under Obama gave $9 million to a group supported by liberal billionaire George Soros that was then used to financially assist left-wing political activities in Albania according to a watchdog report. No one in Congress should be an enabler of George Soros’s destructive pattern of behavior towards the United States of America much less giving him $9 million in taxpayers money for his nefarious intentions. Soros donated millions to Hillary’s Presidential campaign and she almost won under an FBI investigation.