Some brief background on how the Clinton email scandal came to light. Judicial Watch uses the FOIA, Freedom of Information Act. The FOIA law to uncover government records. Judicial Watch was investigating a few years ago the Benghazi scandal and they noticed in their law suits that Hillary Clinton didn’t have any emails that were coming to them from the Obama administration.
Judicial Watch asked for Clinton emails relating to Benghazi and the government towards the end of 2014. The State Department said that there may be other documents we need to look at. In February 2015, they told the court, they gave everything to Judicial Watch but there may be other documents they continued and needed to look at. Then a few weeks later, the New York Times reported about the Clinton unsecured personal servers and producing thousands of emails for herself and evidently for the State Department but not for the American people.
Hillary was conducting all of our government business on these separate unsecured personal servers and then of course all bets were off in terms of the undoing of the Freedom of Information Act. The Obstruction of Congressional investigations. The Obstruction and Fraud brought upon by Judicial Watch and the courts and it’s various law suits that were seeking information that should have been covered by the Clinton emails but weren’t produced. Judicial Watch quickly took the lead and uncovering basically everything we know to date about the Clinton email scandal and you’ll see how it even led the FBI in terms of investigating it.
It was in one of those cases that led to discovery, which is evidence gathering. Judicial Watch took testimony of Cheryl Mills, Mrs. Clinton’s former Chief of Staff. At the State Department Human Abedin, a deputy Chief of Staff and many many Clinton officials at the State Department who should have known about the Clinton email scandal and in fact in one of the cases Mrs. Clinton had to submit a statement under penalty of perjury that was produced to the court, that as far as she knew all the Clinton emails she had were turned over to the government that were government related. While in fact, we now know that 33,000 emails were deleted and many of those were actually government related emails that shouldn’t have been deleted.
As a result of all this litigation, the FBI was pressured and the Justice Department was pressured to at least begin at least the appearance of an criminal investigation into Mrs. Clinton handling of the emails. As we’ve learned over the last several weeks, obviously the FBI decided not to prosecute or recommend a prosecution and the Obama Justice Department decided not to prosecute her based on the alleged recommendation of the FBI Directer James Comey. But as we find out more details about the FBI investigation, we found out that a lot of these investigations that the FBI was undertaking didn’t take place but for Judicial Watch’s pressure from the litigation.
The witnesses weren’t questioned until it became clear Judicial Watch was either going to get discovery or was getting discovery and would question some of these same witnesses. It was so bad that we just learned in the latest FBI document dump that the FBI was using documents produced to Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act with redactions. So the FBI couldn’t even get the full document and they were using those documents to question the witnesses. And of course, there was a lot of outrage about the FBI immunity agreements or Department of Justice immunity agreements granted the Clinton aides at issue in this case.
There will be more Clinton emails coming out, thanks to Judicial Watch litigation. It was Judicial Watch’s litigation that forced the FBI to do the half baked investigation they did. As it turned out but it did produce new Clinton emails including 14,900 emails that Hillary did not want anyone to see because she deleted them. Many of those deleted emails were uncovered by the FBI and turned over to the State Department and several thousand of them are going to be turned over to the American people as result of litigation. First by Judicial Watch and news this week, Vice News, Jason Leopold which is separately pursuing litigation is getting even more emails. So the litigation is going to result in Clinton emails that she didn’t want produced at all to the American people being produced perhaps even before election day at least a portion of them.
A little more than a year ago on May 02, 2017, Judicial Watch through the FOIA act obtained additional emails from the State Department amounting to 894 documents. This new information should spur new federal criminal investigations because the initial investigation into this criminal email scandal was compromised by Barack Obama’s corrupted FBI and Justice Department which as now witnessed by the public very deliberately run themselves.
As demonstrated by the so called Attorney General Deputy Attorney General who will not cooperate and do the jobs that taxpayers are paying for; to release the requested classified information to the Chairmen of the three investigative committees.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, “The new emails show Hillary Clinton is a serial violator of various laws concerning the mishandling of classified material.”
All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 used a email address. That should tell you a lot, how this email scandal has violated all the federal statues of mishandling classified documentation.
Judicial Watch, shared that the emails to date, a total of least 317 emails that were not part of the 55,000 emails Hillary Clinton turned over to the State Department but more than likely might be part of the 30,000 emails Hillary destroyed. But I’m willing to bet, are part of the 650,000 emails discovered on Hillary’s former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin’s husband’s laptop; former Congressman Weiner.
Congress and the Chairmans of the House Intelligence Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight Committee have yet to inquire about these 650,000 emails that will tell the whole story of Hillary’s appointment as Secretary of State.
These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department. Hillary is usually very clever how she avoids perjuring herself by saying “as far as she knew” but she’s not always on top of her game and has already perjured herself and has yet to be brought back to the House Oversight Committee to face the consequences. It is alarming, why hasn’t at the very least; this occurred? Hillary Clinton perjured herself. She denied she had mishandled classified documents violating Title 18 798f Knowingly and Willfully Mismandling Classified Materials Title 18 793f Mishandling Classified Documents through Gross Negligence and Title 18 1942 Unauthorized Removel and Rentention of Classified Material.
