Inspector General Michael Horowitz proved his case to AG Jeff Sessions and President Trump. The Horowitz investigation with the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility’s recommendation to Attorney General Jeff Sessions was to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe had asked not to be fired, not to lose his pension from the FBI after 20 years working for the federal government but he was complicit in leaking information to mainstream media and directly involved in the sham investigation of Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private email servers running a global financial criminal syndicate with former President Obama along with US adversaries especially in the Middle East. Uranium One being one of those pay for play deals.
McCabe was incensed and he threatened to bring down everyone in the FBI tied to the deep state like Obama and Hillary. It was clear on Twitter, American voters did not want to pay his retirement after all the deep state corruption involved in this epic historical criminal scandal. Is McCabe ready for an impaneled federal grand jury prosecution to plea bargain with McCabe to extract valuable testimony against Hillary, Obama and his administration involved in these massive scandals? McCabe tweeting his picture with the list of scandals is threatening his co-conspirators and also protecting his life and his families from harm from the deep state.
In recent news, Inspector General investigators and real estate records confirm Fired Deputy Director of FBI Andrew McCabe and his wife were long-time neighbors and family friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, NY where the Former President and Secretary of State still live. McCabe was heavily involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation violating law CFR 28, a huge conflict of interest.
Trump calls fired McCabe ‘choirboy’, suggests FBI corruption ‘at the highest levels’ |
Source: Fox News |
“After an extensive and fair investigation and according to Department of Justice procedure, the Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provided its report on allegations of misconduct by Andrew McCabe to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR),” Sessions also said. |
Most Americans including the Deep State, Democrats and Republicans alike, are waiting for Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report but the report is practically useless and futile. So those who know the truth, want the truth. Those who are protecting Hillary, Obama and his corrupted administration don’t want the truth to be exposed. It is with a heavy conscience that I suspect Inspector General Michael Horowitz is most likely compromised because he was appointed by Barack Obama.
The Deep State, Obama, Hillary and those at the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling and maybe even threatening (like Rod Rosenstein who threatened the House Intelligence Committee that he would subpoena all their emails and phone records) and at the very least, pressuring IG Horowitz to water down his report which took longer than expected. So the outcome will be similar to what former fired FBI Director James Comey did for Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. That was a complete sham and not an official investigation was completed.
The Inspector General has practically no power to talk to any of the people involved in the web of Obama and Hillary’s criminal enterprise; convenient isn’t it, for those corrupted officials enriching their pockets at taxpayers expense. IG Horowitz has no subpoena power or authority to interview anybody outside of the Department of Justice and FBI. He can’t even interview the FBI and DOJ employees and those people that have already left the Obama and Hillary scandals in pay-for-play deals, machinations, shenanigans, cover-ups and sometimes even deadly deeds.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz intentionally softpeddled and whitewashed this incomplete and serious investigation report. The investigation of Hillary’s email scandal that was given to former FBI Director James Comey to investigate professionally and thoroughly but there were all kinds of obstructions of justice including writing an exoneration letter two months before Comey announced his recommendation to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch not to press any charges against Hillary Clinton.
After all, Hillary Clinton was a Presidential Democratic candidate running a shark attack campaign; don’t get in her way, no matter who you are.
There was one young man working for the DNC as a Data Analyst. I imagine he had all sorts of system administrator and database privileges. Handy, when you’re working with terabytes of information. He had left a bar after spending time with friends and was gunned down in the early morning hours on July 10, 2016 in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.; as of now the shooting is still under investigation by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. FBI reported weapons stolen two miles from the murder, a couple hours before the DNC employee was shot. Police indicated it was a botched robbery in a relatively safe neighborhood. Forensic ballistics and other evidence like a missing laptop still remain a secret and these possessions may be at the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department or the FBI headquarters.”
Lets look closely at fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s list. On that list is the name Alpha Jalloh. “A Journalist George Webb said that fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe let Nigerian Alpha Jalloh out of prison, despite a history of serious crimes he was released after being arrested with twenty other people for carjacking. After only a few months, twenty-seven year old Alpha Jalloh was coerced into being an FBI operative. Webb also linked Alpha Jalloh to the infamous Pakastani Awan brothers and to the death of the young DNC Data Analyst.” A conspiracy, pure speculation or possibly the truth.
Inspector General Horowitz report exposed the most telling, damaging and verifying Former Secretary of State and the Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton was and is involved in child sex crimes after a further investigation in the 650,000 emails found on former Congressman Wiener’s laptop. There is the evidence to indict, convict and prosecute. I ask why hasn’t anyone in Congress asked about those emails? NYPD and NY FBI found those emails and supposedly made a copy of those 650,000 emails.