President Trump as a Presidential candidate was the first person to speak openly and publicly regarding the illegal and criminal immigration problem in this country.
Very similar to the European countries which have experienced an influx of refugees, not all are bad people, but it has detrimentally affected those countries where radical jihadists have come through with the refugee population. Inflicting much harm and death through bombing, kniving and shooting innocent civilians. These were real people who tragically lost a loved one or were injured dramatically; changing their lives right then and there.
So we ask ourselves are we not allowed as a country to heed and prevent the exponential growth of illegal criminal immigrants added to the homogeneous criminal population we are already facing.
Years ago, 30 to 40 years or more, there were a lot less people who crossed the border or came to America by plane or boat. These were real families who came and established themselves as hard working immigrants who came to be citizens of the United States. But there is one major difference that sets apart those genuine good people and the nefarious illegal criminal immigrants who are invading America today; the crime of pedophilia or sexual perversion wasn’t a worldwide epidemic like it is now. These are the worst; affecting, inflicting, torturing, raping and even killing thousands of innocent children, adolescents, girls, boys, young women.
Presently, those illegal and criminal immigrants who don’t find work or don’t want to work apply through social welfare programs to sustain. And many Americans are concerned about depleting social welfare programs for US citizens including Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security where American taxpayers and the citizens of the United States have contributed their whole lives.
How many illegal and criminal immigrants can we continue to support with a higher probability of becoming the next victim of a horrible crime. It’s common sense that harboring illegal criminal immigrants increases the chances of becoming a victim of crime.
Many are hardcore criminals being extradited and repeatedly re-entering this country committing terrible crimes. Many are involved in child trafficking and pedophile rings throughout this country.
Child trafficking is a $32 billion dollar or more criminal business/year and only the unholiest of criminals are involved with these gruesome crimes done to innocent children and adolescents. Almost all are young men with no education running away from a depleted economy in their own countries. Most have been abandoned and were sexually, physically or emotionally abused.
You add the illegal criminal immigrants to our already over populated criminals wandering about in large and small cities and we have a major problem not protecting the citizens of the United States. Populating our already over crowded prisons as well.
Unfortunately during Hillary’s campaign, she falsely portrayed herself as an advocate for the human rights of illegal and criminal immigrants. In past and recent elections, illegal immigrants have been paid to commit fraud and vote twice or more in different states.
There are now 23 million illegal and criminal immigrants and probably more in this country. Sanctuary cities are over populated where the ratio of immigrants to US citizens is now higher. And even more alarming there are political Democrats like the Mayor of the City of Oakland, CA who warned thousands of criminal immigrants that ICE was coming to arrest and deport them. You can understand why US citizens are not happy about this problem. And there are real families, real mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers who have lost a member of their family to a horrible crime committed by an illegal criminal immigrant. These families have asked why did my son or daughter become a victim of these rampant problem. You can’t help but feel the deepest sympathy for their worst loss.