The most damaging evidence is in the 650,000 emails Congress is for some reason pretending doesn’t exist and never bringing up the very important subject matter that could indict, prosecute and sentence…many.
It was reported in a bombshell report on August 24, 2018 through the DailyWire that the FBI never examined the vast majority of the emails on Weiner’s laptop (3,077 of the 650,000 emails), despite Comey’s lie told to the American people and Congress that “thanks to the wizardry of our technology,” the FBI was able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as “duplicates” of emails they’d previously examined. Well, Comey was not only lying but advancing technology and the human’s capabilities sifting through thousands of emails in a matter of days announced just before election day, November 8, 2016.
Even writing computer code would have taken two days but maybe the technology did exist at the Pentagon or at a private company. But it was too risky to take the chance of others being involved and wondering about those flag qualifiers like child sex crimes, classified or top secret information. A particular person’s name like PODESTA, like in all the Wikileak’s emails that exposed how these criminals think and behave!
But most importantly, they did find in the review of just a small fraction of the emails that classified information was being sent or received via Clinton’s unauthorized, unsecured private server. Now why does that not surprise us. Those that voted for President Trump and knew better; on a hunch Comey was lying again. Now you see why President Trump had to fire him. There was a lot of damaging information, including highly sensitive information dealing with Israel and the US designated terrorist group Hamas. None of this information was reported to anyone because for one, Obama already knew and why open a can of worms and possibly implicate the whole Deep State.
And there was something even worse than any of these crimes that has already been reported in Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on September 28, 2016. In an email to the FBI case agent, the Special Supervisory Agent (SSA) and the Southern District of NY Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSA) were advised that the case agent should review “only evidence of crimes related to the sexual exploitation of children, enticement and obscenity” and instructed the case agent “that all emails and other communications between Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin (even if there are other parties to the communication) should be sequestered (to remove; banish) and not reviewed at this time.” This order was meant to limit the people who would be witness to the worst crimes done to children. I’m sure there were many who purposely didn’t want to know or get involved and not for practical or illegal reasons but deadly reasons! The FBI case agent Coleman did jot down on his notes “Crimes Against Children.”