The lyrics of the Beatles’ song Michelle, ma Belle
These are words that go together well
My Michelle
Michelle, ma Belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensenble
Tres bien ensemble
I love you, I love you, I love you
That’s all I want to say
Until I find a way
I will say the only words I know that you’ll understand…
With stuttering in his voice he said, “I’m worried about Micha…Michelle. He knows his whole world would crumble without her; without him. The only woman who truly loves him for all the good and the incomprehensible bad.
She’s off now; flying in and flying out. It’s a race to save his legacy, her legacy, the family legacy they all painted so well. There were many who gave of themselves to paint this picture absolutely right to the American public. We were the judges who would give our votes so willingly because this picture looked absolutely flawless.
We were drawn in. I was drawn in. I said, “We’re healing”. I thought of Martin Luther King and his devotion to change the minds of people who judge others by the color of someone else’s skin was a thing of the past.
She’s having a great time explaining her version of the life she framed with Barack. Yes, it always goes back to the life, the picture, the public, their faithful destiny. Still an open book with only hers to tell a different version from within.
Maybe a little R&R and ordering room service for her favorite dessert or snack. I can see her, smiling, dialing. Her hair picture perfect in a white Versace suit with gold jewelry. Imagine that wearing Versace. Receiving the best service money and prestige can buy. She represents the strong women of today and that makes it absolutely perfect. Now laying on the plush comforter in this beautiful suite, a home away from home, and enjoying it. As much as a surprise for her and a disappointment for him. She can hear it in his voice when they speak. He can hear, feel her hesitation, her independence from him, from them, from the lies promoting more lies on this book tour.
She still has to present to the public that they are that couple that lived in the White House. But the nagging truth, how much good did Barack really do for American taxpayers in this country? Would it have been too much to know the absolute truth. He, a homosexual, she a transgender with two beautiful little girls by their side. Who’s to say she isn’t a female, a wife, a mother, a First Lady who had the most difficult of pretenses 24/7 among First Ladies of this great nation.
Immediately, I’m drawn into researching more about the First Ladies but there’s not enough time for that now. This story, their story is pressing and by all accounts the most challenging. It will never stop because the truth, the suspicions, the looks, the feelings, their feelings deep down aren’t part of this nation’s history of a normal couple; a man and a woman.
It was supposed to be all about her. Her words, her feelings and not his; not this time. I still had to look and think about my safety and there she was in the darkest dim light. The silhouette of her profile struck me immediately. Something, most of us as women know too well. She’s thinking and thinking. Her independence means much more now than ever before. So much that occasionally you do entertain the very thoughts, the idea; her life without Barack.
She has it all, she couldn’t have dreamed or even asked for more. The husband she always wanted to complete her. He was the President of the United States of America. That in itself had to count for something. They pulled it off; fait accompli with much success. Their beautiful daughters, now growing up to fast for Barack and at times, mostly keeping him and her together. That’s what children do for the family. But sometimes you have to ask at what cost. The picturesque house, the maids, the gardener, her wardrobe fittings, her appointments to stay trim and proper.
Michelle told PEOPLE that she is not weepy over her daughters (Malia, 20, and Sasha, 17) leaving home for college. As a matter of fact I’m presuming Michelle finds less tension between her and Barack now that the girls have left the nest. He is also suffering from their daughters distancing themselves to venture into their new lives. But how much of their old life with Mom and Dad has affected them. We’re only human. Do they know? Maybe…Michelle continues to add, “Unlike my parents, who dropped me off at college and just had a phone call. I text with my kids. I can text Malia right this second and know exactly what she’s thinking. I don’t feel like she’s away, I feel like she’s off on her next adventure, so I’m excited about her. I don’t need my children to make me happy. I had them so that they’d be happy.” Sensible and happy for them. Like a mother should feel for her children.
So much has happened, had happened in those eight years. You have to ask how much did Michelle know? As much as his favorite confidant, Valerie, the third woman who propelled him into the biggest spotlight. Who was at his side almost every night to counsel him, direct him, to keep him focused on the end result. For everyone and everything depended on his success publicly and his success privately; running a criminal syndicate enterprise. His acolytes worshipping him as if Barack was the second coming of Christ. He could do no wrong pursuing the greed and power he craved as a young man on his way to greater things. Quisling and colluding with the worst adversaries of the United States of America. Ultimately, committing treason multiple times and not even giving it a second thought. Cocky, for sure, Pathological without a doubt. Barack’s hubris was unmatched. Perhaps a virtuous quality as a prerequisite before becoming Commander-in-Chief.
She’s beginning to think like who else, if not Hillary herself, where every million stolen is never enough; not to live the lifestyle they have already become accustomed to; by hurting and stealing from the very people who afforded them the opportunity to do good for American taxpayers and swindle them, us out of our hard earned money on an eight to twelve hour job schedule. But these kinds of people are all past that. They don’t really care about the normal American taxpayers except when they need our vote.
