Asked repeatedly for over a year, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will still not appoint a Special Counsel to impanel a federal grand jury to indict Obama and Hillary for their serious unconstitutional crimes.
Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were only too quick to appoint Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the made up Trump Russia collusion though the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence reported there is no evidence of collusion between Trump & Russia.
The corruption in our national security and law enforcement agencies must be addressed. These agencies, the FBI and DOJ, are now pursuing selfish agendas that actually endanger what remains of American democracy and our national security. We are now witnessing an evolutionary process in which the national security and the law enforcement agencies are exercising their power independently without having to answer to anyone. Very disturbing and dangerous. Not one of these political or government officials should be free to commit more crimes. It is critical, otherwise, we stand to lose an entire nation that has given Americans our independence, freedom and liberty to continue to protect and make this nation stronger. Former President Obama and his administration should be tried for their treasonous acts. Now, more than ever, in these times of extreme conflict and opposition, the polarization is only weakening our great nation.
Former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp said, “Hillary Clinton Is Running A Global Financial Criminal Syndicate and Barack Obama is in on it.” Whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ boils down to one thing: a global financial crime spree.
Shipp believes that this entire scandal, which will likely end up being the biggest in American history, could result in a Constitutional crisis. In an interview with USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter, Shipp contends, “There could be a Constitutional crisis in that we could see Congressmen, Senators, former Directors of the FBI, and the CIA perp walked after they receive charges. Could you imagine if senior DOJ officials were arrested, some Congressmen and Senators were arrested and other government officials were arrested on charges and walked out of office? That’s the Constitutional crisis I am talking about. Those kinds of high-level arrests would shake up this nation. It would be huge, and that’s why it has taken so long and been so methodical in investigating this.”
“Hillary Clinton was using these secret servers to conduct her Clinton financial money laundering business. The shocking thing about that is all the former directors of the CIA that have come out to support her, from Clapper to Brennan to Morell, even Robert Gates supporting her being elected, knew about this criminal syndicate. Comey was protecting it. Lynch was protecting it. Weissmann was protecting it. Mueller is still protecting it. And that is the big why. What has she got on these people? Are there financial ties? They had to be aware of this, especially the counter-intelligence units. We know it was hacked into by foreign intelligence services because it was just hanging out there. Hillary Clinton was running a secret server outside the Department of State for the purposes of laundering money through the criminal Clinton Foundation.” Read More
Still, Hillary and Obama evading indictment and prosecution present the most danger to us as Americans and the US because they have already demonstrated they have no limits or boundaries and will NOT follow the Constitution, federal, state, international laws and foreign policy sanctions.
Members of Congress like Rep Jim Jordan of Ohio and Rep Matt Gaitz of Florida have personally sent a letter asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel for Hillary Clinton. Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley has also written a letter to Jeff Sessions asking him to appoint a special counsel to investigate Uranium One and the Trump Dossier.
Representative Jim Jordan said, ”If the Dossier became the basis, if they turned an Oppo (Opposition Research) national enquirer type report into an intelligence document, took that through a FISA court in front of a federal judge and persuaded him that was real intelligence that became the basis for spying on people associated with the Trump campaign. That is not supposed to happen in this country. It is not supposed to work that way.”
Top House Republicans Trey Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte are formally calling for a second Special Counsel to probe FISA surveillance abuses. The Inspector General Michael Horowitz to whom this investigation has been given, has no subpoena power or authority to interview anybody outside of the Department of Justice and FBI. He can’t even interview the FBI and DOJ employees and those people that have already left. He cannot interview Clapper, Brennan and Yates. Bottom line, you have to have a federal grand jury. We have a grand jury and special counsel in Russiagate where there has been no crime committed and here with FISA violations where there have been huge numbers of crimes committed by people in various departments. Part of this investigation is to restore public faith in a fair legal system.
On March 15, 2018, Senator Lindsey Gram and Chairman Chuck Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee have asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a Special Counsel to work with Inspector General Michael Horowitz…and we wait.
