There are many people on YouTube who have tried to break the silence of the children who have no voice regarding these horrible crimes done to them.
Where is this child Alefantis?
This is James Alefantis on his Instagram account JimmyComet. Alefantis as JimmyComet said, “That little boy loved the farm.” James Alefantis is a single homosexual pedophile, why would he be pictured with so many toddlers (children) on his private Instagram account? Again, this kind of talk referring to a farm. What farm? The farm in Lovettsvile, Virginia? The Whitmore Farm, in Fredicksburg, Maryland. There is also a sense of sadness that shows on the small child’s face. I know, the question in our minds, has this child been violated? IzetteFolger, who on Instagram said, “How adorable!!”, is a very close friend to James Alefantis and also a very popular Washington socialite.
It’s eerie, creepy to show an empty room all made of concrete on social media and have this kind of conversation and act as if all this was normal. A concrete room to trap, to hide and commit a horrible crime. This isn’t funny or normal but very disturbing. It’s the kind of evil a serial killer might find perfectly normal and funny. If this is not investigated, then we continue to let child rapists and a potential serial killer harm these children. Where are all these children? Where is Ruby, Emerson and Maeve? Are they alive? Are they kept somewhere? It is very difficult and worrisome through this investigation to wrap your mind around young innocent children who are being tortured and raped in an underground concrete room somewhere. Why would James Alefantis aka Jimmycomet advertise these kinds of horrendous crimes so openly on social media. This is the conversation that takes place to the left of this picture:
jimmycomet Oh yeah this looks fun
mochef103 But it’s huge!!!
gordyspicklejar mama big!
werkinonmahnight cheese #killroom
nilaylawson Just rinse it off when you’re done.
jimmycomet #murder
llewhinkes Drunk tank
sayhoeta #wwdjd
brynafrayda Just a pile of money under a sheet
jimmycomet @sayhoeta good question
victorialynnreis Where the werewolves lock themselves up during the full moon?
Nora and her father, Michael Maccoby, run the family business; The Maccoby Group. Michael Maccoby is also a contributing author to The Washington Post, and even co-publishes articles with Max. The Washington Post hired John Podesta as well and may work with the CIA compromising the credibility of the Washington Post. With this, you understand why the Washington Post is vehemently defending Hillary’s Criminal Enterprise and will not air the deep seated corruption tied to the Clintons, Podesta, Aflefantis and Obama.
Max Maccoby inherited his position at Friends of the Orphans from his father, Michael, who was close friends with the founder, Fr. Bill Wasson, for over forty years. Wasson also founded Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH), and it should be noted here that Friends of the Orphans is now known as NPH USA. Max Maccoby, Director of Friends of the Orphans, also represented James Alefantis and David Brock in their $850,000 blackmail case. Media Matters boss paid former partner $850,000 in blackmail settlement.
James Alefantis is very good friends with the senior Michael Maccoby. Max Maccoby, sat on the Board of Directors for the Haitian orphanage, Friends of Orphans.
Here is a very young child, maybe 2-3 years old, taped to a table. Why tape an innocent child to a table? Instagram account Jennlamotruk said, “new seating area procedure for your youngest guests Hilar.” Who is HILAR? People involved is this grotesque criminal behavior are psychopaths. There’s no other way to describe them. They are completely out of their mind committing these crimes.
Watch the little girls eyes, knowing, wanting to protect this baby who might be her little brother.
If we ask ourselves why would James Alefantis be posing and kissing a picture of Obama. Showing his great appreciation and thanks to then President Obama involved in the same crimes as pedophiles. Alefantis who’s cherished friends are Tony and John Podesta. Where John Podesta, Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign held/hosted many fund raising parties at Comet Ping Pong for Hillary and Obama.
- 1Public life
- 2Relationship to #Pizzagate
- 2.1Connection to John Podesta
- 2.2Connection to Hillary Clinton
- 2.3Connection to David Brock of Media Matters
- 2.4Connection to Tony Podesta
- 2.5Connection to Max Maccoby and convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby
- 2.6Connection to Interim D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham
- 2.7Connection to Susan Alefantis and convicted pedophile, Chris Kloman
- 2.8Connection to Barney Frank
- 2.9Connection to Judge Anita Josey-Herring and Edgar Maddison Welch
- 3Personal assets
- 3.1Comet Ping Pong
3.1.1Edgar Maddison Welch’s attack on Comet Ping Pong - 3.2DuPont Underground tunnels
- 3.3Buck’s Fishing & Camping
- 3.4Pegasus Museum
- 3.5Transformer D.C.