The problem with famous couples is that their individual fame is not as strong than when they stay together. The dynamic duo. It’s absolutely true, they are stronger together than apart and even truer for couples who commit crimes together; willfully and intentionally, there is no other kind of criminal. No marriage is without it’s complications but these kinds of marriages are entirely a different beast. You can grow apart individually but ultimately stay committed to stay together because one needs the other to protect the other should the time come to face the music…and we’re waiting.
I didn’t write about Michelle purposely. I suppose I was rejecting the whole idea that Michelle wasn’t a woman in the truest sense of the word; I mean born that way. Joan Rivers was asked about President Obama and she said, “The President is gay. Michelle, Michael Obama is a ‘Tranny’ a transgender”. Joan Rivers specifically banned Michelle Obama and 2 others from her funeral service. This information was recorded on video on YouTube.
To me Michelle always looked so pretty. So well put together. Her style was classy and she remained reserved during their years in the White House. She did change her style as her personality changed throughout the last 4 years in the White House and after.
People magazine pointed out how candid Michelle’s book explained her feelings when 20 years ago she had suffered a miscarriage. But how can a woman born a man suffer a miscarriage. It’s not biologically possible even if the transgender surgically altered his gender physicality.
Then Michelle shared something pivotal in their marriage which might explain how she/he coped with all the lies and pretentious smiles after eight long years. In a conversation with Oprah Winfrey about “Becoming”, Michelle shared that she broke down crying on the Air Force jet right after she and Barack departed the inauguration of President Donald J Trump, an anecdote she didn’t share in her book. The admittance in itself was telling enough. Michelle said, “When I got on the plane I think I sobbed for 30 minutes and I think it was just the release of eight years of trying to do everything perfectly. I said to Barack, “That was so hard what we just did. That was so hard and I’ve wanted to say that for eight years.”
Before the midterms in 2018, everybody seemed to wake up from a long winter’s nap. Hillary and Bill Clinton were hitting the pavement and CNN was still only to happy to accommodate Hillary’s opinions as to why she lost the election and try to add and convince how poorly President Trump’s Presidency was doing, according to Hillary’s unique and spiteful opinions. But who’s asking her for her opinions these days.
People were thinking and finally asking, “Is Hillary actually thinking of running again for President in 2020?” Hadn’t she done enough to kill her political career after the 2016 election. Were people finally seeing that Hillary wasn’t this beacon of hope and wasn’t a person of integrity where she pretended to care for the human rights of others; specifically the illegal criminal immigrant population in this country coming from Central and South America. How could she for those who definitively said “No Way”. And for those who still believed in her before the 2016 election and cried and sobbed publicly for losing the election ask, “Why Shouldn’t She?” She could do no wrong or harm in their eyes. But she did do wrong and especially harm.
Before you knew it Hillary’s devoted staff arranged for a grand tour of 13 states and then the tour in Canada that finally broke the camel’s back when her tickets were selling for less than $8.00 dollars and so few showed up to hear her speak.
In the meantime, Obama got out there and wanted to do his part for the Democratic team, the Deep State, for George Soro’s ambitious goals to destroy America and especially for his own legacy. He started off by saying and taking credit for the economy doing so well in the first two years of President Trump’s successes. President Trump’s genuine hard working ethic, consisting of long days and nights implementing effective policies and standing by the American people. Obama being Obama wasn’t going to let President Trump’s success as Commander-in-Chief derail his legacy, his hopes, dreams and plans to ultimately change America to become a socialist globalist country without borders, no think tank and destroy all of us. Without the American people’s spirit and hard work, there is no nation and Barack never seemed to comprehend the will of the people.
But Obama is starting to break down, it was no more evident when millennials in his audience weren’t paying attention to him and he got angry and chastised them for taking away the limelight. Then he appeared to be on some kind of drug or alcohol stupor at a social elitist event in Houston. He started to sound like Hillary with no real honor and integrity to show for themselves but put down other people, events, facts reflecting their failures as powerful leaders who only took advantage of taxpayers to help themselves. All they could really rely on was on the heavily pitched “No Scandal Theme” pointed out in Matt Margolis book, “The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama”.
For all the scandals involving federal crimes against this nation, the Constitution and our national security had Barack and Michelle Obama done the complete opposite and helped and promoted this country’s strengths, I have to believe most people wouldn’t have cared about their truth; being gay and transgender. But it was the deception from the very beginning; their irreverence for the American taxpayers and our lives as normal people that limited their view of good American working people. They were caught up in the “Elitist” status, being rich, hobnobbing with those few who really know less of normal American lives that ultimately support this country through and through. No President should underestimate the will of the people.