Here’s an Excerpt:
List of Corruption
There’s an undercurrent of the darkest manipulators posing and thinking they’ll continue to evade prosecution and still not all the pieces have surfaced to tell this very troubling story. Justice must be served. If we do anything for this country, it is to show that men and women of weak principles shouldn’t have failed our country and the Constitution and gone scot-free. The Constitution and federal laws were meant to be followed and implemented. The Constitution was written by men who favored America and rightly so. They knew that government officials in the top places shouldn’t fall prey to the wrongdoing and wealth of dictators or rich elites wanting to corrupt and bring down a nation. News media ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and FoxNews has a responsibility to report to Americans when we are in danger and why we are in danger… Read more ~Natalie
Money and associations are very powerful to assist those who really don’t want to face the truth or tell the truth. ~ Natalie
Money and associations are very powerful to assist those who really don’t want to face the truth or tell the truth. ~ Natalie
Mainstream media continues to support Hillary and Obama’s corruption. They refuse to cover the deep organized crimes in this criminal enterprise. Partners-in-crime in the unholiest alliances with child rapists, torturers, killers. Decisively, ignoring child sex trafficking rings being operated by powerful members of the so called world’s elite ruling class. They won’t expose any of this disturbing pattern of criminal behavior because there are so called professionals in law, journalism, government agencies, mainstream media heads, heads of rich corporations, those in Hollywood and rich elites involved and partaking in the torturing and raping of young innocent children. No one in mainstream media is exposing any of these crimes and it’s alarming and dangerous when Obama and Hillary are driven by pathological greed, sexual/relational perversion in pursuit of power.