- 3.6Strand on Volta
- 3.1Comet Ping Pong
James Alefantis and Tony Podesta
Why would James Alefantis aka Jimmycomet advertise these kinds of horrendous crimes so openly on social media. Because he thinks he will continue to be protected by those who stand to lose their freedom and the lifestyle they have become accustomed to. All this information is part of the deep seated corruption to hide these horrific crimes. This is the behemoth elephant in the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, Congress, State Department and many law enforcement departments through out Washington, D.C., the Whitmore Farm, Fredicksburg, Maryland and Lovettsville, Virginia.
Someone pointed out that #carisjames refers to drugging children. The Caris and the James. A child’s name Caris and a pedophile’s name James.
Where are these children? Purposely exploited by this child rapist? This isn’t funny and it’s not a game!
It’s astonishing that with all the James Alefantis aka jimmycomet pictures on Instagram, law enforcement authorities in the D.C. area and the FBI haven’t looked into all this evidence and brought charges. It is not normal for a grown man in his 50’s to post so many pictures of children and infants and talk in a language only known to them, who are participating and supporting this kind of psychological disturbing pattern of horrendous behavior and crimes committed on young innocent children.
Barack Obama
James Alefantis
John Podesta
Tony Podesta
Hillary and Bill Clinton
These are the worst among criminals and are the “key players” in this very disturbing online investigation known as “Pizzagate”. There are many that have given their heart and soul to investigate the child trafficking and massive pedophile ring in the United States. No one committing these crimes should be free to continue to drug, harm, torture and rape innocent children.
A former employee claims that Mr. Alefantis drugged and sexually assaulted him. But the Children! have no voice.
James owns several businesses that he publicly boasts about except one; that he strangely never mentions.
The Pegasus Museum is located in the Columbia Heights neighborhood in Washington D.C. According to public record, it is owned by Castellum Achilles LLC, which was registered to James Alefantis in June of 2014. The museum building was purchased approximately one month later; July, 2014. Three days after the purchase date, Alefantis added a listing on Google Maps for Pegasus Museum. At a later date, he gave it a five star rating, the single review on the listing.
Apparently, the Pegasus Museum is a well known secret in the deep corrupted ring of pedophiles. Alefantis, has never mentioned it on social media, despite having owned it for three and half years.
Researchers discovered the listing on Google Maps during their initial investigation into Alefantis, and he immediately deleted his review and the entire Google Maps listing itself.
Alefantis Threatens a Pizzagate Researcher!
A Pizzagate researcher named Ryan O’Neal released a video delving into Pegasus Museum and was subsequently threatened by James Alefantis to the extent that O’Neal deleted the video, shut down his website, and backed away from the investigation entirely. Alefantis threatened the life of his mother, girlfriend, and son. Alefantis, reportedly told Ryan that he could keep up every one of his other videos, but needed to immediately remove the one regarding to the Pegasus Museum.
Researchers have been scouring public records and submitting their findings to internet forums like Voat, Steemit and Reddit. Many have speculated that there is some sort of a “kill room” or “holding center” for trafficking children. Others think that it is a shell business to hide illegal transactions; then again, those things are not mutually exclusive.
Most of the evidence surrounding Pizzagate has been written off by the public and jokes made in extremely poor taste. Alefantis, doesn’t seem hesitant to boast about his family friendly restaurant with paintings like this on the wall:
Serial killers keep tokens of the horrible crimes they commit. These pedophiles keep handkerchiefs as a token they refer to as the “map” that collects the blood and semen. In this painting, you can see five adults standing among the three little children while one pedophile is raping one child. Do you know how sick and disgusting this is? These people in these pedophile rings are psychopaths who belong in prison. These handkerchiefs appear in multiple paintings in Kim Nobles art; DISTURBING! The handkerchiefs are put under the child to collect blood/semen as a token or “map”.
Alefantis never mentions his museum like the way he openly demonstrated his demonic nature on Instagram aka JimmyComet. Why did he openly threaten people, who are trying to save innocent children when Pegasus Museum was questioned and investigated by law abiding citizens who deeply care?
All this time, Alefantis was voted as one of the most influential people in Washington, DC.