It is crucial that I share Mark Levin’s absolute truth. Mr. Levin is an author of many books and a constitutional scholar. Mr. Levin succinctly explains the incredulous unprecedented circumstances Mr. Mueller is trying to commit. Why? Because that is what Mr. Mueller’s official legacy is all about; not only covering for the former President of the United States but covering for the worst crime in American history on 9/11 for George W Bush.
Mr. Levin said, “The AG and the Deputy AG really have to answer some fundamental questions about this investigation. Mr. Mueller wants to interview the President and he wants to interview him in the most onerous of circumstances.”
“What is the purpose of an interview like that based on those 49 general areas of questioning? His purpose is to indict the President and what’s the purpose to indict the President? His purpose is to try the President and to find him guilty. What’s the purpose of a conviction? Its to remove the President from the United States from office. That’s the bottom line.”
“No President has ever been indicted while in office; not one. No President has ever been forced before a federal grand jury, not one. No President has ever been removed from office by the United States Senate and two thirds vote of the Senate.”
“Mueller’s purpose is to remove the President and that means one man, one jury would usurp the entire Constitutional power of Congress to remove the President. You can indict every other public official, a judge for instance while their in office and go through the impeachment process. You cannot do it with the President. I have been studying this for decades.”
“So what’s going on now? It takes two thirds of the Senate to remove a President, not one prosecutor, not one jury. So my question is from a constitutional perspective; to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, it’s time to step up and to the Deputy Attorney General it’s time to pay attention to the entire country; to all the lawyers you bring on here; these fights that are going on now; whether Mueller is going to subpoena the President; whether he is going to answer the questions; whether he can be indicted in office. I want people to understand that the framers never even contemplated what is going on today. Never contemplated, that one prosecutor, a civil servant, a bureaucrat appointed by someone else would have the power to effectively remove the President of the United States. This is the reason why the Democrats are hanging their hat on Mueller. The reason that the media is hanging their hat on Mueller and they’ll never get two thirds of the Senate to remove this President.”
“They’ll never get two thirds, it’s never happened before. So, what they are hoping to do, is to trap him in this notion of a subpoena and questioning; indict him; trying to humiliate him; try and force him in front of a court. Hoping, that they get the Supreme Court on their side, which you never know with these courts and then get him to resign.”
“That’s their game plan. You heard it here first. This is very very important from a constitutional perspective as I speak, Mr. Mueller is undermining the Constitution. He is not upholding the law; whether he is consulting with Comey or consulting with Nostradamus. What’s going on right now is anti-constitutional and undermining of our system. The framers wanted the body politic to decide to whether or not to remove one branch of politics, just as the body politic.”
Special Counsel Mueller has also set his latest zealot prosecutorial ambitions on investigating $150,000 donation Ukranian Victor Pinchuk made to a Trump charity. Mueller can investigate the donation, but it pales in comparison to the tens of millions of dollars Pinchuk bestowed upon the Clintons. Pinchuk is a billionaire and oligarch worth $1.44 billion. Pinchuk also donated $25,000,000 into the Clinton Foundation and flew Hilary and Bill Clinton around the world. While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, Pinchuk was giving tens of millions to the Clinton Foundation. According to the NYTimes Pinchuk had more than a dozen meetings with Hillary’s Senior State Department officials like Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin. Thanks to CitizensUnited, on the Senior State Department emails they were reporting back to Hillary what they discussed with Pinchuk and it wasn’t about golfing or the grandchildren.
Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch said, “Mueller is not supervised on a day-to-day basis by any Senate-confirmed or accountable official in the DOJ. This has resulted in an uncontrolled investigation by a Special Counsel into who knows what! Shut it down.” Fitton added, “Special Counsel Mueller’s operation is not above the law. No one else in DC seems to be providing oversight of the Mueller operation.”