Image of the Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010
Wall Street Financial Analyst Charles Ortel on the Clinton Foundation
A bombshell analysis by Mr. Charles Ortel, a well respected Financial Analyst from Wall Street, has exposed some of the largest corporations in the United States for financial discrepancies and violations against professional audits; responsible for exposing General Electric, AIG and now the Clinton Foundation relating to cash flow discrepancies; but it’s worse than that. The Clintons disobeyed laws like the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law; setting up a scheme like the Clinton Foundation acting as a charity foundation years ago.
It is important to note that Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian at the border on January 29, 2010, less than three weeks after the January 10th earthquake, attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby’s arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November, 2016 was either ignored by mainstream media and/or attacked by Clinton controlled publications and her closest gatekeepers. Anyone associated with the Clintons knows their MO and is questionable regarding their own moral compass.
Charles Ortel, is a well respected Financial Analyst from Wall Street. He has painstakingly done a considerable amount of work going through the financial records of the Clinton Foundation. He shares with us all the explicit details that lead to the Clintons deep infiltrated deceit stealing from the poorest and helpless at
“The Clinton Foundation since it’s inception on October 23, 1997 has tendered into the public domain documents that purport to be audits, but they are not audits and they are not compliant with the tough regulations that exist in states like California, New York and around the world. When you start pulling beneath the surface and looking at the actual financial statements and start cross checking them, these financial statements can readily be cross checked and there shouldn’t be discrepancies. They can be cross checked for the foundation alone or they can be cross checked for their disclosures against the disclosures of the charities that say they gave amounts to the Clinton Foundations.”
“For the last 15 months, I have been doing that type of painstaking work and the discrepancies and the numbers that we see run to many hundreds of millions of dollars. The starting place for the Clinton Foundation, for the people that don’t know better, is to look at the Clinton Foundation website. There they put up financial reports that go back to 1998. But audits that start in 2004. So in the beginning there is a lot of missing information. The versions that the Clintons put up on their website are very different. They are materially different from the versions you can find by looking in the states where they have operated inside the United States and outside of the United States on online databases that are freely accessible.”
“The second thing you can cross check are press releases issued by the Clinton Foundation and others at the time that this major donations and grants were made.”
“The third thing you can check, which I’ve checked, are after action audit reports, the big governments that give money away have had trouble, for example the government of Norway, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and the UK. Each of these organizations and multi-lateral organizations will do special reports on the progress in a country and they contain extensive reports that don’t fit. But the biggest place to start is with the largest donor and the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation is a name very few people know it is called the Unitaid. Out of the 2 billion in declared contributions which may or may not and most likely are not the total of money sent to the Clinton Foundation, out of that 2 billion, 600 million came from one organization based in Switzerland.”
“There are a lack of independent audits which the Clintons fudged. The principal law that this violates is the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law. This is a charity that while we are on this broadcast is raising money over the internet. It may be using the phones to do it or it may be using the mails. It’s doing this broadly to the public, so when you engage in that type of behavior all your filings have to be true and accurate. There are special laws that apply to charities and charities may not engage in any illegal activity, so all these forms have to be accurate. They are not accurate and they are raising money and worse, they are engaged in disaster relief. After the various disaster relief 9/11, Katrina, and the frauds that happened, Americans and others are very generous people, we see a disaster, money flows toward the charity. After disasters were exposed starting in 2001, the federal government tightened the sentencing guidelines, the FBI did, for disaster relief charity funds. These people are engaged in disaster relief charity fraud, so the penalties for that and mind you, it’s not like Peter Peter Schweizer book, you don’t have to prove quid pro quo.”
“On my site and if you Google me and the Clinton Foundation, I’ve already written extensively about core elements of the fraud. What I’m doing in these 40 reports is going chronologically starting from the first moments when this thing operated October 23, 1997. I’m going to take people on a painstakingly detailed journey through the chronology of this charity, so you see what I see. All of this is in the public domain. I’m mindful of the fact that many Americans, even detailed oriented people don’t have the patience to go through hundreds and hundreds of pages of tables and charts and footnotes and links and things like that, that’s why I chopped into 40 more easily digestible bites. The first exhibit I’m going to begin when Bill was still President of the United States when he still effectively controlled the executive branch and show you the early years and where the frauds actually started because this thing which was supposed to be and said it was going to be library immediately in my view as a political fund raising machine to pay off Bill and Hillary’s legal bills and also to set Hillary up in her Senate seat.”
“I would say that the last time Hillary ran for President in 2007-2008, one example of a very egregious episode where over a 100 million dollars was diverted from the Clinton Foundation in that period, from monies of this Geneva based organization that was sent towards the Clinton Foundation in that period, on it’s books which are publicly available, on Unitaid pubic books. It clearly shows that they sent about a 100 million dollars more towards the Clinton Foundation than the Clinton Foundation claims it received. In that period, major Democratic party figures were on the board and they didn’t do their work. Another thing that might shock people Bill Clinton himself though he has talked endlessly about this being his foundation was not a named trustee or executive of any part of the foundation until December 31, 2009 and not a trustee of the main one until sometime in 2013. Nevertheless, in September 2007, he published a book called “Giving” in which he brags about all of his work quoting his Foundation extensively yet he doesn’t point out to the public that he earned more than 6 million dollars writing that book about charity and pocketed 5 million dollar for himself. That is something that absolutely had to be disclosed in the books and is twice as big and an affront to those of us who really care about charities as well what was in the Wall Street Journal as of last week.”