In blue marker Subject: Re: Comet Ping Pong and OBAMA…and Podesta? There was a photo of Obama on ‘Alefantis’ Instagram account until he changed it to private. Wikileaks’ email From Obama to John Podesta. Another Wikileaks’ email from Obama to John Podesta.
It is not normal behavior to invade the physical boundaries of children.
There is absolutely no reason Obama should have his hand inside his younger daughter’s pants. It’s his intention that is visible and damaging to any young little girl; even his daughter.
One thing is evident and true, pedophiles love to take pictures of themselves with these young little girls. Like Obama in the top two photos of himself with this child who’s mother is pictured with and apparently very close to James Alefantis below and the following photos of Joe Biden and his addiction to taking pictures with little girls.
This is the kind of damage done to a child who is exposed to pedophilia.
Spirit Cooking: The Most Disturbing Podesta Email Yet?
There is a very disturbing video of Marina Abramovic who is very close to Tony and John Podesta. She thinks she is an artist and is part of this New World Order Illuminati cult. A putrid demagogue who along with Tony and John Podesta, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton knew nothing of the plight of humanity and have infiltrated the US government, law enforcement agencies, liberals, mainstream media news networks, Democrats who now want to abolish ICE and defend the rights of illegal criminal immigrants over American citizens, and the worst damaging the minds of millennials.
Look at where Biden’s hand is.
Biden is trying to grope a little girl’s chest in the video. All these children show how uncomfortable they are.
Here, in this video, Biden is trying to kiss the little girl and she pulls away; rightly so.