These emails show that classified information was sent through the account. In a December 21, 2009 email, Hillary Clinton’s top national security and foreign policy staffer Jake Sullivan forwarded an email to Clinton’s unsecured email account containing classified information heavily redacted. Mr. Sullivan joining Huma Abedin committing very serious federal crimes by sharing classified documents on a non-government; unsecured personal server. “This information is specifically authorized by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.” How convenient, probably an executive order ordered by the former President to protect his Queen. Clinton forwarded the email, concerning the climate change accord, from her unsecured email account to Abedin’s unsecured email account with the message, “Pls print.” On December 24, 2009, Hillary Clinton sent an unsecured email from to then-Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson (another new name added to the List of Corruption). The classified email, asking Carson to “Pls review the memcon of my call w [French] FM Kouchener [Redacted].”
The new Abedin emails also reveal four instances in which Clinton’s then- scheduler Lona Valmoro (a new name added to the List of Corruption) forwarded the former secretary of state’s detailed daily schedule to top Clinton Foundation officials. In each case, those who received the schedules included Bill Clinton’s personal scheduler and Foundation aide Terry Krinvic and Justin Cooper (two new names added to the List of Corruption) a then-aide to President Clinton who helped manage Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email system and Clinton Foundation director Doug Band.”
The Abedin emails contain information sent from Clinton’s unsecured account in which she reminds an aide that she is to have a talk with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on “cybersecurity” and a reference to a “HRC Support Network”. Well, this is new information an “HRC Support Network” probably a part of the 650,000 emails with more details. But something suspicious tells me Hillary is still using her account among the other several she had and used. This woman who tried to claim that she didn’t violate serious federal laws was functioning at a very high corrupted level. Most of us would have been challenged to keep up with her daily pay-4-play deal making which was her priority.
“On January 17, 2010, five days after the massive Haitian earthquake, former Bill Clinton aide Justin Cooper (a new name added to the List of Corruption) emails Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan to ask if they can do a conference call to discuss Haiti. Clinton Foundation officials Laura Graham (a new name added to the List of Corruption)and Doug Band are also provided the call-in information for the conference call. Author Peter Schweizer would later describe in his book “Clinton Cash” how the Obama administration, during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, allowed hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer-funded reconstruction contracts for Haiti to flow through the Clinton Foundation.”
“According to minutes of a January 27, 2010, senior State Department staff meeting, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents uncovered “at least a couple pedophiles” attempting to adopt children in Haiti following the earthquake. The State Department was reportedly working with the Haitian government to expedite adoptions and removal to the United States of Haitian orphans.” Well, this story is a bit more complicated in article Child Trafficking and Pedophile Rings in the US; a worldwide epidemic.
All these newly uncovered emails demonstrates the pattern of Hillary’s criminal behavior involving her daily pay-4-play deal making on an unsecured personal server mixed with what was supposed to be her real job as Secretary of State. The unsecured personal server gave her the advantage to perform her “Secretary of State” duties and her criminal violations mishandling classified materials on one unsecured no firewall protected server. So now you know how Hillary crafted one of her criminal scandals among many. Do tell. On numerous occasions, the system administrators had to shut down the server detecting a breach of security involving bad actors/hackers. The FBI and especially Brennan at the CIA knew that the unsecured personal server was being hacked by bad actors. It was reported to them and they didn’t follow up. If they had, it would have opened a can of worms exposed to the news and the public which would have foiled Hillary’s pay-for-play crime spree and even more than Hillary Obama didn’t want this happen. But as it turned out eventually all this would be exposed to the public.
Former FBI Director James Comey on July 5, 2016 confirmed there were several bad actors who had breached her server. The FBI knew Hillary’s unsecured email server was being hacked it was reported to them on numerous times and they didn’t follow up. If they had it would have opened a can of worms exposed to the news and the public which would have foiled Hillary’s pay-4-play crime and neither Hillary or Obama wanted this to happen.
Let’s call attention to the fact that Congress has been making a lot of noise. The FBI Director was testifying earlier this week to Congress. Let’s highlight the fact that Congress can take the steps that it’s refusing to take, to hold Mrs. Clinton to be accountable on this email scandal. I think this is something important to remember. Mrs. Clinton testified to Congress she turned over all of her government emails. We know that to be false and Congress what did it do; it referred that question whether she committed perjury to the Department of Justice for a criminal investigation. Well, who are they fooling, they know what’s going to happen at the Obama Justice Department. They already know where the FBI Director comes down on that. Why isn’t there a contempt citation pending against Mrs. Clinton; now? Why does Congress have to wait for the Department of Justice to do something. If they think she is in contempt of Congress, the way they treated her testimony being incorrect or false and the fact that emails were destroyed after Congress subpoenaed them. Why isn’t Congress holding Mrs. Clinton in contempt? The answer is somewhat obvious, they have an election and they don’t want accountability in the true sense of the word to get in their way of their quest for retaining Congress and I’m talking about the Republican leadership.
Congress can also impeach Mrs. Clinton and they don’t have to wait for her to be President to impeach her. Congress retains the ability to impeach a federal officer for conduct whether that officer is still in office or not. So they can impeach Mrs. Clinton for misconduct as Secretary of State right now. Tell that to a Republican member of Congress and the general response you get is stunned silence; but it’s true. The sanction would be, this is the way it works in the House is, you impeach the official in the House and that’s kind of an indictment and let’s move to the Senate for a trial. And the result of the Senate trial if there’s a conviction, one of the sanctions could be ineligibility for future public office. The next time you hear Congress complain about the FBI and Department of Justice and the cover up and the wired investigation that resulted in no criminal charges in the Clinton email matter. Congress has independent tools available to it under the Constitution to prosecute the Clinton Scandal and they are tools Congress is refusing to use and Congress needs to be held accountable for that. But the fact is Mrs. Clinton can be impeached for her misconduct as Secretary of State.