On November 14, 2017, during the House Judiciary Committee Hearing, Representative Matt Gaetz asked Jeff Sessions pertaining to the Uranium One scandal and Hillary’s crimes, “Do you have the authority, responsibility to appoint a special counsel to investigate this matter?” Sessions took a long pause and looked dazed.
Jeff Sessions replied, “I don’t believe I should be talking about evaluating cases here today.
Initially, Sessions was asked 3 months ago to address this matter and he replied today, “I am now considering it.” As of March 16, 2018, after being asked repeatedly, Sessions is still playing dumb and dumber and has not appointed a Special Counsel to professionally investigate Hillary’s email scandal, Obama’s Uranium One scandal and the illegally obtained FISA warrant scandal and many more scandals. Read More
I can assure you, no one left that hearing feeling confident Jeff Sessions would do his job and appoint a special counsel.
“Conservative Republicans on the committee pressed Sessions on whether he will appoint a second special counsel to investigate actions taken by former FBI director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch related to the closure of the email investigation that dogged Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The FBI investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State but never charged her with any crime.”
“In a letter to Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., on Monday, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd said Sessions has directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate Republican members’ requests for a special counsel.”
“These senior prosecutors will report directly to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, as appropriate, and will make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel,” Boyd wrote.
“Sessions repeated the gist of that statement Tuesday and added that he could not confirm or deny that any investigations have been opened into Obama administration activities or actions by Clinton.”
“He said that any decisions about possible investigations would be made “without regard to politics, ideology, or biases.””
The corruption is so unabashedly uncomfortable that as American citizens we often feel helpless. On social media platforms, Americans are incensed that this double standard continues to protect the corrupted. At the same time, it exposes those in dark corners protecting this criminal enterprise. The machinations, schemes, promises and favors were all a part of the pay for play premeditated crimes that went against our Constitutional laws. All the corrupted involved didn’t pause, bat an eye or take a deep breath to corrupt!
Until recently, some of us continued to remain on pins and needles and then came the breaking news verified by two Republican Senators Lindsay Graham and Chuck Grassley. The former fired FBI Director James Comey had written Hillary Clinton’s exoneration letter in April before he addressed the country on July 5, 2016.
The FBI’s handling of Hillary’s “investigation” turned into a complete sham. There were no search warrants issued to search both of Hillary Clinton’s homes, no Miranda Rights and no polygraph test. Hillary Clinton would have never wiped away all the documentation and sequence of events that took place in her pay for play schemes hoping she could still run for President. Guaranteed this information is in someone’s home, maybe on a thumb drive or an old computer in the attic.
With the FBI stonewalling this investigation no search warrants were issued. This is a practical step to take when conducting a “REAL” investigation and not a sham. If Attorney General Jeff Sessions doesn’t prosecute Hillary Clinton, who broke the most serious laws in our country, that’s a double standard and encourages others to follow in her same criminal pattern of behavior. The charade of Robert Mueller’s investigation as Special Counsel is still undermining President Trump and this country; with the exception that we now know the truth. And everyday we ask, “Why hasn’t Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed a Special Counsel for Obama and Hillary’s scandals?”
As citizens of the United States, a good majority of us are becoming very agitated, impatient and hopeless with the Department of Justice and FBI who have not started the proceedings to indict Hillary Clinton. So called experts, probably in the alt left deep state say, that it won’t be easy to start a new investigation. It won’t be hard with good documentation covering all the significant details at and . The Department of Justice, FBI, and State Department have to start upholding the law. They are supposed to be enforcers of the law. Very serious crimes were committed against the Constitution, Title 18 793f the Espionage Act and the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law.
The country will not heal until this historical epic criminal case is re-opened, investigated thoroughly and professionally brought to justice. There should never be a two-tiered law enforcement system for rich criminals versus the normal law abiding citizens of the United States. That’s the bottom line.
If the system’s working Obama and Hillary still face legal jeopardy. The Justice Department under Obama protected Hillary. Is Jeff Sessions going to continue to protect them?
Is It Time To Fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions?
Video: Could a probe of Hillary’s email server be reopened? < Click here.